santa ?

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Active member
Apr 20, 2003
nics said:
its shite having your own place coz everything i get prezzi wise is house related!!

last year i got a dishwasher thats still in the box, and this year im getting new digital phones coz mine are fooked!!

A dishwasher feckin ell, thats not a bad pressie!! :eek:

I once recieved about 10 cookery books from me mum coz id just moved into me house, nice one mum! :rolleyes:
nics said:
its shite having your own place coz everything i get prezzi wise is house related!!

last year i got a dishwasher thats still in the box, and this year im getting new digital phones coz mine are fooked!!

Ha haaaaa, no way. I got a digital phone last year!!!! lol. Just tell whoever it is buying them.....NOT to get NTL ones. They are as shit as shit that is shit at being shit!!!

Oh, I don't reck I'll be getting much...had a convo with me Mum last year about how I'd be 21 next xmas...and a "grown up" (er ok!) So I reck the pile is more likely to be not a pile. Plus I don't have a fella. I remember spending a bloody fortune on my x at christmas.....Luckily, I LOVE giving pressies

I'd love a dishwasher though!!! Get it unwrapped girl!


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
the dishwasher was my birthday n crimbo combined but i still aint had a chance to use it coz its still in the box! waiting for the fekkin council to get their fingers out there arses n fit me new kitchen!!

i got me some bt digi phones 2 years ago and i keep dropping em and now they are well fooked, and rather than me mam get me summat crap i gave her suttle suggestions!! and its worked

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
well this year I've asked for money as I could do with puttin it towards building my record empire!! lol and also I could do with some new jeans!!! :p

Santa already bought me an amazin Xmas prezzie tho but its already arrived! ;)



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VIP Gold Member
li'l Sonz said:
well this year I've asked for money as I could do with puttin it towards building my record empire!! lol and also I could do with some new jeans!!! :p

Santa already bought me an amazin Xmas prezzie tho but its already arrived! ;)


:love: :love: :love: :love: Awwwww Bless Ya!!

But following straight after :hurl: :hurl: :hurl: lol Soz Sonz!!

Hmmmm babes maybe he could bring me a hair trim of ya?? ;)

S-J x :love: