oh dear old skool anthemz big brother

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New member
Apr 2, 2004
upgraded to Didsbury!
XValentinadobeX said:
do u think we'd still get that £100,000? or is it a man on woman kinda rule :confused: lets start a feminist riot :D

lol nice one, I'm up fo a riot! we should get more anyway!! Girl on girl! Far more entertaining :D ;)

I think I'll be following you into the diary room from now on Val ;) Sirius, you've missed out there mate lol ;)


Registered Member
osa big brother

day 7
day 7(long one today)

Big Brother has decreed that the housemates are to take part in a fancy dress/pop idol extravaganza in which the housemates must dress up like there chosen idols and perform a song in order to win more provisions. Miss Tickle quickly states that she would like to act as MC and judge the competition while Sirius and Valentina and still refusing to leave their respective rooms.
que Miss tickle " can i introduce Cam,Shooms and Akinwale."

Akinwale leads out the group, he is dressed in a rather fetching sailor suit while a clearly drunk Cam and Shooms follow, Shooms is decked in Summer Construction Workers attire with handlebar moustache and Cam is wearing an all in one gimp suit.Both of them are carrying bottles of vinegar which is now their only form of alcahol. An enthusiastic yet serious akinwale launches into a rather splendid verison of that all time 1970's disco classic The Village People - YMCA, Johnny pink and superfreak clap along in the front row while steadman states they play this at my school disco. Akinwale is rather disgusted at cam and shooms performance as they appear not to be taking this to seriously. To prove his point he bench presses shooms 4 times above his head while telling cam "your mother wouldn't like what i'd do to you." A clearly irate Akinwale stands in the corner to control his anger.

Steadman is next up. He is dressed in his "hanging round swinton precinct gear" shellsuit,rockports,henri lloyd socks,big adidas trainers and bling. He launches into that "all time rave classic" (sic) "Pretty Green Eyes", It has to be said steadman does a decent job of the song and after he has finished he dedicates it to all the Swinton Valley Bad Boys in their green and orange Saxo VTR turbos out there there.

AB45 is supposed to be next up singing that all time classic Clive Dunn - Grandad, however before he has a chance the lights dim,candles start to flicker and a spotlight trains in on the makeshift stage, Sirius's door swings open and out he stomps. Sirius is resplendent in full Punk Rock outfit,black mohicean,pin through nose,leather jacket with A for Anarchy on the back and tight drainpipe jeans, With gibson les paul slung over his shoulder sirius takes the stage strums his guitar does a 5 foot scissor kick into the air and launches into The Clash - White Riot. There is a chorus of boos and catcalls from Superfreak,Johnnypink and Miss Tickle. While Akinwale is seething with fury in the corner, a clearly high on adrenaline sirius is enjoying the spotlight as he duckwalks past the catcallers while flicking them the vees and giving them the time honoured wanker sign. Tickle can take no more and using one of cams discarded toe nails which shooms has now taken to eating she manages to cut the strings on sirius's guitar to stop his right wing rant. A red faced and panting Valentina emerges from the video room to see what the comotion is about. Akinwale is storming round the room in a fury, Valentina puts her arm round a clearly distressed akinwale and offers to sleep with him.
"WHAT?" shouts akinwale
valentina repeats her question.
this is the final straw for akinwale today, two idiots have made him look foolish while he was singing his favourite song, he's had to put up with sirius and his white power rants and now,worse than anything before, he has been proposationed by a woman, A WOMAN. "AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGJHHHHHHHHH" screams akinwale. he viciously launches into a verbal assault on a clearly bemused Valentina. "Well what do you wanr then?" asks Valentina. Akinwale is clearly not totally in control of himself at this moment "This is what I want you thick cow" replies the purple one. He grabs a kicking and screaming steadman forces him face first into the setee. Rips of steadmans reebok shellsuir bottoms and y fronts and proceeds to commence action. Shooms and Cam are now donning texas farm hand uniforms, playing banjos while dancing round the soirez and playing the theme tune to 70's cult film deliverance while shouting "squeal boy, squeal like a pig", Grad is uncorned as this type of thing always goes on in Leigh, Miss Tickle is all for gay rights,Sirius is back in his room while SuperFreak,Johnny Pink and Valentina are all masturbating furiously over the free show that is taking place. AB45 looks on at the mayhem before him and mutters under breath "young unz" After the ackying. Steadman proudly marches up to Grad and states "Guess what Grad I've lost my virginity and got a new tattoo in the same day."

Eviction day tomorrow.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Can i just add that i wasnt that shocked by the bummings. As a matter of fact back in the old days we used have it done properly during our time in national service. Call that a bumming .. you dont know your born yet. After a proper reaming in my day you couldnt walk for a month im tellin you.

Class WAFC :thumbsup:


Registered Member
Mar 30, 2003
In a world of my own

why is it me gettin bumbed? hahahahaha

this is gona sound stupid who is akinwale??

