808 hazy ! ok lets begin!

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Aug 2, 2004
As usual me & Elvis are there. In ya face with the Hazy cam. No hiding from Elvis and his trusty shakey hand.
Couldn't believe how busy it was when we got there, so startin good already. A few more of my mates (hazy virgins) were post to met me there later. They rang me at 10:45 and couldn't get in. Full House.

As usual Vertigo starts us all on the best foot. Brillant.

808 State my god sent shivers down me spine tunes i had not heard for ages.

Mike Knowler great stuff, couldn't stop signing might aswell been a karaoke, proper hoarse day after.

Marks out of 10 for the tunes i would have to say BOSS

Another all round good nite had by 1 an all.
Met loads of people can't remember all the names.
Sweet you are welcome glad i could help.

To the people at the after party Ta for the invite I had a BOSS time. Dancin on me toes Billy Elliot Styley.
Lollypop Lady have you sorted out me D.L.A yet lol.

See ya all next time and remember...........

absolute rockin night. Can't say i remember too much though, :S with not driving the drink demons came out with me too and kinda took over. So thats me explanation for my strange random body movements which may of been mistaken for dancing but they were pure balance recovery moves.

Big up to every1. Know i've not played out for a while but you all made no issue of it and welcomed me back as though it was only yesterday i'd last seen you. All tops as ever.

Can't begin to mention every1's name cause i can't be arsed, lol but here's a few. To every1 else missed out, you all tops. :thumbsup:

Firstly S-J for the non-stop pestering to get me out. :p Cheers hun, worked in end. lol
Mart - nice 1 for tellin mr doorman to let us in, was panicking for a sec there. Cheers geezar. :king:
Din dan the pink chest shaven man - Cheers for sortin me out fella. Star in everyway.
SteJ - For bein you ya mad ed.
VA - Muchio grassy arse for liftage Manny fella. Well appreciated. :king: :king:
Shooooms - Always a pleasure sir. Diamond geezar. :king:
Sweets - Ya me hunny. Absolutely top lass. An cheers for takin all me randomly thrown insults. ;)
Shabbs - Pure madness hun, tops see ya agin and on such ace form. Don't ever change now.
Jaxx - Had top laugh with ya chief back at mash up. True gent in everyway.
Veee & Lozzie - Both absolutely fantastic for letting every1 back. Truly great peeps. + cheers for the train station drop off. Would never of found it without ya.
Pacman - Still not had proper chance to chat chief but lift station was well appreciated ace.
Marchweil - Proper buzzed off ya chief everytime i've seen ya. Hopefully won't be too long till the next strange headwearing parade.
Flange/Ange - Good to have a proper chat to ya on way home. 2 great peeps.
Cookie - Good see ya out hun. Hope ya enjoyed it. (As if you couldn't)

lol - mentioned more than i wanted to there but it's done now.

To all the others. You make the night bounce along as it is meant to. Nice 1 and hopefully see y'all again sometime soon. :thumbsup:

PS. Hygiene first. Hair nets compulsary!! :roll:


Active member
Jun 5, 2003

thanks to everyone once again for making it a top night .....apoligies to anyone that couldn't get in after 10.30......by that time the club was over capacity and was impossible to squeeze any more people in(even some of my mates couldn't get in). wicked sets from all the dj's .....808 state dj's were superb(never heared the ya ya's - looove(quadromania mix) played in a club before...it's usually the piano/house mix .....but it sounded great) ....it's just a pity that we weren't allowed to record their set. vertigo looked like he enjoyed himself :) (at 1 point i was ringing my mum up to go and buy a new hat lol ;) ). proper air conditioning is being fitted soon so hopefully will be up and running for next month
Blue Moon said:
LOL.... Have to say, at last count I think I asked 37 people to marry me.... including Tall Paul if I remember rightly.... Could have had something to do with the fact that I nicked most of 808 State's tray of lager (and drank it )... so if everyone I asked says yes, then I'm in the sh*t up to my neck... especially with my missus!!... Anyway, the beach party'll sort it all out, cos when I wear shorts, I have the kind of knees that make people scream and run for cover when they see 'em... Top night tho, thanks to everyone who keeps making it that good month after month... Didn't feel very well on the Sunday tho... Maybe I'm getting old...

:eek: :cry: :( :cry: :( :cry:

Im sooooo disappointed now :( I thought I was the only one, I was going to say yes un all :crazy: (only so I could get half share of your tunes tho :p ;) ) hee hee ;) you were so funny, you were a proper naughty scamp !!! :rofl:

Btw - answer your texts :naughty: ;)


Jan 9, 2004

HEY HEY HEY YES YES YES The place was rocking once more very sad to hear it wasnt recorded the 808 set but hey I got alot on video :p First of all Id like to Thank SUPERFREAK AND CO For letting me do the after partie at there house What a party Was off me tits but kept The tunes spining.. Thanks angie for the lift there and back in the morning With all my gear how the hell did we get into that corsa il never know lol hope the coffee sorted you out Thanks to TAG for keeping the tunes going when I was fucked WERE DID YOU GO BUD MR SCARLET PIMPERNEL :fekked: 9247373 LOL :thumbsup: Met some Boss people that night Especially in the after partie was ace rocked on till 10:00 next morning Well thats when I got off What time did it really finish I wonder :hubba: And Miss Pretty Brown Eyes LOLLIPLOP LADY I see now you have found new friends and Elvo Has been chased :( Did you enjoy your Jd With MR SHADES :cool: He Was funny had a great time even tho you didnt gab much to me LOL He He He WHAT DID YAS GET UP 2 YOUR DEAD ON CHEACKERS CROWN ME |Now Hazy dayz First of all what happened to vertigo he was off his barnet kept trying to get piggy backs off me and pushed me off stage three thousand times ahuh Was dead funny told him to put cape on back of Mike Knowler He got a towell and put it over his back and gave him a rub down instead was funny got it on tape He Kept shouting "ITS SHITE IN HERE LETS GET OFF" he was funny as fuck what was he drinking i wonder He played a belter as usaul was really good to see him enjoying himself What can i say about 808 state but fucking mind blowing "PROPER PROPER TABLET TUNES" :thumbsup: Sorry for the No Show Of are top Dancer SUPER KEV What a night to miss aswell Me and me mate TK TONNY Were doing the bring me sunshine dance to try and get crowd going Never worked tho ahuh Even me elvis moves never lol :wave: Thanks to all the girls who gave me a big kiss mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm TASTEY phones: Mike Knowler aswell what a tune to start off with HARDCORE UPROAR love it Every one on a happy vibe no nobheads no kick offs and no grief all in all what can i say but a back on form hazydayz night il never forget You can tell its getting really popular now tho cus it was half full at half 9 and im usauly in there with super kev proping up the bar on are own lol Or with the osa crew thanks for coming over and saying ello Im sorry that i havent dished out any vids yet but video tape and cam have had to be replaced me Kids Done the once over on them with drinks and there fucked hopefully sorting em out this weekend so if youve asked for one itll be on its way as soon as......... Had to borrow friends camera thought it was no good till i found out it had night vision :thumbsup: great for in hazy cus it was so dark this time only thing is everyone looks like the hulk :king: but its really good phones: i wa so worieed about battrie running out but it ended up being better than the normal one A Big thanks To Mart and Grover congratulations Mart Love ya loads Mate Will Try to bring a funky prezzie for ya next month for the little :love: love of your life..Grover mate is the any chance i can pop down to get video back off you and give you the full one sometime let me know mate really need that tape back thanks bud believe me the full version is alot better :thumbsup: Got ya again dancin mate but missed shaz as i know she hates video cam now LOL Went out a few times to say ello any chance of picking a few copies of the cds youve done id be really made up of the hazynights..... missed out on picking up a few at the club cus I was off me head as per usaul love you and your shaz loads but YOU KNOW THAT :thumbsup: Speak to yas soon big shput to osa and as you know IF ITS NOT HAZY WERE NOT HAPPY phones:
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New member
Aug 3, 2004
ok!! hi everyone :thumbsup:
its neet, jays (plebheads) girlfriend.

My first post :wave:

Just wanted to say a really big THANKYOU :D to all of you :love:

Ive gotta say i was absolutly overwhelmed,,,it was amazing :mad: :mad: :mad:

risky lady: You are a diamond :love: Thankyou for making me feel so welcome. Ill see you next month. :wave:
BJ :D lovley to meet you :thumbsup:
northen star: lovley to meet you too :spin:
sj and joker :D
I cant remember everyones names,,, but thankyou :thumbsup:
c u all soon

neet :love:

Super Freak

New member
Jul 26, 2004
pmls "guy with pony tail and hazy tee shirt" (shooms)

That's me shooms lol, hehe, I missed u at the end of the night i was going to ask u and ur crew back to the bash at mine aftrewards. :D

BIG BIG THANKYOU to ELVISONTOUR, you where the man of the hour, evry body who came to after party was well impressed with the set up, carn't thank you enugh for that m8.

A Big shout to all the OSA crew who put faces to there names coming over and saying hello.

Mart & Grover another top night guys.

Big shout to Dr. Light Sticks, top hair cut fella. (hope you got home ok, hmmm was u ok driving)

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
Hey hey, I've just remembered....

When I was talking to Andy from 808, I was telling him about a post I made on their forums, and even gave him a printed out copy as he hadn't read his PM's lol, and he said to me "look, there's livewire" :eek:

Anyone that used to listen to their radio show will surely remember livewire, from wigan I think, he used to ring up from different locations each week, whispering, and laughing manically lol

Anyone else spot him, or get a snap of him?!!



May 23, 2003
Have to say, this was the best Hazy's I've been to. Big thanks to Mart, Mick, Sharon and the Lollipop-lady :thumbsup:.

Far to many people to give shouts out, so just a big shout to all that went :thumbsup: . It was only after I had left and got back to my mates that it dawned on me that I'd actually gone to the club on my own. Don't think I stopped talking to people or rocking all-night.

Cheers to all :thumbsup: :thumbsup: and big apology to anyone who got a bit battered by my endless drive :$ l. As I no doubt told you several times I'd been on a hen-night before hand and was a bit pished before I got in.


New member
Jun 21, 2002
Superb night as always, hazy gets better every month. So glad I made the last minute decision to go :)

What I heard of 808 was brilliant (like grover says great to hear the ya yas tune loud in a club) Sets of the night once again for me though were dreamgirl and pluto, always pulling out classics that you'd never hear out that make me grin from ear to ear :) Wicked to hear Video Clash upstairs, which sent everyone mad when the noisy bit came in ...

As some of you may have noticed I was in a bit of a state so apologies if I was waffling or just talking plain shite :fekked: But I had a wicked time anyways... Shooms great to see you again mate, always love to see ya givin it some on that stage!! Great to see doolz again and debs too, and yer bro (you were well fekked mate as I remember!!) also sweet, SJ, Blue Jammer - like you said we didnt chat much but its always great to see you there lovin the tunes, will have to catch you next time for a bit of a chinwag... Can't remember who else I spoke to off here :fekked:

Massive thanks to Superfreak Col and Angie for putting me up, wicked party - you are both brilliant :)

See yas next month ...


Staff member
Jun 2, 2004
Still Here
Dj M Jaxx said:
i dont seemed to have stopped the party yet...No 15 is just about coming up now..so its time for...... errrrrr a doctor.......a sink.....a cabbage....a carrot.....a onion...and a pair of yellow socks, before it turnes monday....O shit...it all ready as

Ha Ha....ya mad ed....sounds about same as Me, Ben and gaz.

Oh that little film ya did on gaz's fone.....funny as fuck ;) tryin to get it put up on ere for all to see.....LOL :thumbsup:


Active member
Sep 23, 2003
Had a wicked nite and al c u guys at the nxt 1

A BIG THANKS TO SJ babe u made my night made me feel welcome and introduced me to peeps ive never met b4 ;)

also thanks to all the other peeps makin me feel welcome

c u nxt time


ste huxley

Active member
Jul 17, 2001
Planet E
One of the best Hazy's Ive been to! (Well done to the promotors)

Vertigo played the best Ive heard him play since hes become rezzie. Really upbeat and lively, just how I like it:thumbsup: 808 were awesome, knew they would do the biz, seen them b4 DJ this year and they were mint then. Really good atmos and it was rammed out. Too hot tho:cry: Be nice when this is sorted.:thumbsup:

Blue Jammer tut tut what did you give me and Dann ha ha ha hahahahaha
Never laffed so much in my life, face ache and neck ache cos of it and all that, quality.

Shouts to not only the OSA crew but the Hazy MASSIVE, so many turning out for it now, great news.:love:

Good to meet some new peeps as well:wave:

Thanks to SJ for driving and Lozzie n Vee for letting me stay over.
I decided to get absolutely bladdered when got back to the party and did some funny stuff for a bit then went bed!! LOL
Slept most of the day:cops: To hot for me it was on sunday, so bed is the answer to cool down. Must invent the PFHU (portable fridge head unit) sometime soon in my lab:thumbsup:

Lozzie let me know when you find my tee-shirt, Ive got either yours or Vees tight pink one here that I was wearing when I went. Dann had a tight white hooded one on as well. We went Kebab shop and everything in em, :p

Got back to ours late on n after kebabs got pissed again and have got some funny pics n vids from then and from at Lozzie n Vees. Will sort em out today, well funny.:king:

PS The 20 min odd video that was recorded by Jaxxy n me off Gaz's fone in Lozzie n Vees back yard, is needed!!!!!:cool: :crazy:


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
ste huxley said:
Lozzie let me know when you find my tee-shirt, Ive got either yours or Vees tight pink one here that I was wearing when I went. Dann had a tight white hooded one on as well. We went Kebab shop and everything in em, :p

Got back to ours late on n after kebabs got pissed again and have got some funny pics n vids from then and from at Lozzie n Vees. Will sort em out today, well funny.:king: :

I've got them here, washed and ironed ready to go!!!!!

I'll get them to you next time i see you. :thumbsup:

Dj Ben Fisher

New member
Jul 15, 2001
ste huxley said:
PS The 20 min odd video that was recorded by Jaxxy n me off Gaz's fone in Lozzie n Vees back yard, is needed!!!!!:cool: :crazy:

LOL. . belive me you need to see it . . lololol ive watched it twice now , and it had me in tears . . . LOL . . . its pure class . . 15 mins long . . and the best is saved till last . . rinky dink dannster . . LOL . . . m jaxx your a complete nutter !!! lol . .

we have tried to get it down to the pc from phone but cant get it to work ?? install all the equip etc and it just wont conect , ??? you guys desperatly need to see this . . lol spec when your straight headed . . lol


Apr 27, 2004

WHAT A NIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!
stop getting jealous now elvo lol x ;) there is enough of me to go round x ;)
what can i say i`m good company lol x :p
tag where did you go????? :(
everyone i met new hi there see you all soon x x x
s-j thanks for me prezzy x x x ;)
BBBBBBYYYEEEEEEEEEE MISS YOU ALL ALREADY X X X X ;) tag tell ped i`ll get a bottle of jd for the next after party x x
Tall paul give us a smile x :eyebrow: