Smoking Ban - 2 months on - your views

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Joker Jen

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VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
lol its hit these 2 guys hard to...


would have to be tnt for them 2 ;)



New member
Feb 19, 2005
Liverpool Laaaaa
Reading this thread has made me want to start smoking :LOL:

Chill out people, it's only the internet :wave:
Don't you have enough addictive vices:ghost: :D

The smoking ban in clubs sucks tinsel dick:D

I don't mind it in restaurants or pubs where you are sitting chatting but going out to clubs is a totally different kettle of cats:|

In actually used to do my head in when I was out having a meal..but in clubs where (a lot of)people take drugs, get pissed and dance...going to stand in an entry to have a bifter is dead shit.:(

In Mentazam on Sun, I was just starting to rush my tits off loving the beasty tunes, then would have to go outside for a cig..its just shit, lol. The tunes were boss and I did try and hold out as long as I could but when your pissed/twizzled you do need a bifter if you are a smoker.

I do want to quit one day, when I'm ready so I'm sure this ban will help me..but until then I'm going to campaign for the government to allow smoking indoors when your pupils are dilated and/or your jaw is detached from your face:mexican:
There was a bouncer on the door letting us lepers out to an entry to smoke in groups, reminded me of my smackhead days(yesterday):moonie:


Active member
Mar 10, 2006
The posh bit of Liverpool
Good point there :thumbsup:

If only 26% of the UK adult population smoke and that lowers as a result of the ban (they have upped the legal age for buying ciggies to 18 now) then the gov will put the tax on other things to cover the downfall in ciggy sales - booze will be the obvious choice I'd imagine.

None smoking drunks will be ranting loads if that happens :LOL:

Correct, already talk about it mate, cigerette tax gross is massive, loss of that you have to shift it onto another mass distributable source, was talking to my dad about it the other night, and it wont be down to the bars and clubs, its going to be put on the barrel.


New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
although i cant comment on the clubbin as due to my tribe of children i rarely have time for that stuff, it was absolute bliss to come home from a wedding 'do' on Sat night NOT stinking of fags and even more blissful was my little uns not smelling of it..... i for one think its wonderful and cant wait for the day that the government ban smoking in cars that have kids as passengers in too. :D


Active member
Sep 9, 2002
Was Manchestoh, Now Yorkshire
Havent been to a club since the ban but I bet its well weird:crazy:

Pubs are miles better now, I dont mind popping outside for a tab. My local has just had a revamp, outside sheltered area for 80 people plus plasma telly to watch the football

Ive tried to give up the evil weed twice in the last 18 months and after doing well for a time just slipped back into it:(

Danny C

New member
May 19, 2004
A difficult one this - Woody's question is mainly based on experiences at Scubar which has certainly suffered more than most due to the smoking ban mainly due to the way its designed.....its a tiny place to start with - has only one exit / entry point etc, certainly made me think if its worth hiring it for future nights?
Saying that, recentley its not been as busy as in past nights which makes it look all the worse.
I was at One Central st the other week for Funkademia - it was hammered and you couldn't really notice if people were outside - the problem with scubar is thats its been made too easy to have a cig - benches outside - no jip from bouncers. Perhaps if clubs made the smoking zones less appealling people might not feel inclined to sit outside for half an hour?

(I smoke by the way)


New member
Sep 6, 2003
(I smoke by the way)

Really? I never had you down as a smoker. Odd how you form mental pics of people huh.

This is why i never ever watch a film done offof a book i love- the characters are never like the ones you form in your bonse.


VIP Silver Member
Jan 22, 2006
St Helens
for the better

As a non smoker im totally in favour of the ban,not going to go into detail why cause its obvious,but i agreee with jammer,y cant peeps just sacrafice there cigs just for a wee while when out clubbin.Or even just wear a strong nicotine patch,,thats what our kid does when hes out clubbin and pubbin saves him nippin out :)


New member
Sep 6, 2003
As a non smoker im totally in favour of the ban,not going to go into detail why cause its obvious,but i agreee with jammer,y cant peeps just sacrafice there cigs just for a wee while when out clubbin.Or even just wear a strong nicotine patch,,thats what our kid does when hes out clubbin and pubbin saves him nippin out :)

I suppose its a association/psych thang. Peeps link being out in that enviro with smoking end of. My friend can't cope being in a pub and not smoking, to her they are like bread and butter, Mr T and gewd, Shooms and rent boys- they just match y'know.

Lol i went out with her on the night before the ban, and i actually smoked just because it seemed such a bizarre night- the last time i ever would get the chance to so i just went for it:condom:

although i cant comment on the clubbin as due to my tribe of children i rarely have time for that stuff, it was absolute bliss to come home from a wedding 'do' on Sat night NOT stinking of fags and even more blissful was my little uns not smelling of it..... i for one think its wonderful and cant wait for the day that the government ban smoking in cars that have kids as passengers in too. :D

Hear hear.....
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New member
Sep 18, 2007
Biggest problem we have in this country is we go into other countries & remove so called dictatorships, well Im sorry but that is what we have here in the UK just not as extreme as elsewhere in the world.

First we are told we cant smack our kids, now they just run round either stabbing or shooting each other cos they have no respect for anyone.

You get a camera every five yards raking in money, accident prevention my arse, Ive seen more accidents outside my house in the past 18 years than in at least 5 other locations near me that have cameras.

You cant smoke in a pub or club cos we the labour party dont like it even if it would make more sense to have 70/30 split on non smoking & smoking pubs/clubs so that people have a CHOICE.

Then they want to stop smoking in cars now cos its dangerous smoking whilst driving, do me a favour they should start removing the foreign lorry drivers, dithering old dears & arsholes from the middle lane before they start inflicting more barmy restraints on us in this country!

Wont be long before we have to use a swipe card to go out the front door!

Personally I think it was a bad idea, I stopped but then started when I thoguht who the hell are thosclowns to tell me what I can & cant do at 30 years old.

We dont have many good clubs in Leeds anymore Back to Basics went, Gallery went only shit holes like Oceana where all the scroats, stag & hen parties & mucky tarts go for a good rattle.. went in the other week (on a stag do) & they should have changed the names to 'The BO Room' & 'The Shit Stench Room' or 'Puke Pit' cos they were the flavours on offer, bring back the early 90's when we werent run by incompetent fools & the clubs were wicked!!!

Eeek rant over :D

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
Biggest problem we have in this country is we go into other countries & remove so called dictatorships, well Im sorry but that is what we have here in the UK just not as extreme as elsewhere in the world.

First we are told we cant smack our kids, now they just run round either stabbing or shooting each other cos they have no respect for anyone.

You get a camera every five yards raking in money, accident prevention my arse, Ive seen more accidents outside my house in the past 18 years than in at least 5 other locations near me that have cameras.

You cant smoke in a pub or club cos we the labour party dont like it even if it would make more sense to have 70/30 split on non smoking & smoking pubs/clubs so that people have a CHOICE.

Then they want to stop smoking in cars now cos its dangerous smoking whilst driving, do me a favour they should start removing the foreign lorry drivers, dithering old dears & arsholes from the middle lane before they start inflicting more barmy restraints on us in this country!

Wont be long before we have to use a swipe card to go out the front door!

Personally I think it was a bad idea, I stopped but then started when I thoguht who the hell are thosclowns to tell me what I can & cant do at 30 years old.

We dont have many good clubs in Leeds anymore Back to Basics went, Gallery went only shit holes like Oceana where all the scroats, stag & hen parties & mucky tarts go for a good rattle.. went in the other week (on a stag do) & they should have changed the names to 'The BO Room' & 'The Shit Stench Room' or 'Puke Pit' cos they were the flavours on offer, bring back the early 90's when we werent run by incompetent fools & the clubs were wicked!!!

Eeek rant over :D

Guys - Clarkson has finally blown his cover on here!

To be honest I think several of his love Children are members.;)

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
Guys - Clarkson has finally blown his cover on here!

To be honest I think several of his love Children are members.;)

I thought his post was spot on.... :)

Did I say I disagreed Shoomie??

I actually considered adding the line "that said, I agree with you mate".

I thought his post was full of very good points about the nanny state also.

Awww look. . .we are all agreeing with each other. . . how nice!;)