petrol wtf

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New member
Jul 18, 2001
i see everyone has started panic buying. great.

I've been on empty for days now waiting to spot a 'quiet' station. really needed to fill up today so went to asda but it was all closed off. decided to do a bit of shopping, was only about 20 mins, came out and it was chaos..they'd opened the pumps in that time and the queues were just madness, dunno how word got around so fast. I really needed to fill up so had no choice, speaking to the cashier she was laughing as there doesn't really seem a need for it..but if you're running low i'd fill up now as all this panic buying will lead to a few empty stations i reckon.. :fekked:


Jan 21, 2005
Butty's pub :D
I know what ya mean. Took me 45 minutes to get petrol on me dinner today and it's only 5 minutes away :mad:

Like you, I had no choice either cos I was on the light.


New member
Aug 1, 2003
Vickles said:
I know what ya mean. Took me 45 minutes to get petrol on me dinner today and it's only 5 minutes away :mad:

Like you, I had no choice either cos I was on the light.

Same here ya know me nearly always drive with the light on :$ and due to me getting a new car I didnt really want to start filling the car up and then handing over the car with a tank full of petrol :(

But now I had to put some in due to everyone going mad and me not being able to drive the car at all otherwise cos it would be out of petrol !! :eek:


New member
Aug 1, 2003
rob t said:
Its mayhem down in brighton... my sister had to que for an hour and a half before :crazy:

OMG :eek:

Thats terrible aint it .. I qued for about 20 minutes and that was this morning and it was quiet then cos most people were in work.

The lucky ones who are those that dont have cars and dont have to worry about all this :thumbsup:


New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
i went to 3 stations late last night two had ran out and one was chokka, waited till just now and it wasnt too bad at morrisons only had too wait 5 mins! i should really not leave it until the light is on..........!!


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
its madness at the station across from our office,

the petty station is on a corner and the queues were nearly causing accidents for oncoming traffic, the police got involved and still they wouldnt move coz they said they had to wait over an hour to get even close to the station!!


New member
VIP Silver Member
This really fuckin' winds me up to be honest. The so-called fuel protest movement is a few tens of people who just want to get some attention for themselves and have nothing positive to say about anything. Most of them get red diesel anyway

My understanding is that the government is taking less now than when they stopped the protests last time, so why start again? Also, and this is the question they won't answer, what would they like to be taxed instead?

So for them to have their childish tantrum thousands of people's lives are disrupted. Ignorant twunts.
thing is tho there wouldnt be any need t panick really if people didnt panick, cause then the stations are empty.

i dnt have a car so this doesnt affect me, butthe station i saw nr here had a massive queue at it for most of yesterday! :(

and queues are the devils work!! without a doubt! queued for 3 hours in a bloody cash machine at the leeds festival!! i hate them :mad:


New member
Nov 6, 2002
Daft as fook if ya ask me :crazy:

Apparently last night all the petty stations had massive q's cos everone was flappin' , not being a flapper I just thought I'd nip in when I see a quietish one, went past tesco before an there was only 2 people q'in...nipped in, took 5 mins an I was offmans.

A lot of people are just like daft sheep following everyone else and take everything they see in the media as gospel.

If it was on the news last night that eating dog shit was good for ya teeth a lot of people would have smelly breath this morning.


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
I filled up as usual last friday and i've just about enough juice to get me to Bury and back home tomorrow. I've been waiting for the hysteria to die down before getting my petrol, but if I can't get any tomorrow, then it means I can't work because i've got to take my tools with me wherever i'm at.

I can't really be arsed waiting for an hour, or even 10 minutes at the petrol station, but at the moment I can't really afford to take a day or 2 off work, because my car has just cost me nearly a grand to get back onto the road :cry:


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
ruffers said:
This really fuckin' winds me up to be honest. The so-called fuel protest movement is a few tens of people who just want to get some attention for themselves and have nothing positive to say about anything. Most of them get red diesel anyway

My understanding is that the government is taking less now than when they stopped the protests last time, so why start again? Also, and this is the question they won't answer, what would they like to be taxed instead?

So for them to have their childish tantrum thousands of people's lives are disrupted. Ignorant twunts.

Errrm, I will have to disagree there, lol. (no suprise - sirius in argument shocker lol).

The entire tax system in this country is absolutley ridiculous, and its about time they just wiped the board clean and got back to basics. Theres a tax for everything, and road tax etc and petrol tax which was initially to aid the building and upkeep of roads on this island doesnt even touch what its purpose is for, and its so complicated, stealth taxes at every turn, and dont you even get taxed on your tax? I think you do. :fekked: The road quality in this country now is a f'cking disgrace.

Anyway, The country is fucked up, because through lapses in common sense in the thatcher era especially, a lapse which didnt get any rectification through subsequent government, means that the country is now even more dependant on cars and lorries at its infrastructure. The railways were fobbed off, the right mechanisms were not put in place for an efficient goods transportation mechanism and now the roads are chock of people making a living driving scones from Aberdeen to London, and London wagons carting bog rolls from essex to inverness and everywhere inbetween. Its higglety piggelty madness. From people who used to find work in factories and offices in thier own towns, the industries have all fucked off and service jobs (giving us a false economy) have replaced them and its now rare that anyone now works where they actually live. Times about 50 million motorists neededing to get to and fro criss crossing each other, and hikes in the cost to do that and people are bound to complain, especially when driving is your job and livelyhood.

Throw into the mix foriegn transporters, and here is where the problems start for haulage companies and drivers. When, for example, Polish drivers are filling thier whole HGV tanks with diesel for under half what we pay, drive all the way over from another country, do the jobs here (undercutting us) and refuel back home en route to picking up the next shipments, whilst also being on much cheaper wages, the haulage people here cannot compete in what is allegedly supposed to be an EVEN playing field in the EU. When we joined (and what the fucking bane of my life thats turned out to be in other ways :rolleyes: ) this exact thing (amongst others) wasnt supposed to happen.

Now, I dont necessarily side with the hauliers but I see the problems caused when a country thats so fucked in regards to organisation of simple goods transport infrastructure and people movement, and can appreciate that stuff like this is tough for them in those industries dependant on transport and therefore jobs could be lost in whats already a cut throat market. Then the costs of all produce go up on the highstreet to cover the unbelievably inefficient nature of the entire transport industry.

I dont have sympathy though because I think its all done wrong anyway, and there shouldnt be all this transportation in HGV's etc. Poeple need to pay the money somehow for funding society, but dont get me started on where one shitload of money could be saved every year :eek:, cos Im sure you will know the answer!!!. The absurdity of uncapped demographics ladies and gentlemen.

Over half the money is on Tax to the government, foriegn countries producing it seem to be banging up prices left right and center (admittedly on a very low scale I think), but as it goes down the line people are using every excuse to just hike it a little more and in the meantime people like BP and Shell etc make profits of over £8.7 BILLION in ONE YEAR. Okay, they are in it for the money, but £8.7bn per year profits and rising? :naughty: , at the exploit of poorer countries and at the pisstake of richer ones.

Gordon Brown is loosing the plot. The stance shouldnt be on demanding more fuel production gloabally etc, it should be the exact opposite and sorting out LESS depandancy on oil altogether, then they can let those backward insular religious shitholes where it happens to pour from alone to rot in thier own filth and stifled progress and we can sever ties on the dependancy on them and the nightmare it poses and leave them to thier own devices and maybe even an enlightenment. He should also put money into serious development and implimentation of alternatives that can be made to make us more self sufficient here, such as Fuel Cells and recycled waste oil, oil seeds to replenish farming industries etc. But they wont to that, because oil is big business and the world structure relies on it to stay pretty stable, its geared around it.

Anyway, probably a load of boolax all that, but hey thats the ramblings of a mad man for ya :mad: .

People are mad, people are 'sheeple' in this country. People cant bide to miss out or feel that they are being done out, so they que and cause more strife mass buying it like its the end of the frigging world and they need it incase by some miracle they alone survive, lol. Talk about suckers being sucked in to things, christ. People cause their own shortages, lol. If people would have just carried on as normal, rid out the storm, it wouldnt be such a drama. Theres not even a shortage anyway, people are paniking over a shortage that doesnt even exist. Its just prices going up, no reason to fill your tank to the brim along with as many containers you can cram in your boot :fekked: . lol.

As far as I know, there wont even be any blockades of pumps like last time!!, its all spin and speculation by the media seeking that juicy story and prompting themselves a spin off story of 'panic' buying on the rest of it. The media industry cant help but fuel its own sad perverted existance. lol. All I heard was going to happen was a few go slows on motorways and such like to cause disruption and make a stance. :axe:


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New member
Nov 6, 2002
sirius said:
The entire tax system in this country is absolutley ridiculous


Biggest fuckin' fiddle ever :mad:

Some people (not me admitadly!) work all their lives, payin tax on their wages, on the way to that job, they use their car, tax again, put petrol in, tax again, have a ciggie, tax again.

If they manage to save some of the money that hasn't already been robbed off em, the savings get taxed.

Eventually all this working for fuck all kills em, an what little is left over for their kids from a lifetimes graft....gets taxed :mad:

Dear me.


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Its a fucking scandle isnt it. :mad: .

Its becoming a sort of game, suss out what they can whip a tax on next. You already have death tax by the way of inheritance tax.....maybe air tax. Those who live in the edges of town must pay more air tax?

Just think how easy it could be, instead of about 10001 seperate ones, hidden and not hidden, taxes on your already taxed tax, lol, there could be about 5. But then the whole accountancy industry (or whatever) would probably collapse cos people wont be able to charge 70+ quid an hour or whatever, and the paper industry will collapse cos we wont need to cut down a forrest the size of scotland every year (note: maybe an exaggeration lol) to make paperwork to cope with all the taxes, and then service jobs will be lost cos we wont need advisors and all these people whos jobs comprise of trying to get people through lifes unnecessary minefield. lol.

The whole lot from taxes to benefits etc are just too out of control, and without wanting to divert the topic, its like the revelations of the London Bombers using upto SIX or more aliases to amass over £500,000 in benefits. The mind just boggles at how many more there are doing the same :fekked:,,22989-1723196,00.html

Anyway, those links/idea's on biodeisel and fuell cells I find increasingly intresting. My mate who is a Vegan is converting his car to run off waste oil and greener energy, as in doing the conversion himself, others have the other bottled whatsits in thier boots LPG isnt it or something.

At this rate, it might be worth starting to look whats gonna be available. I cant see prices coming back down, just like taxes never go down, so a point will come when I get my car I will need to convert it, and in the future get one of these hydrogen cars if the prices come down lol.

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Active member
Jul 9, 2002
Totally agree, it's much more a pain in the arse for the haulage companies than it is for the average car driver. A couple of pence on a litre doesn't really make THAT big a difference when you're only putting £30 / £50 in tour tank.

But imagine having to fill a wagon with 500 litres of diesel every few days, when it might only be getting about 10 miles to the gallon, and you're Mr. Eddie Stobart with about 800 wagons.... :| :eek: