Goodtimes v's club classiqe...

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New member
Feb 15, 2004
OMG.. what a brilliant night that was certainly one ov the best nights i have had in a long time i dont know where to start got there half way through andy p's set which was very good:thumbsup:
then nx up was my darling lee who was a amazing was so proud ov you :love:

Sully i thought ur set was top 2 as was cano's bens and eddys all played blinders xxxxxx:thumbsup:

There was one spot ov trouble that i have never seen at a goodtimes b4 but it got handle'd very quickly which was down to the top doormen they have there :thumbsup:

thanx to ben gaz and dan for havein us all back to ur lurvly home cant belive how much effort u all went to santa's grotto was top got back and had to go lie down cos i had a headach nx minute a fat elf comes upstairs to take me down in to the cella lol, which i were then greeted by a grumpy santa lol only kiddin ben i thought u were a good santa just glad u was our santa an not some poor kids lol i then recived a present which was what i always wanted a multi coloured hair extension kit was top thank you so much boys mwah xxxxx

I then still couldnt shift my headach so went for another lie down where i fell asleep for a couple ov hours when i awoke felt loads better so thanx to gaz for use ov his bed xxxxxxx

Was top to see you all out as me an lee havent been out propley for a while
S-j thanx for the lift and for being so special :love:

Ow do helen u are just a top top bird u made me laugh all night :love:

Jenwah u know how much i love u told u enough lol:love:

Veee and lozza u 2 are just brill love seeing u both:love: :love:

miss C loved ur santa present hope u will be wearin then nx time i c ya:love:

Shabba and Sweet pair ov lurvly ladies :love: :love:

Lou Lou my sleepin buddy we always end up in bed together at the end ov a night lol :love:

Rabbitcity i love u so much u mean loads to me:love:

cano and sully both played blinders was great to see you both :love: :love:

Ben(santa) superdan(fat elf) and gaz (organizer) you 3 are just tops and are what make mash ups so special xxxxxxxx:love: :love: :love:

Liquid E was great to see u again:love:

Va welcome to my world ov chocolate coverd crisp lol:love:
Tall paul thanx for the lift to the garage lol:love:

Flange and risky lady top to see you both again and thanx for the lift back to bens :love: :love:

The kitcha's top to meet u both hope u enjoyed :love: :love:

Mc maddox great to see you again:love:

Blue jamma loved the foot neckless was top xxx:love:

Ste an dannster u pair ov nutters lol love u both:love: :love:

retro hope u had a top birthday and was top to meet ur mates too :love:

Vicky, italian style , biggy and danny was top to see you all again even if was only a short while:love: :love: :love: :love:

Sorry if i have missed anyone but dont have a very good memory but was the bestest night i have been inn ages and i cant wait for the nx one:thumbsup: :love: ;) :p


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
I can't believe i missed santas grotto!!!!! :(

Is there any chance you can keep it there til boxing day?? :D

After a hardcore trippy hoobs sesh with jammer on the friday night and only a couple of hours of sleep saturday afternoon i managed to get to GT. I perked up for a couple of hours and had a top time but then went down hill again, glad i managed to get out before the trouble started, my head really couldn't have handled it i don't think. I'd just have got jammer to given them all a good kicking with his extra foot!!!! Anyway cheers Danny C for getting me home :love: :love:

I was well impressed with the OSA turnout, it was fab to see you all again as always. Love you to the moon and back, every single one of you. :love:

See you soon.


ste huxley

Active member
Jul 17, 2001
Planet E
Top top night one of the best GT's this year I reck, quality tunes all night, and a good atmos:rotate:

Good mashup at Father Fishers, thanks for the CHIPS style cops arrest kit, bollacks forgot to arrest anyone in the end, well wanted to cuff someone up:hubba:

Massive thanks to Tp Textiles and VA for liftage, well appreciated that, going out of your way lads:thumbsup:

Respects to all the party people that make the night.

All in all a chipper w/e only marred by some major peck headache on sunday afternoon, ruff with the smooth and all that caper:rolleyes:

Tatty bye:wave:


Staff member
VIP Gold Member
:D Ben & Mik.... Once again boyz you did us proud!! Ben without you babe there would be No GT!! So god bless ya chick for all the endless hours you put in! :thumbsup:

Once again GT delivered for me... The tunage was so different for GT and it were mint!! I think I can quite honestly say that between you GT & The Club Classic Boyz... It was well and truly a "V's" Draw!! All of you did me soooo proud! :thumbsup: But for me the set of the evening has to go to the Bad Bwoy ruff rider Sully cause his choonz did as they said and shook me bass bins and the rest of Huddersfield me thinks!! But all of you are all SupA *'s.... (Random as K-T says you did us proud on your first big stage outing! OrangieBooom all the way babe!;) )

Special Thanx to Ben, Gaz & Danny for the "Santa's Grotto" Im still grinning from ear to ear with it all! Absoloute Quality!! :love: Proper Random Madness all the way.... You guys are the bestest!!

For all of you who came out to play... Luv Ya's for those who couldnt make it... :( Luv Ya's too and missed your heads!!

S-J x :love:

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
Was a mad night, as I was wasted from Friday nights Hoob madness lol oh dear!!

Tunes were alright, some not really my cup of char, but I still enjoyed meself.

Sorry if I looked a bit grim early on like, as my head wasn't right at the start of the night, felt a bit uneasy downstairs and had to go up to the balcony bit to get myself together. Big thanks to Ste for sorting me head out :D

Buzzing with Ste and Dannst doing mad star wars moves with glow sticks and me extra foot that got more attention than I ever have, it was kissed, sucked, nibbled, bitten and stroked - wow talk about foot fetishes haha mint :)

Trouble in there was dealt with sharpish thankfully as me head was wobbling already, phew!

Thanks to all DJ's in da house, and big big thanks to pauly p for the lifts and to sweet for making me giggle lots :love:

Was ace to meet Italian Style and the sexy Vicki, and to see the lovely Miss C, wow you were mental, as I was talking to you, you were jumping up and down haha mint :fekked:


CANO ...

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Jan 16, 2004
loved it . top sets from everyone nice varied styles too which was ace ..

thanks to ben for having us on :thumbsup: an a nice osa turnout too :king: nice to meet flange n pauly p

me n al wanted to stay after but had to get other 2 home , so i missed santas grotto :( cause he will surley be gone come boxing day ? :cops:

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
Well what a mint night! Definately one of the best nights i've had at GT's, u should team up with the club classiques dj's more often. The music was spot on all night, the crowd loved it, i dont think i stopped dancing all night, just buzzed the whole time!

Aftersesh @ ben n gaz's was probably the best so far as well, you two n danny put on such a good show! The Goodtimes Grotomouth (as dannster renamed it) was amazing!!! Got escorted downstairs by danny the elf, that costume was wicked!! Into the maddest little grotto, fairy lights everywhere, the whole room covered in white sheeting like snow n red carpet, n xmas songs pumping out. And there was santa ben sitting their with sacs full of pressies all properly wrapped and everything! So i sat on santa's knee n chose a pressie from the sac. And OHMYGOD!!!! I got the best mad set of 'princess' jewlerry....earrings...necklace...a pink handbag some pink false nails....and my favourite item of all, some pink heart shaped sunglasses!! i preceeded to wear all of which all night teamed with a lovely blue hair extension kindly donated by bubbles :love:. (i couldnt find the glasses when i left, gutted :cry: if u find them plz could u keep them 4 me till boxing day :luv:) Thakyou so much for all that guys, i wont forget that for years to come!

Too many fun things n conversations went on that night for me to even try n go thru naming them, but i have to say i totally buzzed off every single person that was there :love: . And i know that there are a number of pics n video's taken from that night that will be up on here soon that can better illustrate some of the fun that was had.

Thanks everyone for a fantastc night!! Cant wait 2 do it all over again on boxing day x x x

p.s. PMSL about the mystery party crasher in the pink t-shirt after just having discussed such ppl!!...oh and vee the car wash.....and dannster the phantom of the grottomous....i wont go on

pps great to meet BJ properly (finally!) and see tall paul @ GT's again :D


New member
Feb 15, 2004
Miss C said:
p.s. PMSL about the mystery party crasher in the pink t-shirt after just having discussed such ppl!!...oh and vee the car wash.....and dannster the phantom of the grottomous....i wont go on

pps great to meet BJ properly (finally!) and see tall paul @ GT's again :D
:eek: Oh my forgot about him did anyone find out who he was yet or where he came from there were a few lol the dead fish gatecrasher lol :p

I also forgot to mention pauly p was top to meet you hun:love: :love:

Dj Ben Fisher

New member
Jul 15, 2001
Well . . . ive think ive finally recovered after a nice long sleep . . . :)

Id like to THANK YOU ALL !!! for turning up and contributing to Goodtimes as without you lot it just wouldnt be the same . . . :)

A MASSIVE thanks to the clu b classique guys . . sully / cano / lee . . . you all played top sets . . only got to hear bits of each ( but that was more than enough to tell me i had made a good choice in gettin you guys to come play :) :) hopefully well be able to ave you back sometime next year !! :thumbsup: the whole night was a total buzz from start to finish and the place filled up nicely as the night moved on . . .:) ( there was one trouble maker in there who was pointed out to me and the guy was quickly ejected from the club . . ( let that be a lesson to ya !!! theres no place for such ppl at GT . . ) :)

For tuneage IMO this had to be one of the best nights ive erd or been at ( and not just cos its my own ) the varition thro out the night was top summat for every one , from anthems to classics , to ya more rare stuff and the old bit of hardcore and zone style stuff !! :) :) from 10pm right thro till 3am not one record was played twice . . . ;) :)

And as for the mash up . . . LOL . . . this had to be the best after party to date . . . . PROPER BUZZ !!! lot of work and time went into it , . . . . we just wanted to do summat a bit diff that yad all remeber !!!!!! so we brought xmas down early for yas all !!! . . lol think well be keepin the grotto as a permament feature of the GT HQ from now on . . dont think santa will be able to make it next time tho , hes a busy man the night b4 , so i imagine hell be at home with his feet up with mrs claus takin it easy . . . lol

had loads of pics of every one with santa . . . cept derrr danny didnt put the night vision on the phone camera , so they all came out too dark . . :( gutted . ( ah well those that were there know how special it was !! ) . im sure a couple of pics were taken on normal cameras . . so look forward to seein those . . lol . . . . . .

much maddness and waffle went on thro the night ( dannster them vids are ACE !!! ill get them up asap . . lol )

cant think of much more to say right now . . cept thank you all once again for all being you !!!



New member
Feb 7, 2004
What can i say that hasnt already been said, big thanxs to Ben for having us on at GT well enjoyed it. Gotta be the best night ive had out this year. :D

The music was spot on from start to finish, nice to see a big osa turn out think im gonna get me self down there more often. phones:

Who`s idea was the santas grotto..? lol fuckin ace down there,thanks for my pressie lads ( a mini action man with a set of boxing gloves ) lol ;)

See you on Boxing day............:p



Active member
Nov 9, 2004
Tony Towers
:D Had a wicked time (from what I can remember), weren't very active in the club from goin out the night b4 (I'm a soft arse :) ).
Ended up a bit worse for where back at Ben's, fell into the mirror at and nearly knocked it off the wall (sorry lads), then fell on someone else (sorry who ever that was), then nodded off in the car an fell on Lou-Lou while she was drivin home (sorry Lou :D ). Aparantly Gaz tried to put me to bed, I should have listened mate, would have been safer for all of us! ;) :D


Staff member
Jun 2, 2004
Still Here
Wooohooooo.......what a fantastic night!!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

I got there about 8:45ish..(just in time for Andy P's set)and what a set as well...followed by a foookin mint set by Lee... :thumbsup:

Cano, Sully, Ben + eddy...all quality sets from all of yas.... ;) ;) ;) Danced my ass off all night from start to finish... :rotate: with 2 flashin

Then on to GT HQ....where the fun began....te he he...was a bit mad at first as about 9,000,000 ppl turned when it died down a i went into the cellar....(the grotto) and put on my super elf suit and the madness began... :fekked: :fekked:

This has got to av been one of the best GT's so far... ;) ;) ;)

Great to see loads of the OSA massive...your all tops.... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: good to see first GT appearences from Blue Jammer and Tall Paul...

Glad you all enjoyed the grotto...Me and Gaz had it planned for months...(Told ya it was a good idea to come to bens Mr huxley... :D )

Roll on boxin day thats what i say.......... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: and i'll see ya'll there.

Eddy Osborne

New member
Sep 4, 2002
God where do i start lol, got into gt's and it was buzzin in there! Each set was tops and i loved them all, loved playin there and it was great to meet peeps I hadnt met!

To the after party lol The santas grotto was ace and thanks to ben, gaz and dan for all the effort mate, i couldnt believe it! It was well cool watching everyone with massive smiles on there face. The mash-up just got from silly to un-realistic LOL Ive never pissed myself so much and you should wait till u see some of the movies ive got on my fone :thumbsup: Must of been sat in the celler for around 10 hours lol 3 of which was dannster doing a poem/story/phantom of the opera PMSLOLOL

Your all tops peeps and Had such a good time thanks loads n loads :thumbsup:

Pickle Techno Crew :D


Active member
VIP Silver Member
Nov 11, 2001
Well buzzed off it - It was deffo the best one of the year for me! quality range of really good tunes - really got me in the mood - got there when sully was on and was chuffed to hear it getting taken hard nice and early and the breaks stuff was top - had everyone rockin and it was nice and fresh also. Ben and Cano top banana guys class sets choon after choon after choon- it kept up the energy right till the end and Eddy - finished on a high note with some hair raising top tunes. Well done lads

And I dunno what it was but everyone was well up for it - its mint when that happens - buzzin from start to finish even the trouble didnt pohase me one bit i was too high! Good to See Pixie making her GT return after so long and as always good to see everyone Big thanks to Ben and Gaz for the hospital(isationmental)ity the Grotto was class - enjoyed it loads down there was comin out with all sorts of randomness - I was a cross between Halloween 3 the film and Shay McGowan for 3 hours singin pure shit LOL Big thanks to VA n Gaz for the drive back and Tall Paul for the drive there - Quality Quality Quality!!! Proper fullfilment! and woke up this mornin chuckling my fat head off :D


New member
Dec 6, 2004
Hiya folks...first post here on OSA, met so many wicked peeps on saturday@Ben n' Gaz's place, thought it would be rude not to!
Goodtimes was as usual a top, top night...can't actually remember too much of it though as i was rather spangled later on?!!! :S
Thanks to Ben n' Gaz for having us back and S-J for the lift( cheers!)
Things were running smoothly until the "tooseeeye" episode occured, then for the next seven hours or so i found it hard to strumm more than 3 words together at one time, which was a shame as there were so many interesting peeps to talk to!!! :mexican:
Had a belter at the mash-up which was a real doooooo!!!( top efforts to Santa and the both put in a sterling performance!!! and cheers for the prezzie) :thumbsup:
I met so many mad peeps...especially the vinylanimal! you really did amuse me somet chronic babbled so much shit, but loved every minute of it!!) ;)
Also Lozzie...really top girl, we had a couple of propa sound chats about this n' that...nice one! :D
A massive yorkshire howdoo to the following peeps... :afro:

Retro Andy
Tall paul
Ste Huxley
Rabbit city
Eddy(and his egg farm)
Random mofo in pink shirt(funny guy)

and every one else that i met...thought i did pretty well actually to remember all those!!!
Take it easy folks and i'll see ya'll on Boxing day!!! :gigolo: :gigolo: :gigolo:
Holy hell - well that night put GT well and truly number 1 on my favourite club list, I had an Awesome time.

It had been a long week and I was wiped out by the time I got back to Ben's but that didn't stop Santa's Grotto and the fat elf being the highlight of my year! :D The looks I've been getting when telling my workmates about the night defy belief but the hell with it - I guess you had to be there! :)

It was great seeing everyone out again, its been months since I've seen you all last but I promise it won't be that long again! :love:

tall paul

New member
Sep 19, 2001
Been quite a while since I've ventured over to GT 'cos Hazy is right on my doorstep, but seeing as I missed Hazy thought I'd get across to see everyone and wasn't disappointed, had a top night both in the club and back at the mash-up.

Picked up SteJ and Dannster from their house and headed over to the club, managed to forget the club was in Huddersfield and headed straight into Halifax town centre first before realising someone had moved the club!

Got to the club just as Rabbitcity's set was ending :axe: sorry to have missed it! Most peeps were already in there, nice to see Pixie after so long (over a year?) :D and Pauly P too :thumbsup:

Thought there was an excellent variety of music in there from everyone I heard - Sully, Ben, Cano & Eddie, you seemed to have worked it out between you to cover a lot of different styles and as Ben mentioned nothing got played twice, which is always better than when people are turning up just before their set starts having listened to nothing else anyone has played and bangs out the same as the previous :thumbsup:

Had a good old stomp throughout the night, mainly around the stage at the front with the odd little mission elsewhere, thought there was a good number of peeps in there, seemed a little quiet at first but filled up pretty quickly & there was a better percentage of openly buzzin & friendly faces than last time I came across (apart from the sudden western saloon style brawl erupting at one point, but it was dealt with quickly which is all you can do)

Was only planning on heading back to Manchester, having a couple of drinks and then trying to get my head down afterwards, but had to go and see the Santa's Grotto. Top marks to Ben, Superdan & Gaz for that - it was absolutely hilarious :rofl: Led down the stairs by the elf and sat on santa's knee "my, you're a big fella!", pose for the photo and pick a nicely wrapped present from his bulging sack. Went for a long thin shaped present seeing as it the same shape as me & was delighted with a rifle which made firing noises when you pulled the trigger. Was going to saw the barrels in half for a bit more street cred, but couldnt find a hacksaw.
Was funny as fek watching one after another peeps being led down and then coming back up all smiles to see what they'd got. :D

I did take a camera, but once again it stayed in my pocket all night, think I got one of the grotto and of santa and the elf tho so I'll up them later in the week.

Superb night all round that one so big thanks to .............

SteJ Quizmeister Huxley & Dannster for the A-Team/Kareoke singing on the way to the club, hope ya both made it back ok.

Ben, Superdan, Gaz for the Santa's grotto & hospitality back at the mash-up - Superb :thumbsup: :rofl:

S-J - For being a top bird, will have a word with my lot about NYE ;)

Holly for the christmas kiss :love:

Ow Do Helen for the quality general banter and brass band marching/twirling with your present. :D

Jenwah & Vee for good company on the kitchen floor where I seemed to spend quite a lot of time.

VA - For always having an excellent topic of conversation, be it peeling back dead men / kangaroo guzzling anacondas :rofl:

shouldn't have started naming people 'cos there's too many :S

The others who were dwelling in the cellar when I left - Lozzie, Eddie & Miss C (how mad was that random fella after we'd just been talking about it?)

Sully (top to meet ya again & sorry I had no little uns left later on - I blame Rabbitcity & Superdan!)

Cano - sound to see ya again, and also had a good buzz with the other mates you brought with you who I've not met before.

Rabbitcity & Bubbles - hope you didnt get to squashed in the car.

BlueJammer - where were you when the kick-off happened? - that was what the foot was for!

Birthday boy Retro hope you had a good 'un - also good to see Danny / Italian Style / Vicki & Biggster again - its been a while. Cheers for the message about the blood on the car! Didn't realise how much there was 'till I got home on sunday & realised it looked like I'd knocked someone over.

Flange & RiskyLady - top couple, cheers for showing us the way to Ben's - did you see the taxi nearly take us out at the lights tho??

Sweet & Shabba - sorry never said goodbye at the end, didn't realise you were going straight home.

MC Maddox - good luck with getting the car - an EVO8 is the only thing thats given me a hiding, I'll have to upgrade to a Noble now!

Too many peeps!! Lou Lou, Antz, HikkyB, the Kitch's and anyone else I've missed - cheers for a top night :thumbsup:

Probably the first time I've written a post over 2 lines that. :)

Dj Ben Fisher

New member
Jul 15, 2001
Well Superdan and HikkyB . . . looks like we pulled off one of the finest mash ups to date , with are Goodtime Grotto !! complete with thin santa & fat elf !! lol . . . . . was worth all the effort and work that was put into it . to see everyone buzzin with the suprise !! and 2 read all the above comments :) . . . was one of my best if not the best wkd of the yr fer me . . gettin to put on a top wkd ( a full night out followed by a top mash up !! ) for all you guys !!!

So thank you to each and every one of you !!!! for being you !! and takin part !! :) :)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: