plz dont read if u own a yappy dog/s

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Aug 1, 2002
Exiled Lad
Sorry to be all on a negative vibe and stuff on osa (say it like neil from YO) but i have to register my complete and utter fucking hatred for all yappy/small dog varieties

there is one living just over the fence outside my bedroom and i am starting to develop a osa/yappy dog corel ceorel um some sort of insane mania

come home from a hard day work get a beer an think " ooh aar ill just sit on me comp an have a quiet laff at osa shenanigan...YAP.... erm i'll jus crack me beer an relax an... YAP......YAP......YAP YAPYAPYAPYAP YAP...................YAP.........YAPYAPAYP.....yap...yap...YAP....GRRRAAAARRGH!!!!!! SHUT UP YOU BASTARD MUTANT ANIMAL PLEEEEASEE make it stop!! YAP...YAP...ETC :mad: :mad: :mad: :axe: :axe:

i swear if a pin drops it sets it off on its strangled yips for 10 minutes

i am an animal lover but poisoned steak is beginning to cross my mind
why do people inflict this torture on there neighbours i cant take much more :cry:


yes ive asked them they wont get rid of/drown it


New member
Jul 16, 2001
Back oop north!
I totally agree with you there mate - their constant yapping goes through you like a knife doesn't it? :mad: :mad: :mad:

And another thing.... why do owners of small yappy type dogs insist on putting bloody COATS on them???? :confused: :confused: They're fekkin dogs, not people... they are designed to have hair/fur and therefore can be out in the cold with no coats.

My mum breeds Labradors and even they get on my nerves but at least if they bark, they bark properly.

Go on Aydo... shoot the little mutha :starwars::eyebrow:


New member
Aug 1, 2002
Exiled Lad
Re: Re: plz dont read if u own a yappy dog/s

Armando Needlefluff said:
ok this doesnt add, i didnt think auzzies did hard work lol j/k:D

Have ya got any mates that play aussie rules, get him to punt the thing as far as he can. them blokes can kick a ball

lol ya cheeky get :mad:

remember the working classes are all overworked an underpaid we jus live in different places !!

thanks for the idea 'mando , any other readers care to contribute