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  1. M

    thanking u all for wishing me happy bday!

    Hya guys! thankx very much for wishing me a happy birthday sorry its taken me three days to reply its taken me that long to get over me hang over!!! and im happy to report that i didnt go banging on my brothers door at 3am tho was very tempting as the taxi sped by his street! just to tell him...
  2. M

    Peek a boo guys its me!

    Hiya boys and girls hope ya are all ok just thought id pop in and say a quick hello. Aint been online lately (shock horror!) hope you are all ok anyway and whats the latest gossip! Brother darling aka Dj M Jaxx did that guy that mate of mine ever join this site do u know cos i aint seen him for...
  3. M

    my big brother watching reality tv its shocking!!!

    Hey M Jaxx whats this i hear off mum that u are finally getting into big brother i am most shocked after all the slagging of you have ever done about shows like that. u are finally going to join the nation of zombies glued to the tv to see exactly what interesting meal the housemates are going...
  4. M

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh stressed out youth worker!!!!!!!!

    i sometimes wonder why i never chose a normal career like shop work or a desk job but instead i decided i wanted to be a youth worker! and deal with teenagers problems that i spent six years of my life trying to grow out of. then this is the best thing i have to train to talk sense to teenagers...
  5. M

    DJ M Jaxx im confused

    ive lost ur list of instructions on how to do this:( :( :( its driving me:roll: :roll:
  6. M

    hello to my big bro

    hey bro just trying to get to grips with this bloody thing n thought id stop n say:wave: please dont shout at me for spelling mistakes or punctuation its 3:30am and im shattered ill speak to ya soon love ur little sister Mini M jaxx:dummy: :dummy:
  7. M

    new comer

    hiya im Mini M jaxx if you havent guessed im M Jaxx's kid sister :newbie: :newbie: :newbie: Just thought i'd make myself known and come and say hello Mini M Jaxx:hole: :hole: :hole: