MISSING / Compulsion & Vibealite @ Boddingtons, Mcr 20/10/06

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Aug 19, 2002
grimmy it was me that was on after welly,i think you must have had a pill too many,

I don't take drugs mate. Obviously, you ain't gonna slate the night being involved in it. And like I said, I heard the first bit of your set and didn't like it. I'm not one for slagging dj's and don't mean to cause offence. I did stroll back into that room when out of control was on and stayed for the remainder of your set and I enjoyed it. Just first few tracks I didn't like (from what I could hear being a tinny collection of hi hats and very slight rumble of bass.) But obviously, that ain't your fault.

dj old skooler

New member
Jan 19, 2004
no grimmy,i was part of it and i did see many points your saying,but listen to what missing has said fella.
i was there when the levels were been checked,i warmed the main rooms system up,it sounded very loud but full of ppl and unable to turn the music up obv drounds it to fook,out of the promoters hands,same as in the old skool room.if it was upto any of the djs and promoters do you not think it would have been pumped up to the max!!! i know id have done it.
closing times again where thrown on chris with not much notice at all and it wasnt fair,they had to swap djs times around to get what they could on,then the dodgems ect again were down to health and safety who informed them in very short notice they wouldnt be happening.
i did see police walking about inside the venue and the bar prices did piss me off also,but like life@bowlers,missing didnt set the bar prices and dont gain anything from that anyways.the prices where bang out of order,theyd make just as much money on £1 a bottle and buy double in bulk from makro!!!

ive not taken any offence at all bout my set m8,i was asked to play approx 3 hrs b4 the event on casino pulling out with my collection 40 miles away and records id only intended to warm a system up with on me(12 infact) i was happy with what i did.


New member
Jun 11, 2004
hate to stick my two pence worth in as i never attended either due to bloody goodyear n there tyres n fact one blew out on me on way there but fact is a prison IS a residential property (they dont get to walk out the gates at 5pm lololol) and as everyone who has attended a club event or promoted one will know, venue bosses can be twats n also they get extremely greedy n knowing they dont have to carry the can for fook ups tend to do wotever they please wether or not they have promised u anything (same happened at dna for id summer shindig closing it early on us) see as club laws used to b till 2am ppl tended to drink in accordance n by 1.30ish most ppl r ready for home so stop spending over the bar n a venue owner/manager will see this as not good business if he is having to pay staff still but not taking anything so i would say 9/10 will close the place

as i say this is just my view i wernt there and i just felt like trying my soap box out for size :$ :$ :$ :$
i just think blame should b shared around a bit not just at toes of one part of the team

ok done now, thanx for reading n if ur gonna put me in my place for writing this plz do it nicely :)

well if you use your head and and are a promoter who knows the propper way of putting an event on, u have a contract drawn up before the event with the owners and also the artists, this kind of bull shit wont happen trust me.. i would not accept the things that went wrong, NO WAY.
In a nutshell, the owners had the upper hand, no contract = they can do what the hell they like.
Lesson their for u missing..
if i was the promoter, id be not paying the ridiculous fee they were asking, glad i wasnt involved now, sounds a sham

sorry to butt in btw


New member
Dec 2, 2004

I went to the event with a crowd of 40 clubbers from across the North West, and I am not on my own in saying we were VERY dissapointed :(

But after reading serveral forums, I am also VERY dissapointed with 'Missing's response, forums are there so customers can share their views about a night, without being slated or called a 'drugy' just because they dont hold the same view as the promoters :mad:

I understand that some things were out of their control, but surely they can not blame us for being dissapointed.

I understand that the volume had to be turned down, but even so, there was not sufficient speakers in the right places to start with.

We had solely gone to Missing for the oldskool warehouse, yet in comparison to the other warehouse, it didnt seem that much effort had been made.

I can see that a lot of hard work obviously went into this night, and I cant say that I didnt enjoy it at all, but I dont feel that i got my £17 worth, its all very well and good having top named DJ's but if you cant hear what they are playing what's the point?

If they knew from the start about the noise reduction, could the promoters not have put a sign explaining the situation, rather than leaving the punters confused and annoyed (especially in the case of shutting early and DJ slots moving, because obiously we couldnt hear at the back)

I dont see anyone who was there on Friday, attending the venue again, for that sole reason, and I'd feel wary of attending another event,to be honest.

I understand that it was out of the promoters control, but what about the punters? We need to know that if we are to pay money out for a night, we'll get what we paid for. But it seems only the venue management,the promoters & the DJ's get paid, and we the punters are left out of pocket.

I hope there is another Vibalite, Comulsion, Goodtimes event, but held at better venue, even if it isnt in a warehouse - with better soundsystem etc - the decent thing to do, would be to offer those dissapointed punters a discount on thier tickets.


New member
Sep 17, 2004
Random place
well... you are all entitled to your own opinion, obviously, as i am entitled to mine.. and i had a WICKED night. Yep the sound wasnt as good as it could have been but there are reasons for this and it could not be helped. Woud you all rather it had been closed down completely???? I think the whole event was really good and what can be done about unforeseen circumstances? And there ARE residential areas around the brewery. I was disappointed with the sound, but at the end of the day nothing could be done about that or the fairground ride. Lol - as for the bar prices, i dont see whats wrong with £5 for two vodka & lemonades??? I loved it, rozalla was fookin ace, as was welly and ben fisher. Stu Allen rocked as well, altho things were getting hazy by then. Now i didnt go in the hardcore room cos its just aint my scene, but i for one cannot complain at paying £12.50 to see the likes of Welly, Rozalla, Stu Allen & Liquid.

Well done MISSING, and i wouldnt hesitate to go to another event organised by you guys (as long as its not hardcore lol) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
there is posts from people who didnt attend the event when the reviews section is meant for people to review the night they had be it good or bad

LOL i might be one of them doh :$ But i was thinking of going and have been getting mails about there nights for ages now. I was just dissapointed to hear about the failures they had.

Also not being argumentative here but surely if someone posted (im music chat) about this night in either a positive or negative view it would attract people to write thier reviews of the nights there as well which will just get confusing :confused:


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
LOL i might be one of them doh :$ But i was thinking of going and have been getting mails about there nights for ages now. I was just dissapointed to hear about the failures they had.

Also not being argumentative here but surely if someone posted (im music chat) about this night in either a positive or negative view it would attract people to write thier reviews of the nights there as well which will just get confusing :confused:

club chat is for club chat bro n reviews is for reviews of the night for heads that went there. from past experience if we let anyone reply to reviews and not just people who went to the night then u end up with every man n his dog jumpin on board and havin a snipe when they didnt actually go ya see.


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
club chat is for club chat bro n reviews is for reviews of the night for heads that went there. from past experience if we let anyone reply to reviews and not just people who went to the night then u end up with every man n his dog jumpin on board and havin a snipe when they didnt actually go ya see.

Ah like other promoters lol :D I see now. Ok i understand i am sorry :$

Dont punish me too hard especially not that paddle bat i couldn sit down for weeks after last time :cry:


New member
May 18, 2005
We will not be using the warehouse project again because quite frankly we feel we were very badly let down by the management of the venue. They promised a lot of things they didn't deliver. We trusted them to deliver on their promises and they let us down, and more importantly they let all of you down. You have a right to expect better from a MISSING event and you deserve better. We are considering legal action against the warehouse project because the venue was not fit for purpose (not sufficiently soundproofed to play loud music).

Although the warehouse management made what we feel was a ludicrous decision, without our knowledge to close the gates at 1am, preventing around 50 genuine ticket holders getting in, they have refused to refund those people. We will be giving a refund from our own pockets despite having no responsibility for the problem because we feel our customers deserve better.

If you think you were let down by the warehouse project management please complain to:

The Warehouse Project
Tel: 0161 835 3518
email: sam@thewarehouseproject.com
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Firstly, we would like to thank all the ravers for coming and making this a truly amazing event!

we properly rocked the place!

Like on flyers...people chat alot of shit. The place wasn't rocking...the crowd was as uniterested (generally) as Ive seen a crowd at any rave (Ive been all over the country...and it wasn't like the old compulsion nights either). It seemed a bit empty too...I cant imagine there was 3000+ Ravers???? The tickets were sold out apparently, but we got some on credit card on the day. (£20!!!!)

The reason that the event was a let down was this.........

* Sound issues: The sound systems had to be turned down because environmental health were on the premises monitoring noise levels throughout the night due to complaints received from local residents during events there last weekend. They insisted on the soundsystems being turned right down towards the end of the night.

* Finish time: We were informed at around 1am by venue management that the authorities had asked for the event to be shut down at 2am on health and safety grounds. After some frantic negotiation we were able to get this increased to 4am but no further. Hixxy drove like mad to make the earlier set time and we hoped to get sy (who was due to play last) on with him for a back to back, but he wasn't able to get to the venue in time. DJs who arrived but were not able to play due to the night being shortened were still fully paid - we didn't have time to cancel people. In particular we are very sorry to those people who were hoping to see sy.

I did have a good night, but that was the excellent company. The rave was average as I could have seen it. The lazers were small, there was barely any decoration...not what you expect from a hardcore rave in 2006.

This isn't all Missing's fault...the venue (Warehouse proj people) THE CUNTS WHO LIVE IN CITY CENTERS...IT'S GONNA BE FUCKING NOISY YOU TWATS...IT'S MANCHESTER CITY CENTRE! The bar prices.

I just hate hype onflyers...only to be let down...

But thankx to Lou, Antz, Ben and Hikky B for a top one anyways!!!!!!!:love: :love: :love: :fekked: ("I'm not taking any pills!"...."Oh, just one....":rolleyes: )

Dj Ben Fisher

New member
Jul 15, 2001
Well this has caused a little stir aint it . . lolol . . . ( ill have my little say ) seen i was there , unlike some that comment eh :) and also this event btw had nothing to do with myself or Goodtimes really before anyone says, just Goodtimes had a few djs there representing us for the bowlers sound . . .so im commenting on it as a clubber and not a promoter ;)

Tbh i can see ppl points on why they would be unhappy with certain things , but from what i know from knowing the ppl that were running the night , which wasnt just missing , there was nothing that really could be done on the promoters side of things to prevent these certain things happening on the night .. . ie the closing time ,the sound , funfair ride etc etc . . . . which to be fair missing did put statements up about this all the day after the event to try explain things for ppl ,( and they have also said there refunding the ppl that couldnt get into the venue after 1am and had bought tickets ) so what else could they do really ??? , yeah it was a bit shit that all this happened , yeah the sound was quiet in the old skool room ( more than the other room i found , but i didnt really spend much time in there as i was there for the old skool ) , but hey the night is what ya make of it imo once ya get there and find it all out , just as many ppl did that i saw and spoke to thro out the night . .

I also cant complain about the drinks prices either cos err i didnt go there to get pissed , like many ppl there i saw , cos if you were there to get pissed ya were there for the wrong reasons ;) ( and to be fair the prices werent that much dif from a few city center clubs ive been to in the past in dif towns ) . . .

I to be honest had prolly the BEST night ive ever had in about 4/5 years for a few reasons , I saw and met ppl who i hadnt seen since the LIFE days and had a good old boogie with them , did much catching up and chatted much shit like the old days ( also had very good company with us thro out the night 2 ( ya know who ya are :) also caught up with a lot of the Back2bowlers massive :) :) ) , got to listen to some phat sets from some class djs , ( even tho they were quiet , but i was stood at the very front when i werent on the stage and tbh i found it loud enough for me , lol , for the first time ive not come out of a club with my ears ringing from an over loud sound system ) , and the atmosphere WAS rocking and ill disagree with anyone that says any diff , as i have video evidence that shows this from the stage . . lol at one point the old skool room was ram packed from front to back , side to side . . :)

( and may i add grimmy who said oldskooler played any cheese you is really talking utter rubbish to put it plain fella ) . . lol his set was class , and he pulled some absolute bowlers classics out from start to finish and not a cheesey tune in sight ( i was stood next to him all his set , so i saw it all ) , and it went in well with the other styles being played thro out the night ( and it was supposed to be a bowlers reunion room so the tunes were aimed towards that era ( and there wasnt a pianoman remix type tune played all night in fact . . lol ) , did you ever go to LIFE btw ?? ), which were all very diff from one another . . . . . and spec as he was asked to play at the last minute too , so i deffo thought a job well done mate

BUT highlight of it all was ROZALLA who i would gladly pay £12.50 and more just to see sing LIVE again as she was absolutly AWESOME ( and the sound was pumped up for her more then anyone else 2 for some reason . . she has one hell of a voice , she totally blew me away for her full set , as i was standing right in front of the stage for her set dancing away , and the crowd loved EVERY minute of it ( i even managed to grab a sly kiss off her as she left , lol )

I left the night around 3.15am anyway as i was pretty shattered and wanted to go chill ( and the rest lol ) so the early finish didnt really bother me in the slightest , it seemed a lot of ppl left around the 3am mark anyway . . all in all i had a WIKED night and cant complain at all really with the outcome for me , and it will defo be a night ill remember for a long long time . . :)

and overall the feedback from the event was more postive then negative from what ive read across the boards and various forums ive been on ( mostly hardcore ones mind one ) and also ppl ive spoke to after the event , but as always theres gonna be ppl that aint pleased for some reason or other aint there i guess ,

and also for someone to say the promoters ripped ppl off with the whole thing is a bit unfair too imo , ive been to a lot worse events ( and smaller ones ) and paid £10 + and had some awfull nights in the past , were djs aint turned up etc etc who i been to see , i personally think it was still worth the money imo , as i said before it was what you made of it while you were there . . :) :)

few pics below of the night both rooms . . ( i also have a few more i will post shortly that really speak for there selfs ( and also show the pyrotecs which ppl said didnt happen btw . . . . )



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blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
Although the warehouse management made a ludicrous decision without our knowledge to close the gates at 1am, preventing around 50 genuine ticket holders getting in, they have now refused to refund those people. We will be giving a refund from our own pockets despite having no responsibility for the problem because we feel our customers deserve better.

:thumbsup: That's what I like to see.

Maybe a discount off future events for the people that did attend and felt let down?

Hope you sort out a more suitable venue for the next one(s) :)


Active member
VIP Silver Member
Nov 11, 2001
Can I just say summat? -

It isn't to do with the thread or owt so feel free to move this post to the right place but i'd just like to mention the fact that i dreampt the other night that I shagged Rozalla haha it was mint! :cops: :D


Aug 19, 2002
( and may i add grimmy who said oldskooler played any cheese you is really talking utter rubbish to put it plain fella ) . . lol his set was class , and he pulled some absolute bowlers classics out from start to finish and not a cheesey tune in sight ( i was stood next to him all his set , so i saw it all ) , and it went in well with the other styles being played thro out the night ( and it was supposed to be a bowlers reunion room so the tunes were aimed towards that era ( and there wasnt a pianoman remix type tune played all night in fact . . lol ) , did you ever go to LIFE btw ?? ), which were all very diff from one another . . . . . and spec as he was asked to play at the last minute too , so i deffo thought a job well done mate

I've already said I wasn't slagging oldskooler and like I said, I couldn't make out the music cos it was so low. I just remember hearing a rolling, euro-style bassline and tinny high hats with piano's. I couldn't even make out the track (it obviously wasn't what I mentioned) and left the room to check out the hardcore room. Harsh comments I admit but I certainly wasn't meaning to offend the lad and I certainly don't think he needs defending considering I wasn't having a go at him. The contrast between Welly's last 2 tracks of Prodigy and Shades of Rhythm was evident to my ears. And maybe the fact I thought it was Casino on furthered my opinion/thoughts.

And btw Ben, I don't know which event u thought u was attending but it certainly wasn't a Life at Bowlers reunion. It used the Compulsion event brand to which I did attend every week for 2 years at Bowlers. And this event wasn't a patch on Bowlers. It also certainly wasn't the hardcore event of 2006. Hixxy's HTID event and the Slammin Vinyl events piss on that and I'll bet the Southerner DJ's/MC's there had a quiet chuckle to themselves when they saw it too.

If anyone is considering going to a Missing event in the future, I'd make sure I checked out the independent opinons posted on this thread of those who weren't involved in the events as DJ's/promoters or asslickers.

Thats the last I'm saying on the matter.