Thats why :p lol

Its Purple Acky, you might be a bit young to know who he is mate, theres a thread on him in chill out if you search for it, probably has purple in the title, that should find it quick ;)

Cant do it meself got a torrent going and the nets tooooooooooo slow :)

Super Freak

New member
Jul 26, 2004
AB45 said:
Can i just add that i wasnt that shocked by the bummings. As a matter of fact back in the old days we used have it done properly during our time in national service. Call that a bumming .. you dont know your born yet. After a proper reaming in my day you couldnt walk for a month im tellin you.

Class WAFC :thumbsup:
Where is the recuitment office.
this whole thread is the funnest thing I've read in ages:thumbsup:


Registered Member
osa big brother

Day 9
Big Brother has decreed that due to yesterdays brutality and with it also being eviction day the housemates are entitled to a "lie in" until 10.00am. Therefore all the housemates are still in bed. That is except for Akinwale who is in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Akinwale is smiling and whistling and has that "special glint" in his eye, It is obvious to all the viewing audience that Akinwale is in love. With the feast prepared Akinwale slips into novelity basque pinifore and makes his way towards steadmans room. Akinwale quietly lets himself in and announces "Good Morning Darling, I've made you Breakfast in Bed. Boiled Egg and Soldiers to dip in as I know how you like dipping." Steadman recoils in horror. He has the look of a frightend rabbit as it catches the glaze of oncoming headlights.
"H,H,Ha,Ha,Hav,Have you got a bonk on?" stammers a clearly petrified Steadman. It appears that AKinwale has fashioned a hole in the knickers part of the pinifore and is sporting a large,distinguished and bulbous erection that is pointing menacingly in Steadmans direction. The voice of Big Brotehr interupts the impending slaughter.
Steadman is saved.
Shooms is first into the Big Brother Diary Room. Shooms is nursing a hangover the size of Acky's cock. "Superfreak" slurrs Shooms "Get rid of him.", next is in Miss Tickle, the rejected one votes for Sirius.Sirius is next in and Burnleys very own Oswald Moseley votes for Miss Tickle in an act of spiteful revenge.Superfreak is next in and votes for AB45. Akinwale is next in.He is still in pinifore,still grinning and disturbingly still stood to attention.Akinwale chooses Jonnypink.Jonnypink is next in and chooses Cam.Valentina is up next and chooses Akinwale. "What's the use in a gay black man?" remarks Valentina on the way out. Steadmans turn, he ambles into the diary room with a walk akin to that of John Wayne. Big Brother asks Steadman to sit " I can't." replies Steadman. "I'm sore." rather unsurprisingly Steadman chooses Akinwale. Grad is next in and votes for Superfreak. AB45 trundles in on his Shopmobility cart. AB45 asks Big Brother to speak up at least a dozen times before picking Superfreak. Cam is last in. He is still drunk and still cluthcing his bottle of vinegar, Cam has 3 day old vomit down the front of his flamboyant Paul Smith shirt. Cam looks at Big Brother farts, laughs then shouts "GREEN BINS,GREEN BINS." Cam gets up urinates on the floor laughs and staggers out of the room. Valentina then slips back into the diary room unoticed by all.

So it is Superfreak who must leave the asylu sorry Big Brother House. He bids a tearful farewell to Jonnypink. They indulge in one final touching embrace. On leaving the house Superfreak is greated by the mayor of skelmersdale where he is presented with the keys to little digmoor and the concourse for life.

Super Freak

New member
Jul 26, 2004
Class m8, sounds like I had a luky escape it would only av been a mater of time before Akinwale saw me as a threat and a contender for stedmans ass, sorry steaman I carnt help you now. LOL.


Registered Member
osa big bro

Day 9
Jonnypink seems to be taking Superfreaks departure from the Big Brother houselhold very badly. He has borrowed a Blackshirt from Sirius and Blakc Leather Gimp pants from Cam and is sitting is his darklened locked room playing Maggie May by Rod Stewart over and over again.AB45 states that Rod was never any good after the left The Faces while Grad states that he likes Rod and has just come into in Leigh in a big way. Sirius asks Akinwale has he ever watched American History X. Akinwale replies that he hasn't and retorts that Sirius needs to tone his biceps up. as they are pathetic.Steadman keeps a careful distacne from Akinwale, while Miss Tickle is reciting a Steve Biko speech over and over again.Valentina is still in the diary room although Steadman pipes up "I'm sure I heard something buzzing in their before, it was like a buzzing bee ot something. buzz,buzz" laughs steadman. More worringly however Jonnypink asks Cam could he procure him a length of rope. As the housemates retire for the evening Big Brother announces that in two days there is to be a no alcahol day pure physical training and gymnasium day. This goes down like a 15 quid Kings Cross Brass with Shooms and Cam however Akinwale is delighted with this and struggles to sleep such is his excitement.

tomorrow. Ready on the lights for the camera and the action, till death do us part and Akinwales big day. I bet you can't wait.

Super Freak

New member
Jul 26, 2004
please dont let him bum me again lol

funny as feck :thumbsup:

val :eek: buzz buzz buzz buzz :eyebrow: lol
LMFAO looks like your back gate is going to get so kicked in its gonna be hanging off the hinges:eek: :shag: :| :crazy: :thumbsup:

Val whatever is making that buzzing nosie if you have a spare one throw it over the fence cos i looks like i'll be needing it, with no pink crusaider to do the biz;)