So when it rains...

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New member
Nov 29, 2004
The water droplets fall from the clouds. They fall to the ground. Where there are mountains the rain droplets fall onto them first and the water runs down the mountainside and forms streams of water which grow into rivers.

Then a load of Frogs put this rain water into bottles and then put the bottles into boxes. They put the boxes into trucks and then drive them to the channel tunnel, under the channel on a train and then to a distribution warehouse in the UK. They are then distributed in vans and lorries to shops, petrol stations, supermarkets, bars, clubs and so on. Where they charge you for the water.

The quesiton is; after you have paid the money for the privelage of having a bottle of old rainwater which has been around for weeks, if not months, do you ever wonder what Evian is when reversed around and said the other way?

Naive! And Naive means gullible!

Gutted! The frogs selling us rainwater, calling it gullible and we've been buying it - they must be laughing all the way to the bank.

I sat there drinking some on Saturday night thinking about it and from that minute I realised I will only ever drink Malvern from now on. :cool:


Active member
Jun 24, 2005
Dr Huxtables
ilovepiano said:
I don't get it when people buy bottled water. Never heard of taps?:cops:
hehe i used to think that:) But... i went to a mates house last year, between us we drank the place dry lol and all that was left in the fridge was a bottle of volvic :| i said why not just drink tap water?
and she explained that there is something in volvic water thats really special and once you try volvic, ya wont ever wanna drink any other water again. i dunno whether it was the 'other' stuff we had consumed that evening:fekked: that made me belive that it actually does taste different or in fact volvic water does taste like no other!!

any road i never drink any other water now so ..........:confused: