Attracting tourists to Salford????

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Registered Member
I don't understand

why local goverments continue waste 1000's on this utter shit. At the end of the day Salford is not a tourist attraction. It's the same with Wigan,Warrington,Widnes, Leigh etc,etc. None of them are and they never will be no matter how much of tax payers money they waste on this crap so that some blurt in an office can justify his position under the guise of promoting the historic beauty of Leigh or wherever.

Can you honestly imagine Jim and Janice from deepest Kent or Norfolk or somewhere going.... "Oooooh Wigan,it really sounds lovely. We really must go there, they have a Pier and a Heinz Baked Beans Factory don't you know." Please can all local councils of small Northern towns and citys stop wasting my money on this crap right now. We've enough problems without advertising how much of a shithole we all live in so that Southerners can take the piss once again.

If I were from Salford I'd really like to know how much that utter shit cost and demand a refund on my next pay packet.


New member
Jul 18, 2001
that's some really bad PR if you ask me..with that site adress I thought it was going to be a joke site or something.

plus the sites a bit cack..just looked at the galleries and it's pictures of fields and ponds. not exactly tourist attractions. there's a lot more to salford than that.

i think wafc's summed it up, it's salford at the end of the day. no offence salford heads..


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
ah but it does get people lookin at it. like us now and talking about it. and so in a way it has achieved what they set out to do. and i orderd one of them guide things from there jus to see if there is out to do.

know what yas are saying tho it is a shit hole lol :fekked:


Registered Member
I used to work for The North West Tourist Board

And let me assure you that the Marketing Department there was possibly the most ill equipped bunch of planks you could ever imagine.

1. Woman 65 - never spoke
2. Skiprat - a bird who's been made famous by this board
3. A homosexual man with a bald head who refused to speak to either of the above and had an AMerican internet boyfriend called Floyd.
4. A geordie who dyed his hair black who used to talk endlessly about how his wife had left him.
5. aa blonde piece from wigan who was that nervous she couldn't even construct a sentence.

These people were responsible for marketing the north west and what it has to offer to the rest of the country. The amount of money that was chucked down the drain on ridiculous campaigns that were all goverment funded was untrue. Every day it seemed like there was another nut head campaign on the go to boast tourism in the north west.

My personal favourite was this one/
I needed oxygen when I heard the title I was laughing that much.
Blossoming Burnley. A 20 page brochure on the flowers that could be seen in Burnley during the summer months. They printed about 10,000 and tried to charge a quid each for them. They managed to sell. wait for it. wait for it. 17. seven fucking teen. So it surprises me not they've let someone else have a go at there marketing and it surprises me not they've been ripped off

From a personal point of view it was the easiest job I've ever had in my lfie I was given a one year contract and paid 15,000 to answer any queries about there web sites. I received all of two queries per day. I spent most of my days looking in the humour section on here and emailing birds who worked at the tourist board who were foolish and naive enough to get taken in by my northern rogue act. Hillariously though after a year of stopping there doing nothing but causing mayhem for female members of staff and sitting outside smoking 20 cigs a day. The Head Of The Board was considering asking for goverment funding to give me an extra years contract. Now bare in my mind I'd pranged a couple of the woman at this workplace who were less than pleased that i'd had two on the go and had also tuned up for work with black eyes and had now taken to inviting my mates into the office who had in turn taken drinking beer in the car park while waiting for me to finish work and not to mention talking to the bird who lived in the house accross the road for periods of up to two hours during the working day on a daily basis. I had to say I was totally fucking gobsmacked and the thing was I really hadn't planned on it as my intention was to get finished just before the works christmas do jsut so i wouldn't have to front it out with these two birds.

So I had a decision to make and I decided to jack it in. However this turned out to be the right move as not less than 4 months later the whole lot of them were made redundant.


New member
Nov 6, 2002
'Your never far from a main artery in Salford' :| :|


Not really somat to shout about :S

But what can yer expect when one of their main plus points in visiting Salford is......that its close to Manchester!


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
"Salfords full of pond life"


You can say that again.

WAFC, my god, you can actually be serious and cutting.....thats a good tale if its all as you say, and spurs me on to believe the councils (and to a wider degree many elements of society and whatever) 'on our behalf' are indeed the utter money wasting planks I always thought they were - these odd people who live utterly DETACHED from reality in thier own little council bubbles, delegating money to such schemes like the "Blossoming Burnley" idea which these stuffy lefti twats tend to cream thier jeans over on a regular basis.

It makes me enraged at the type of crap these people divulge in, and it speaks volumes for whats happening elsewhere. We have streets round here that you can only get one car through at a time - and thier fucking putting road humps in there so our little ethnic freinds that play in the roads and have zero road sense dont get run down at a whopping 5 mile an hour - the only speed you can physically do on some of these roads, then theres ones on strecthes of road you can spit from one end to the other. They allegedly cost over £10,000 each from conception and planning to finish tarmac'ing. Anyway, Im digressing. The country is run by planks, devoid of any whiff of reality and common sense, so it doesnt suprise me that theres a 20+ grand marketting ploy for Salford with such piss taking gems like "Youre never far from a main artery" and "Salford is full of pond scum" sorry "pond life" lol. Also rather amusingly "theres tons of grass in slaford" :rofl:......unfortunately its all being rolled and for the "Public hangings".....well, thats another story given another 75 years or a few generations. :rolleyes: and Im not talking galleries.

Salford - "Shocking (how boring it is), Stunning (how people live there), mind blowing (at the depression felt at the place), striking (by chavs fisticuffs), and arresting (where it needs an extra police force to tackle the scallies) LOL.

Just kiddin. I dont even know too much about Salford, but I cant say I was enthralled by it the times I have been, and my brother went to salford uni and had a bedsit there so we went quite often about 10 years ago or more. Its just probably another dreary Northern working class town that was once a BUSY and thriving base of manufacturing but now is a SHELL of its former self and facing decay as the vacuum of 'service industry' jobs in the wake of an industrial town fails to produce the same momentum. In the service and council minds it seems obvious that to raise the income thats now permanently fucked off to Poland and India and Mexico or China, they need more tourists into the area and hence this magic scheme to bring in more people to admre the place, so as a nation we can ONCE AGAIN recycle our own money to each other and spread the same money to different area's and hence never get richer and infact get poorer.

Obviously the wording on the webpage is cleverly done to be double entendre right? Its not too bad a thing to be doing, but I notice they dont show the rough area's, street fighting, people off thier faces rolling around being sick in the streets and urban warfare lol......its all fishing, ducks, grand old houses and empty minimalistic museums.

Its hard not to be cynical. I bet there are some good aspects of Salford, and I shouldnt slate it too much without being there, however I do feel that its yet another harebrained scheme and another example of missing the point of whats wrong - much like the calls to ban mobile phones in schools to stop bullying and happy slapping - yeah, lets tackle the phones, thats really solving the REAL problems there isnt it :rolleyes: . I tell you this country is fucking insane.

I need to cheer up :rofl: Lets hear it for Salford! :D :jumpin: :bounce4: :band:



Aug 19, 2002
butty said:
ah but it does get people lookin at it. like us now and talking about it. and so in a way it has achieved what they set out to do.

Spot on there lad! As Sirius mentions, they use double entendre's and play upon some words "outsiders" may use when describing or talking about or events within Salford. The main objective in this campaign is to remove the narrow minded negative opinion of Salford and to attract investors within the city. As we know, shock tactics have been used and usually do work :thumbsup:

Expect billboards to start popping up all over London as the council have put aside a lot of money for an advertising campaign. Some people may call it a waste but not me, over the past 12 months, at least 7 different building contractors have built modern executive living apartment blocks in the city with many more yet to come. Its getting a multi-storey shopping centre, a beach (apparently) and housing in central Salford (Langworthy) is to be given a massive makeover by award winning designers Urban Splash in 2007. There's no denying Salford is a city on the move!


Registered Member
The Council

I can be very cutting Sirius. I know the trick with the matchstick and the stanley knife and two blades. It makes it harder for a fat nurse to stitch up the wound. ;)

It's not really much to do with the council, the tourist board act seperately from each council. There funding is from central goverment which is handed out to a nasty little thing called the North West Devolpment Agency and something called Englandsnorthwest which seemed to be made up of cockneys making a quick buck(fair play to them as thats all i did when i was there). These in turn distribute the money to various building and tourism projects. Thats why we are getting ridiculous out of town shopping facilities which have a shelf life of no more that 20 years. However with a bit of luck I'll be in Thailand,China or Oz in two years as believe me Sirius I knew this place was in the shit ten years ago and like the goverment I've been taking the piss out of it ever since.
Some great purchases all funded by englandsnorthwest

Wigan Pier - Er well.
The Bee Of The Bang - Yeah it looks great. How much 20 million? Fucking bargaiin. build another one in fact make it two.
That thing in Wigan thats sprung up outside of Maximes - What the fuck is that????? It apperently cost 4 million and will make us feel more at one with ourselves as we mooch round Wigan town centre.

So in conclusion

We have a food chain of Bellends handing out cash to bellends who hand out cash to bigger bellends who build a Pier in Wigan, Of course an amazing idea like that is going to work and the world will flock to Wigan to see the Pier. Oh whats that I hear. It's closing down. Amazing. But fuck it the cockneys made there money out of it and so did I.