Original Covers...

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jjc tribute

New member
Jun 26, 2004
Spotted some tunes for sale that are originals but all of them come in white sleeves. Just wondered what people's thoughts are on buying records that dont have their original covers. Does it matter? Would u expect a discount when buying? Or is it all about owning the tune??
Spotted some tunes for sale that are originals but all of them come in white sleeves. Just wondered what people's thoughts are on buying records that dont have their original covers. Does it matter? Would u expect a discount when buying? Or is it all about owning the tune??

To me it's about getting the piece of vinyl so I can play it...

Original / pic sleeves are a nice to have but not an absolute neccessity.

That said Warp tunes NEED to be in a Warp purple sleeve ;) It'd be wrong otherwise :)

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
I just got a copy of Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam (part 2) to repalce the one I sold in 98 and it was meant to be with the pic cover, turned up in a generic black plain sleeve :|


mr sy1975

New member
Dec 5, 2006
Sevenoaks, down south
yes I prefer picture sleeves and when I get doubles I will always try and keep the piccy sleeve....but in terms of selling vinyl, you are selling the record not its cover whether piccy or not and I do not think that this should effect value....the only time piccy sleeves make a difference is with albums when it is more important to have the piccy.

Personally I think its also nice to have the piccy as some are great bits of (dare I say it) art.:thumbsup:


Dec 28, 2002
I have bought records JUST for the sleve. I have a couple of sleves without records..sad i know. A record dealer i know used to buy some realy strange printed generic sleves and then throw the records at local kids or smash them over his head....nutter.

Another question would be would you prefer in buying 2nd hand records to have a tatty original sleve included or a nice new generic sleve. Me give me the tatty sleve every time even if in poor condition.


stuck in Aahz

Mar 28, 2004
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
I prefer to have the company or pic sleeve. And it does affect price. Given the choice of 2 records in same condition, one with and one without company sleeve, I'm buying the one in the company sleeve. Now the poor sod sellin the record in a generic sleeve gots to wait another six months to find someone else wanting to buy his obscure track.

Sonic 89-90

VIP Gold Member
Apr 14, 2005
The Vault
As long as the vinyl is in good shape Im not that fussed if the original sleeve is missing - often you get the vinyl cheaper anyway ;)
same here

Due to my slight of hand cover swapping antics in record shops over the years I am still left with boxes of spare pic sleeves and company sleeves awaiting the tune one day :S

im guilty of that too:$ especially in the London mv.exchanges over the last 12 years , just cant help swaping a plain sleeve for a rare orig company sleeve off a crap or damaged tune on a good label , italian style ,energy ,discomagic , tam tam , debut , ffrr, to name but a few ,
wrong some might say :naughty: But i see it as way of recycling;)

plus theres loads of times ive bought shite records from car boots or record fairs for 25p - 50p just for the mint rare original company sleeve because i just know they will come in handy one day to spruce up a rare tune on the same label thats in a battered old company sleeve cause it i find does affect the price in most cases, :)