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New member
Nov 19, 2002
I think that when the music policy changed, they should have changed the name and only used the Zone name when they were going to play the italian classics of the 90's.


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Cheers Gary, I feel a right old barstard now! lol. Im only 24 nearly 25......:)

As you said earlier, you cant possibly please everyone can you? and the balance is impossible to strike. Its more like some of the punters who are fickle if you ask me......they are (like me sometimes I admit) not prepared to experiment that much anymore.

Mind you, if all the clubs are a drone of the same stuff all the time then theres no room to grow your musical taste is there? Jinny/Asha stuff, yeah great tunes, but all the fekking time at every club everywhere week in week out??? Not for me mate!, Its just the same handfull of tunes banged out as 'classics' all the time to the point of ridiculousy.

Punters need to be more openminded, yet clubs need to stop playing it so safe. It bores me to tears these days - everwhere has gotten virtually the same.

thats the trouble nowadays - all it is the age of people like load of us on this site we was goin shelleys kinetic early bowlers - see the zone king matt bell - who made that name till 93 /94 then we grew up - along came the next crew the call it mr vain crew and bom diggi bom crew - then so on - its just us old cunts wantin to relive the days but agree things ave moved on - promotors ave moved on - they just seem want line pockets nowadays by gettin the young friday saturday nite posse which in fairness ya cant blame em - but then we older ones thing shit wish it was now like it was in past, cause stuff nowadyas is shite - commercial - so look else where - where i ave been oldskool to the max never left it alone and laff at the euro played at zone as in the cheese IMO - but cant blame the the promotors cause they tryin to make a buck they made that name and carried it on - next theyll be competein with cream - whens zone gonna ave tradedmark, if it aint got now a sponsor and a album comin out which is way most clubs go now - and we look to blame someone - its all money money money - whats the next thing comin out happy trance



New member
Apr 24, 2002
the one good thing about maximes is at least they still play oldskool .they always attempt to play bits here and there even when its a trance night.

what you have to remember is there is a fairly young crowd in maximes so there is only so much old skool they can play.

agree with garys comment on cricketers ,been once after hearing some decent reports on it,it must be the smallest club ive ever been to.(if no one has been it is a old labour club).

do put on some decent nights but it is mainly used as a afterhours club by people whos been to the pier.


New member
Nov 6, 2002
oh yeah.

F*** Me Peppermint Place ,How old are you then.I used to go there when the warehouse scene started in @ 1954 I think.

PS Your right- enough of Zone. Lets have more @ Hypnotic. Yeh!!!!. only kidding.
When the new sites up and running ,there will be a forum on there so people can add there pro's and con's about Maximes ,Hypnotic and Zone.
There will be a link to this site so you can flit back and forth.

C Ya

I'd forgot all about this gaff-I remember goin there on a coach full ov shell-suit kids from me local - funny as f!ck walkin into that cheesy part when u was Fubar'ed. Forgot where it was(with bein on a coach).
Nowthen. :ba:


New member
Nov 9, 2002
People see the name Zone and think Old Skool. I know loads of people who used to follow Zone wherever it's been, Jenks, Illusions, Sequins, Venue, Mill, Shack, Cricketers, Pagoda, Gold. Now that's loyalty, but as soon as it went to Maximes they stopped going for the simple fact it started playing cheese. Everyone's forgetting THIS IS AN OLD SKOOL MESSAGE BOARD. If you poll people on this board 90% or more hate cheesy chart music like Lasgo, Flip & Fill, Ian Van Dahl. Yet most people on this board would go to a Maximes Zone night rather a normal Maximes night because they'd be expecting old skool. So why advertise your night as an old skool night on an old skool message board then play current cheesy shite. Me and loads of mates went to first Zone @ Club One Eleven Night expecting a night of top memories, tunes from jenks right through to the mill. People forget Zone didn't just play Da Blitz and Bit Machine type tunes, it played the old classics like Lee Marrow & Jimi Polo. 80% of the tunes were spot on an hour or more was the music from hell, cheesy chart music remixed in a trance styley, some of it played by STU ALLAN of all people. Zone didn't need to evolve as you say. If you're going to keep the name Zone going (which is a name 10 / 11 years old), use it occasionally, like every 6 months, and play just the tunes people associate with Zone. For Zone to evolve it doesn't have to play cheesy chart shite anyway. Believe it or not there's plenty of good new house music out there at the moment. One Eleven on a Saturday Night doesn't play cheesy trance, it plays pumping house. Surely this music would be more suited to a Zone crowd, as it's basically Italian house with go faster stripes.


Sep 1, 2001
I dont agree with dropping the Zone name for certain nights as the name belongs to Melody House:confused: and to be honest they can use it however they see fit!

Its as simple as this if you dont like it then dont go!

I'm sure if Radio 1 played only the music that it played in the early to mid 90's it would soon go out of business.

I'm afraid its a sad fact that most of the kids that will go to a (if i can use the term) rave club today wont know the VAST majority of the Italian being played, i've stood and watched the crowds reaction.....what i would call a Italian classic would be played and the dancefloor would slowly start to empty, then in an attempt to get them back on the floor the dj fires on a trance choon that everyone knows, it WORKS!!

Its only the old codgers like us and the select few young uns that really know and appreciate the Italian stuff. The Sharon and Tracy clubbers will only know the big name stuff (JK, Da Blitz etc etc) If you take them away though you lose more or less half your what do you do?

In any case Zone is a legend, 11yrs and counting!


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Its the punters to some extent innit, surely.

I dont know about you lot, but when I was first into dance music and went out you would hear a whole range of tunes from say cheesier DJ Bobo, katherine E, but also 2 Bad Mice/ moving shadow stuff, Krome and time suburban base stuff all together and it was inrteresting to hear new tunes - WOW, whats this? etc and dance along to it and get into it etc.

Now, if a strict style of music is not played and your average poncey joe public 'clubber' LOL (ie your 50 year old boss goes 'clubbing' at weekends type thing!) HAVE NOT HEARD THE TUNE BEFORE then they are pussies and just flee the dance floor, so what you get is "OH Id better stick that fekking DJ Jurgen on again" cos thier weening. Its pathetic and limiting the scope of the scene in general.


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
thats spot on that sirius mate - and the perfect example of it is courtneys where i play in town. ur typical towny type bar where most of the peeps b 4 they go 2 infinity or 21's :hurl: hook up. now i got told the other day when i was playin jonny parker - love it forever that that wasnt old skool - i proceeded to laff in there faces lol but basically ya gotta hit people with anthems in that place or else they walk. it aint like a club where they go for all night its meetin place and so if u sway off that anthem path for say longer than 10 minutes peeps do 1. i have to hurt em hard with tunes that i know they will like ie jinny, 2 funky 2, young mc, twist, house traffic i can drop a cheeky one here n there in but even then its gotta b full on hands in the air piano tackle or people just walk. and so for the place to survive and to keep the place buzzin i gotta do what i gotta do to keep the peeps there - just like gary andy n co have to do with the zone if peeps aint there and dancin they gotta do whats neccessary to get peeps there n dancin its all fine n well us sittin here n sayin o this isnt good the zone is changin there music style and o its crap coz the anthems get played too much at clubs well thats daft coz i know for 1 id rather play a bit more of what i wanna play but cant coz if i did that id b playin to meself

sirius said:
Its the punters to some extent innit, surely.

I dont know about you lot, but when I was first into dance music and went out you would hear a whole range of tunes from say cheesier DJ Bobo, katherine E, but also 2 Bad Mice/ moving shadow stuff, Krome and time suburban base stuff all together and it was inrteresting to hear new tunes - WOW, whats this? etc and dance along to it and get into it etc.

Now, if a strict style of music is not played and your average poncey joe public 'clubber' LOL (ie your 50 year old boss goes 'clubbing' at weekends type thing!) HAVE NOT HEARD THE TUNE BEFORE then they are pussies and just flee the dance floor, so what you get is "OH Id better stick that fekking DJ Jurgen on again" cos thier weening. Its pathetic and limiting the scope of the scene in general.


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Yeah, its the quality of the punters these days innit. I dont blame the clubs for having to make money etc, and you have to play the same frigging stuff all the time these days cos folks are too narrowminded.

You used to hear Technotronic 'Get up get busy do it" tune, directly after some hiphop/hip house tunes, house, rave, 'hardcore', Italian, Belguim and American house all together in the same place, now you just cant do it can you? and its a shame dont you think.

Its just something folk *'do'* these days to try and be 'cool' "I go clubbing at weekends, Yah, Fantaaaastic, that new alice dj tune is a right corker innit" Bleet, bleet, bleet, like sheep.

For those of us who truely love 'true' dance music either old or new, you cant help getting pissed off at the current state of affairs (in exception of a few of course....).


I think the whole dance scene is starting to fade out of the spotlight

Most places are starting to shut down or lose custom

Ministry of sound are losing people...cream has already shutdown and are using the name only for randon gigs..these are the big Boys!!

Even reports from gatecrasher are saying the attendance is dropping

I think the scene becoming commercial with money being the main motive and everyone playing the same stuff is killing the club scene

what i have noticed is the little one off gig in a small club idea that seems to be taking off

the scene is so volitile this might be the way everythings gonna go

anyone else seen this?

Before i go

I HAVE to ask this

Is there any clubs left with a decent laser system???

Ive been to plenty of places and havent seen anything for must be over 6 years!!!



New member
Nov 9, 2002
The things Gary, Sirius, Butty and evry1 else is saying is exactly what made Zone different in the first place, and made Zone unique in a way, this is why Zone is now selling out. I have a prime example: early 1993 Zone @ Jenks, a couple of the DJ's on a Thursday and Saturday night played Urban Cookie Collective, Key the Secret. Cheese you're thinking, but it must have been 3 or 4 months before it was in the charts and was an underground club tune, I hadn't heard it before anyway. The minute it went in the charts Zone stopped playing it. It was always one thing you could guarantee with Zone nights no chart tunes. Even at clubs like Bowlers I've heard chart tunes. In a way I'm not saying Zone shouldn't evolve but playing chart cheese to an old skool crowd doesn't work, playing new music of a similar style, not identical maybe bouncy or pumping house instead probably will. If Zone is 'evolving' why play old skool anymore? You obviously want people in the club who like old skool if youre gonna play it surely. If people don't want to listen to Old Skool anymore and want to listen to cheese, why continue to have an old skool night at your club. Just change it to a cheesy dance fest and let them have there way. What maximes is doing just doesn't make sense, they want to play old skool and get an old skool crowd yet the people they get in don't want to hear old skool so they have to play chart cheese as well? If you're going to fill the club playing cheese and that's what you want, then get rid of the music that's not pulling the crowds! I'm not against new music, I love the stuff Kinetik plays on a Saturday night, bouncy uplifting house, but I know loads of people who resent paying £6/£8 or whatever it costs to go to an old skool Zone / Hypnotic night and listen to an hour+ of remixed chart tunes.


Sep 1, 2001
Isnt it a case though of the Zone trying to keep everyone happy?

They play 80% old skool for the old skoolers and 20% floorfillaz to keep the joe public type clubber happy!

I'll be honest i was at the Zone a couple of months back and i cant even remember any trance being played:$ I was a bit:fekked: to say the least! :naughty: