Moning Peeeeeeeeeeps

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New member
Jul 16, 2001
Back oop north!
Beebock said:
glad you like it :)

* another round of fresh coffee and tea *

This is how a breakfast should be! But I like a fry up on Sunday! As Pix and Hektik will agree! I was badgering them so bad they tryed to kill me!

Oh no... that pix's driving ;) j/j

right guys - anyone who was @ GT or the mash up & saw the states we were in .............. can u imagine stopping at a Little Chef & having a FUL FRY UP after a night out on the :fekked: :fekked: - D DON'T THINK SO !!!!!

We were trying to explain it to him but alas being a non chemicals kinda guy he didn't quite grasp the concept of "No food sunday" !!! lol :party:


New member
Jul 16, 2001
Back oop north!
doolz said:
bolox dunking time ahoy
todays speciality is high diving choclate digestives

wouldnt dunk a jaffa tho no way I eat all the the biccy bit off then nibble the choclate away till all ya have is the orangey bit
I'm with yas on this one Doolz m8 !!!

BTW, you working this weekend ?? Fancy meeting up foir a bevvie ?

Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
Beebock said:

arrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh it's NOT the jaffas that are getting dunked! it's the croisants! and they LIVE for being dunked....

* looks at Jaxx's glazed stare *

I give up!

Dunking croisants you dirty French Pigs ( said in my best French stleee) J/Jokin :D :D

I thought the French where the best foodie type people in the world, Only to find out it was us Brits all along who cook up the best nosh.

You may say the only thing to come out of the English is Fish & chips, but at least we don't dunk them in our tea Lolol

:D :D

Ps Glad to hear you got your fry up Beebock fella ( yet another classic English dish )

M Jaxx feels he has spoilt the continental conections between the UK and France now

So he pulls up the zip on his Bommer jacket, gets on his bread tagged infested chopper bike, wacks it into 1st gear and peddels off into the sunset, leaving behind him only the sound of a motor bike made by the peg and carboard flapping aginst his back weel spokes ( What The F**k ) :crazy: :crazy:
Oh Jaxx ...... * sighs nodding head *

* puts stick into front wheel! *

I am going to have to teach you the vertues of French cuisine.....

Rabbit stew ( french)
Boeuf ourgignon ( french )
Fish and chips ( belgium sorry mate it's not english )
Horse ( french )
Snails( french )
Frogs ( oh yeah!)

Patager de legumes

and I can carry on.......

But saying this there are a lot of really nice english foods.... I love all the old traditional dishes :)

:crazy: :crazy: