What Ya's Been Doin This Weekend??

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New member
Nov 11, 2001
Anyone got any interesting tales from this weekend???

Mines been a bit quiet, smoking friday and drinking saturday yawn. Innit shite in January when nobodys doin' much cos they're all skint and everywheres proper quiet anyway :|

Been rough as today though, dont know if its a hangover or a genuine illness :S

So it wont take much for ya's too have done summat a bit more exciting than me this weekend.......................:axe:


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
erm friday went courtneys was dead so started playin n all these girls came from nowhere and so i played sum more n more of there mates comes, ends up about 50 birds n no lads in courtneys all rockin in front of me, bit of nice visual entertainment for me n played 1 of the best sets ive ever done. must have been the eye candy.

did nowt yesterday am ill at the mo n have been mopin about lets hope next week im a bit more lively lively lively


Sep 29, 2001
Huddersfield :-/
Got hammerd Friday with me old mate Stella, then went to see him again saturday afternoon in celebration for me bro passin his HGV Class 1 test:D . Done fek all 2day cos feel rough as owt and me kidneys and liver are kickin the shit outa me lol!! Know what ya mean about January skint skint skint :rolleyes: !!
thought i found a dead body lol (see post what would you do)
then went for a cantonese meal with deedee it was fuckin loverly
went round st helens for a drink. needles to say it was dead.
deedee mentioned there where alot of blokes out and not many women and any women that where out where either fat or ugly or fat & ugly.
come home and took part in the takin of class a's what was left from crimbo even deedee took part for the first time.
she did make laugh. man she was funny.

just lookin through a big bag of old photo's and havin a laugh.

Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
Went to the pub with Robbie Williams ( Not the pop star one )

Drank far to many tequila slammers & stella, made an ass of myself dancing to wham songs on the dance floor

Watched Mr Williams run dow the street and try to take a corner to fast resulting in him falling flat on his face, and once again creating another booze scar on his fizzer. Came back to my house, and carried on the drinking & sillyness to around 7am

Saturday.....Big time recovery sofa sesions, and lots of Tv watching witch included that class new Steven Spielberg program Taken

Sunday.....continued my sofa posisioning skills & art of tv watching

Jaxxy ( sofa Lofa ) :S

Big T

New member
May 16, 2002
Went to my m8s cousins house in Barnsley. Stayed in for about half an hour then decide to pop into the centre and ended up going to heaven and hell. We walked in and all looked at one another and shook our heads in disbelieve cause that cheesy as fuck tune thats on mtv (dreamer, nothing but a dreamer) i coulndn't believe it cause every 1 was loving it. We all decided to geta drink cause it was £1 on any drink. Had a walk round realised how many nice looking birds there were but their was twice as many meat heads so after half an hour later and 4 pints of stella we left back for the house and proceeded to get imensely twated.
Sat at home for the rest of the weekend and watched tv.

northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
:love: :love: :love:
well i reckon my weekend has got to be the quietest on ere!! (as in out n fun time coz i stayed in!)
except the noise levels were kinda high! had a house full of wild 5yr olds!! playing with the latest craze 'beyblades' - anyone had a go? its a top one - honest! had great fun!
funny how parenthood has changed me buzzes!!! lol!


Played the "Weekend Dad"

Worked a bit

Took back my boy, Watched my hammer house of horror box set again and again!
northernminx1 said:
:love: :love: :love:
well i reckon my weekend has got to be the quietest on ere!! (as in out n fun time coz i stayed in!)
except the noise levels were kinda high! had a house full of wild 5yr olds!! playing with the latest craze 'beyblades' - anyone had a go? its a top one - honest! had great fun!
funny how parenthood has changed me buzzes!!! lol!

lol 5,4,3,2,1, "lettem rip"
and you gotta do all the actions like on the cartoon they are quite cool though.
Had a very nice w/e. :D

Me and grad spent hours scanning photies in on here on Friday while drinking a nice red :pixie: and listening to als radio :thumbsup: we then watched Vertigo in bed with just my sexy red rope light on !!

Saturday we went to The Natural History Museum to look at dinosaurs and stuffed animals and play with loads of knobs :eyebrow: and was quite intrigued watching an ant colony !! We then went for a drink in Leicester Square, which made us hungry so we went to a really nice and cheap chinese restaurant in china town and ate loads of food :p mmmmm Made me appreciate living in London again...Then came home to have another film fest (Ive been watching shiteloads of films lately - cant sleep :| ) I made grad sit through 2001 - A Space Oddessy :crazy: I had yet not managed to watch it without falling asleep and once again I nodded off (only for 5 mins tho ;) ) then Mean Streets came on (top film) so we watched that unall whilst drinking white wine in bed....oh thats the life eh !!

Then Sunday we went shopping...I went out to buy these trousers Ive been dreaming about :crazy: but was unable to buy them so bought Taxi Driver and Stand By Me instead :D then grad went home :cry: :( and I watched Stand By Me in bed and didnt get to sleep till 3.30am :fekked:

But a top w/e all in all even if it did go far too quickly :( :( :(

And now its back to job hunting again today:S

Sweet xx

tall paul

New member
Sep 19, 2001
Friday - About 10 of us jumped in a couple of cars & went to an ice-rink, was funny as fek - not been since I was in school. Lots of people looking like cartoons with their arms & legs moving in a mad uncontrolled blur but their bodies not actually moving anywhere fast, shortly before crashing to the ice.

Saturday - Went the match & saw Liverpool continue their terrible run.

Sat nite / Sunday - went up to Newcastle to visit the relatives, managed to get round 4 sets of relatives & a sausage dog in a day which was good going.