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tall paul

New member
Sep 19, 2001
I'm going to be filming my new video at GT - "Come Rave with Me (whats your name & where do ya come from)"

Featuring everyone off the board I want to start with a few simple warm up moves such as

'Shooting the ants' - Put the Middle & index fingers together in a pointy gun shape & shoot those damn imaginary ants crawling around the GT floor to the ryhthm.

'Shaking the towel' - Arms out to the front and wrists down as if holding a small wet beach towel, the n flick the wrists out to the left and then to the right...

'Stealing the hub caps' - Bit more tricky this one, bend down and move both arms in a circular motion as if using a jack to undo the nuts on a car wheel.

Building up to everyone's favourite ...

'Big box little box' - Needs no introduction.

Jean-Claude Van Damme and his leotard will also be making an appearance to show a few moves he learnt when filming 'Breakdance'.

Videos will on sale from all good stockists from boxing day, priced at £13.99.


Active member
VIP Silver Member
Nov 11, 2001
I'll be theer wi my dustpan and brush! - think its perfected now was practisin for 2 hours yesterday coz my hoovers broke through overuse! Only downside to brushin the carpet is that my lungs now contain a lining of dust which could prove nasty!

I'll have a go at them moves later Paul - I reckon the hub cap changin one could prove to be a recipe of disaster - obly to be performed when in complete control of my body! i.e. earl on on the night - we'll see ha ha cant wait! :D:party: