Summer Madness

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New member
Feb 13, 2007
Disco Outcast
You think you've seen it all but...

I was on a job near Oldham today and I pull up at the traffic lights waiting to join the slip road to the M62. At the side of me is a white Ford Transit.
Sometimes you can just sense something is happening so I look to my right and there's 3 lads sat in the front of the van. Two are arguing whilst the third looks on. This then develops in to a full on fist-fight between the driver and one of the others whilst the lad in the middle tries to break it up. :| There's punches and legs flying everywhere (no mean feat in the front of a tranny) and at one point the driver has the other lad in a stranglehold out of the window whilst the other is trying to restrain him. The lights change and the driver then drives off whilst the other lad hits back with a volley of punches causing the van to swerve towards the outside lane. Good job there wasn't anyone overtaking...

I had to move on to the slip road and the van went off towards Rochdale.
I'd love to know if they made it in one piece.
It must be the weather. :| :S


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Blimey... the driver's the last person you're going to fight in a vehicle:crazy: :eek:

Hopefully they didn't kill anyone on their journey:|


New member
Feb 13, 2007
Disco Outcast
yeah, the blighters will probably strike you on the noggin with their 6-inch stilletto ;) :he she: :p :D

I wondered who'd take the bait with the edit facility. First Prize T.C. :D

...And as for following them, In days gone by, maybe, but this time I was quite happy to carry on home and leave them to it!