some young uns need to stay in on fridays

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very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
as the title says , some young uns these days need to stay in or stay of the beer and sniff.

i went out last night for the first time in 10 months , sat with hubs and the family [ nice quite night with my loved ones ]

all was going well, sat in the local just enjoying myself like you do , having a giggle with the family , anyway i was in need of cig so i proceeded outside in a world of my own .....

Some crazy biatch who had one lager to many decided i was her fight for the night . she stormed over screaming that i was giving her fella the eye [ she was about 19 , im 32] So i politley told her i dont want any trouble i just want to have my cig in piece , she only took her shoes off and fooking flew at me :mad:

well needless to say she got a shock as i wooped her ass then her fella decided to come and have a bash at me [ wtf , i only wanted a fookin cig ] well give him a gob full told him to get lost and now i have a black eye :cry: [evie keeps touching it to :cry: ]

is it me or are young uns just off theyre heads , has anything like this happened to anyone on here or is it just poor me ..:S


Active member
Mar 10, 2006
The posh bit of Liverpool
Im disgusted!

the guy hit you?!? wtf is going on now, respect totaly gone out of the window. I had to spark a lad a few months back cos he was smacking his mrs about outside of a club i was working at, cops came i told them what was going on and the crazy cow said that he hadnt hit her, so i end up getting a caution. Luckily the cop knew me from the bar and knew the score with them.

However, they are out of control to some extent, i totaly agree, and you shoot yourself in the foot for helping them, toaly nuts.

Hope your eye is better tho, littles bastards should be blacklisted from local bars!



Active member
May 29, 2007
as the title says , some young uns these days need to stay in or stay of the beer and sniff.

i went out last night for the first time in 10 months , sat with hubs and the family [ nice quite night with my loved ones ]

all was going well, sat in the local just enjoying myself like you do , having a giggle with the family , anyway i was in need of cig so i proceeded outside in a world of my own .....

Some crazy biatch who had one lager to many decided i was her fight for the night . she stormed over screaming that i was giving her fella the eye [ she was about 19 , im 32] So i politley told her i dont want any trouble i just want to have my cig in piece , she only took her shoes off and fooking flew at me :mad:

well needless to say she got a shock as i wooped her ass then her fella decided to come and have a bash at me [ wtf , i only wanted a fookin cig ] well give him a gob full told him to get lost and now i have a black eye :cry: [evie keeps touching it to :cry: ]

is it me or are young uns just off theyre heads , has anything like this happened to anyone on here or is it just poor me ..:S

I feel for you VP. Theres lots of idiots out there these days. I blame the coke myself. Seems everybodys on it. Making people ultra paranoid and dead aggressive and the worse thing is they cant see it themselves. Fair play to you giving the crazy bitch a slap :thumbsup:


New member
Feb 13, 2007
Disco Outcast
This sort of thing is happening all too often these days. :(

It's like the loved up times at the turn of the nineties never happened and really depressing that you can't go seem to go out at all without looking over your shoulder! :cry:

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
apparently she is always starting and has never had her ticket , im pretty annoyed as i very rarely go out , i dont think i will either in the near future .

more peeved at the boy who whacked me. [ the fooking tw*t] . my fella lost it a gave him a kicking too . just cant believe that now days people cant go out and just have a nice night.

[ think ill stick to osa do's from now on at least i know im safe:cry: ]

And yes i blame the drugs , as kids just cant handle them like us old uns :crazy:
(dee dee here) only time ive had any real trouble was when some meat heads powered thier way into the taxi rank office we were in the back cause we were freinds with the owner and they burst in demanding their taxi before anyone else, armando and his mate ended up brawling with em and one of em gave me a smack in the jaw too!! all 5 foot 2 of me!! was quite funny though after! cant stand meat heads though!


VIP Silver Member
Jan 22, 2006
St Helens
most of em suck

as the title says , some young uns these days need to stay in or stay of the beer and sniff.

i went out last night for the first time in 10 months , sat with hubs and the family [ nice quite night with my loved ones ]

all was going well, sat in the local just enjoying myself like you do , having a giggle with the family , anyway i was in need of cig so i proceeded outside in a world of my own .....

Some crazy biatch who had one lager to many decided i was her fight for the night . she stormed over screaming that i was giving her fella the eye [ she was about 19 , im 32] So i politley told her i dont want any trouble i just want to have my cig in piece , she only took her shoes off and fooking flew at me :mad:

well needless to say she got a shock as i wooped her ass then her fella decided to come and have a bash at me [ wtf , i only wanted a fookin cig ] well give him a gob full told him to get lost and now i have a black eye :cry: [evie keeps touching it to :cry: ]

is it me or are young uns just off theyre heads , has anything like this happened to anyone on here or is it just poor me ..:S

Life in the millenium eh,so typical of youth nowadays,fighting,vanity,disrespect all sounds so familiar of life of the yob culture.Its not just the hoodie lads that r pricks it seems that the female of the species can be just as bad,obviously there is a root cause to her actions,maybe her fella knocks off behind her back,maybe she was abused when she was young,maybe she has had no stable life in and out of homes or maybe she is a bully that needs a good slap,which by your thread she got :thumbsup: .I have a teenage son that is @ a age were his body is changing,his hormones are haywire and his balls are dropping,but for him to do what your thread is about would be so shameful,i hope he would never do it...he better not n e way :naughty: we should send em all over to iraq to get rid of their anger maybe that would sort em out

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
its a real sad state when us oldies cant go out with family to relax without getting into a brawl though isnt it , its a good job i can look after me self or id have been bitch meat :S

my fella wants to go in the pub and kill him , but like i said to him your just as bad if you do [ then i look in the mirror :cry: , my eye is huge , and bruised]

well im not going out no more , im going to be a hermit and watch crap films from now on .... :(

im still fumin though :mad: :mad: :mad: the little fragile is lucky i didnt do her damage , and to top it all of id only had 1/2 pint and 3 puffs of my cig [ how sad is that :eek: ]..


New member
Apr 24, 2006
where ever i lay my hat ( straw one )
as the title says , some young uns these days need to stay in or stay of the beer and sniff.

i went out last night for the first time in 10 months , sat with hubs and the family [ nice quite night with my loved ones ]

all was going well, sat in the local just enjoying myself like you do , having a giggle with the family , anyway i was in need of cig so i proceeded outside in a world of my own .....

Some crazy biatch who had one lager to many decided i was her fight for the night . she stormed over screaming that i was giving her fella the eye [ she was about 19 , im 32] So i politley told her i dont want any trouble i just want to have my cig in piece , she only took her shoes off and fooking flew at me :mad:

well needless to say she got a shock as i wooped her ass then her fella decided to come and have a bash at me [ wtf , i only wanted a fookin cig ] well give him a gob full told him to get lost and now i have a black eye :cry: [evie keeps touching it to :cry: ]

is it me or are young uns just off theyre heads , has anything like this happened to anyone on here or is it just poor me ..:S

sorry to hear that VP . hope you feel better soon , dont think its just you unfortunatly :( the thing i dont trust either is these youngs uns that start trouble rarely fight with fists , wouldnt think twice about breaking a glass in some poor bastids face .

northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
oh thats bloody awful babe
and the bloke hit you too? wot a total nob end :mad:

get some arnica down yr neck for the bruising and a cold compress, a few cups of tea and some deep breaths and go kick fek out of a punch bag if that will make u feel better!

and Dont let it put u off going out, hopefully its just a one off, dont the idiots spoil your social life

i got smacked in the head by a bloke a while back whilst on an osa night! i just got caught in a brawl, it wasnt meant for me, but i was in the way, god i was seeing stars, felt terrible, and the worse thing is, the guy wasnt even sorry one bit
so u see, trouble can happen anywhere at anytime
just dont let it ruin your night or future nites
coz then the tw*ts have really won hey

chin up babe :thumbsup:
just take a look at your lovely little an
that will soon put a smile on ya face:D:love::thumbsup:


New member
Jan 20, 2005
Dodge City
Sorry to hear that's happened - the pissed up bastards.

I find it a lot shadier going out than it was say ten years ago. Even in local pubs I know well there seems to be an undercurrent of potential kick-off that never used to be there. I think people in general, not just out drinking, seem more likely to get annoyed at insignificant things nowadays. Maybe just a sign of the times :S

As for blokes hitting women - I hate seeing that :naughty:
Worse though is trying to get involved as the lass quite often starts sticking up for her boyfriend/husband/whatever. I was coming out of a bowling place years ago (ten-pin not crown green ;) ) and this lad was braying ten bells out of his lass. When me and a mate tried breaking it up, all hell broke loose and she started trying to fight us along with the guy.
I ended up with stitches in my head after being whacked with a spirit-level :fekked: .


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Sorry to hear about you getting attacked VP:(

I take it the landlord hasn't banned the 2 responsible then:S


Active member
May 29, 2007
Sorry to hear that's happened - the pissed up bastards.

I find it a lot shadier going out than it was say ten years ago. Even in local pubs I know well there seems to be an undercurrent of potential kick-off that never used to be there. I think people in general, not just out drinking, seem more likely to get annoyed at insignificant things nowadays. Maybe just a sign of the times :S

As for blokes hitting women - I hate seeing that :naughty:
Worse though is trying to get involved as the lass quite often starts sticking up for her boyfriend/husband/whatever. I was coming out of a bowling place years ago (ten-pin not crown green ;) ) and this lad was braying ten bells out of his lass. When me and a mate tried breaking it up, all hell broke loose and she started trying to fight us along with the guy.
I ended up with stitches in my head after being whacked with a spirit-level :fekked: .

WTF was the guy doing with a spirit level at a bowling alley??:king:


New member
Nov 6, 2006
I know the score - I had some jumped up 16/17year (8 stone wet thro) throw at bottle at me for no reason then leg it. I'm 31, 6'5 n around 17stone - I personally think it was some kind of dare - didnt help me sat in A&E tho. Always the chav types too (in my exp)


Jun 4, 2006
needless to say, this is why we dont go out much now...

a feel for you... and that little tart and her fella need a good kicking!

what happened to repspect for each other..... *shakes head*

were lucky where we are, there are some really lovely country style pubs that dont attract the "young" croud... but town centre... no thanks, id rather go the dentist....

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Cant beleive you got whacked off a bloke what a complete and utter big girl!!!! if he dont want his mrs getting a beating then he should keep her under control!! ya cant expect to go out shooting yer gob off and not expect a bangin!!! id have fucking flipped - ive been knocked clean out by an ex of mine its not bloody clever and it aint hard!!! hope your fella made a right mess of him hun!!!! and i hope your ok !!! makes me so damn cross this sort of behaiviour!!! :mad:

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
ive hear since the girl always kicks when shes out , she thinks shes ten men [ the scroat]

still bit sore but ill live i suppose , im just fuming the boy had to get involved as it was his biatch that started [ ooh i wooped her butt , im quite proud ,as most of the time im a shivering shit:$ .]

just shows that you cant go out and have a nice night without some tw*t spoiling it .....:mad: :mad: :mad: