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very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
i got the hang of it now ... :$

ive found loads of old school friends and am tickled how none have changed:mad: [ some of the it girls of my year are huge , ha ha ha ha ]

im loving it now there all different and me well im still the same ;)

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
LMFAO!!! Quote of the year, that one :D

I agree. I try to avoid text speak at all costs, even if it means sending a two page text.

In fact it is a real bug bear for me. Some kids actually think that text speak spelling is the correct English?

I have friends who are teachers, who despair at it.

I do understand it, just object to it.
I agree. I try to avoid text speak at all costs, even if it means sending a two page text.

In fact it is a real bug bear for me. Some kids actually think that text speak spelling is the correct English?

I have friends who are teachers, who despair at it.

I do understand it, just object to it.

Totally agree - words are precious creatures & should be treated with respect.

Word-smithing, eloquencey & verbosity rock my world... especially in a woman - I find it so damn sexy :D

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
Totally agree - words are precious creatures & should be treated with respect.

Word-smithing, eloquencey & verbosity rock my world... especially in a woman - I find it so damn sexy :D

Shooms, the English language has always evolved and the English we read and write today is very different to that of even 150 years ago. However, there is evolution of language and then there is lazy bastardisation of text.

Word-Smith Master General. Mr Ronnie Barker (genius).


New member
VIP Silver Member
May 6, 2006
I love facebook now!! Hated the twat '1st but its my fav pg in the whole wide world, plus ive only got ppl i acutally know in person on it, rather than the fitties who r attached 2my myspaz profile!!
Plus i love txt tlk...Cldn't live w/out it- save me alot of money in txt msg's!! And im jus a lazy sod, who cnt spell prop, so tis easier!!
I love facebook now!! Hated the twat '1st but its my fav pg in the whole wide world, plus ive only got ppl i acutally know in person on it, rather than the fitties who r attached 2my myspaz profile!!
Plus i love txt tlk...Cldn't live w/out it- save me alot of money in txt msg's!! And im jus a lazy sod, who cnt spell prop, so tis easier!!

:naughty: text speak is only acceptable if you are either cooking for me and/or sucking me off & only have one hand free (although frankly the latter is a 2 handed job).

Sheer bloody laziness in my book... same goes for dyslexia ;)


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
And speaking of the evolution of the English language... I'm currently reading Bill Bryson - Mother Tongue. Great read so far, really interesting, and I can't wait to get to the chapter on swearing. :)


New member
VIP Silver Member
May 6, 2006
:naughty: text speak is only acceptable if you are either cooking for me and/or sucking me off & only have one hand free (although frankly the latter is a 2 handed job).

Sheer bloody laziness in my book... same goes for dyslexia ;)

Yes one is rather lazy....one is quite excellent at multi-taaking mind:)....One just can't spell very well...Therefore leading to one looking like quite a penis when one uses the queen's english vocabulary!


Apr 19, 2003
If you can't be arsed to look up each individual from your school days, then type the school name into the search box & see there is such an association, to save time.