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New member
Jul 27, 2007
would it bother you if a couple invited you over for dinner and then spent the rest of the evening lying on top each other on the couch, laughing, giggling, kissing and whispering to each other when you were the only other person present?!?!

this happens to me on a regular basis with my mate and her fella.. whilst i'm glad she's happy.. I find the whispering and giggling a bit rude if they're not going to involve you in the joke and to be honest it's putting me off going round there..

should I speak up...? don't want it to affect our friendship.. :confused:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
lol, I read that title and thought it would be something about computers or technology :crazy: :axe: lol

thats bad manners Loz, and a bit tactless too

you could just keep loudly and exageratedly coughing and yelling 'dont mind me..' several times, they'll perhaps realise how often they're doing it then :S

or lie right next to them and start dry-humping their sofa , and when they look puzzled just act innocent and say 'oh, I thought we were playing a new game' :confused:, then get up, straighten your clothing, wink and do the double-shotguns hand sign at the recently humped cushion and say 'i'll see you later....' ;) and walk out

or buy them a pot of gooseberries every time you go round, they'll eventually click why :rofl:

seriously, wouldnt harm to pull your mate to one side and have a quiet word in their shell-like to say you feel like a bit of a twat , and a spare part when they're so wrapped up in eachother ?



New member
Jul 27, 2007
:rofls: I might seriously try some of them out..

..thing is.. i've kinda tried to approach her about it before.. diplomatically and kinda laughing it off so she wouldn't get offended.. and she just kinda laughed and said 'you know what we're like..' and it hasn't changed anything..

it's pissing me off now as I find it downright inconsiderate to be honest..

next time I might just jump on top of em.. :rofls:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
tell the truth!

you dont need to feel mean, just point out how awkward you feel. If she gets offended when its her who's the one with bad manners then gently point this fact out :)

throw a bucket of cold water over them :D


New member
Apr 28, 2006
:rofls: I might seriously try some of them out..

..thing is.. i've kinda tried to approach her about it before.. diplomatically and kinda laughing it off so she wouldn't get offended.. and she just kinda laughed and said 'you know what we're like..' and it hasn't changed anything..

it's pissing me off now as I find it downright inconsiderate to be honest..

next time I might just jump on top of em.. :rofls:

if they are really your friends, then you should have no worries about saying 'errr, will you please give it a rest, its making me a bit uncomfortable!' or something along those lines!!!! Just give it a bash! :)


New member
Jul 27, 2007
thanks guys..

like I said.. i've have tried to talk to her about it before... I think she's of the opinion that she's my best mate and i'm really close to both of them so it's ok.. but they way cross of the line.. if there was someone else around for me to talk to it wouldn't bother me.. get naked and fuck for all I care.. :rofls:

also, they piggin' live together.. just feel like saying, 'listen, don't bother inviting me over if you're gonna do that'...

don't mind the odd kiss, cuddle etc.. but lying on top of each other and doing that in front of a guest is bordering on voyeurism.. :cops:
also, they piggin' live together.. just feel like saying, 'listen, don't bother inviting me over if you're gonna do that'...

Now that's just wrong Lozzles.... if they invite you over it's to enjoy your company & to share / interact / socialise with you.... it's special shared time... they can do all that other business anytime when you're not round....

Or get yer own back - next time you're round just spend the entire evening talking on your mobile to other people... see how they like it :D

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
I thought you meant the same as TC..... handheld computers etc. lol.

Anyhoo, a little kiss and a quick cuddle is ok in my eyes in public now and again, providing the couple in question isn't in a group of three!!!!

Your friends should realise it's wrong making you feel awkward and they shouldn't wana put you in that position!

Tell them and just say that you wouldn't mind but when there's only the 3 of you in the room then you feel like theres no escape from the mini porno going on in front of you and it's not what you want to spend you time looking at! lol.

A time and a place and all that...



New member
Jul 20, 2005
or lie right next to them and start dry-humping their sofa , and when they look puzzled just act innocent and say 'oh, I thought we were playing a new game' :confused:, then get up, straighten your clothing, wink and do the double-shotguns hand sign at the recently humped cushion and say 'i'll see you later....' ;) and walk out

That cracked me up TC , great mental picture :thumbsup:

It's awful when people do that, great that they're happy but spare a thought for you eh :naughty:


New member
Jul 20, 2005
Or get yer own back - next time you're round just spend the entire evening talking on your mobile to other people... see how they like it :D

Dunno whether it's just cos I'm tired or what cos it looks nothing like it!, but at the first glance I read that as "Or get your own back - next time you're round just spend the entire evening talking to your nipples....lol :$ obviously just my mind! :D

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
would it bother you if a couple invited you over for dinner and then spent the rest of the evening lying on top each other on the couch, laughing, giggling, kissing and whispering to each other when you were the only other person present?!?!

this happens to me on a regular basis with my mate and her fella.. whilst i'm glad she's happy.. I find the whispering and giggling a bit rude if they're not going to involve you in the joke and to be honest it's putting me off going round there..

should I speak up...? don't want it to affect our friendship.. :confused:

Well , have you been round since , if so , what happened , did you say anything ... ;)