Mo Fo spider problem!!

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New member
Mar 18, 2004
Shabba Guess What Happened To Me!!

I Had To Use My Boyfriends Work Van To Get To Work The Other Day And As I Was Driviong Home At 02:15am I Stopped At The Traffic Lights Only To Spot A Big Mofo Spider On The Windscreen In A Big Mofo Web.

I Jumped Out The Car In A Spasm Of Fright Screaming And Approached A Taxi Driver Who Refused To Get The Spider Out
So I Knocked On Another Window Who Quickley Drove Off Thinking I Was A Mentalist. Another Guy Came To My Rescue And Got '2' Mofo Spiders Out I Did'nt Trust They Had Gone But Knew I Had To Get Home So Sped All The Way Home Rigid With Fright.

Got Home And Screamed I'm Never Going In Your Mofo Van Again

Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever Ever :| I Shat Me Pants :$


New member
Apr 5, 2004
kill 'em all.

hateful creatures. yuk. if i were you i'd just spray the bejesus out of the car, like empty a can of WMD-strength bug killer in there and leave it for a day. but no. f*ckin. way. would i get back into it...
boring fact : daddy-long-legs (or whatever you call them, that thing in the photo anyway) have some of the strongest venom on the planet but their fangs are too crap to bite through human skin... ugly & useless? brilliant.


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Northern Ireland
sirius said:
I wonder if you can sort of 'fumigate' the car with chemicals? Although if its that big, it may just get high and stumble around for a bit.


PMSL!!! I say just nuke the car!! LOL!!! Here check this out..... CLICK HERE!!! :thumbsup:


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Northern Ireland
Top spider tip!!


How to deal with spiders in the bath. How to get rid of a spider in the bath easily by humane means, even if you are afraid of spiders!


Problem: Spider in the bath. What to do about it? Chances are, if you're scared of spiders, you may find a spider in the bath, raising various ethical and psychological problems, which are now solved here!

Firstly, spiders do not want to be in the bath. They have not come up out of the plughole, but have had the misfortune to fall into the bath.

Also, it is not good to kill them, flush them away, or otherwise commit malice against them, as spiders of the type found in a temperate climate are mostly harmless and are actually a good thing to have around as they catch insects. It's like having cats that catch mice!

Another less-than-ideal solution is to call for the brave knight to tackle the monster. People who are not scared of spiders sometimes don't understand arachnophobia and can't see why there's a problem and may think it's all very funny.

So, the solution: How to deal with spiders in the bath: Take a piece of toilet paper about 3ft long and drape it over the rim of the bath, reaching all the way to the bottom, leaving enough over the outside to balance it. Then, just leave the room. Forget about it. Next time you go there, after an hour or so, the spider will have mysteriously disappeared! See, easy!

What's strange is why most people don't know this, and can't see why it works. That's because they can't see the spider as having any opinion or any say at all in the matter. The truth is that the spider in the bath is from its own point of view IN JAIL and will take the opportunity to escape! :thumbsup:


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
Cheers ZenZen, do you reckon if i hang a length of toilet paper out of my car window it'll get the bleeder out of there??

I still haven't spotted the beast again yet, it's the not knowing where it is that bothers me the most. :(


Registered Member
Mar 30, 2003
In a world of my own
I been bit by a spider, The only spider that bites in the UK is a wolf spider and although it is not a poisonous bite it hurts equally as bad as a wasp of bee sting and your whole arm aches.

After that bite I'll only touch small spiders now adays cause I dont want another like that !


New member
Jan 4, 2002
cam said:
I been bit by a spider, The only spider that bites in the UK is a wolf spider and although it is not a poisonous bite it hurts equally as bad as a wasp of bee sting and your whole arm aches.

After that bite I'll only touch small spiders now adays cause I dont want another like that !
are they the spiders that jump?? ...light brown?? also r they quite small...ish??
if they are then we get sh*t loads of them in our house all the time...i'll stay clear of them from now on:|

jayne x


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
Cam - will you try and find a picture of one cos i wanna see if it's the same one i've got. I don't want no big mo fo biting spider crawling up on me when i'm driving on the motorway or summat!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone know how long spiders live for??

It's quite a while i think cos i once trapped one under a cup in the bathroom, finally removed the cup three weeks later and the little sod scurried away!!!!


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Northern Ireland
Shabba said:
will you try and find a picture of one cos i wanna see if it's the same one i've got. I don't want no big mo fo biting spider crawling up on me when i'm driving on the motorway or summat!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anyone know how long spiders live for??

Here you go Shabba....


Wolf Spiders
Habitat: Common household pest in the winter when they are looking for a warm place to overwinter. They are commonly found around doors, windows, house plants, basements, garages, and in almost all terrestrial habitats. They do not spin a web but roam at night to hunt for food. Wolf spiders are often confused with the brown recluse, but they lack the unmistakable violin-shaped marking behind the head. The wolf spider is shy and seeks to run away when disturbed.

Description: Wolf spiders range from about 1/2 inch to 2 inches in length, hairy, and are typically brown to gray in color with various markings or lines. Wolf spider mothers carry their large egg sacs around with them. When the young spiderlings hatch they climb onto their mother's back and ride around until partially grown. Wolf spiders are not poisonous, though as with all spiders, bites may cause reactions in certain individuals.

CONTROL: Spider control is best done on a one-to-one, as needed basis. A general spray for spiders is not recommended, unless the infestation seems severe. Tolerate what you can, spray with an aerosol what you can't.


Registered Member
Mar 30, 2003
In a world of my own
Thats the fecking begger, I stood on the one that bit me, it friggin hurt as well, all I was doing was putting my hand down the back of the stereo to get a tape that had dropped down the back.

Wolf spiders are not that big so the likely hood of your spider being one is very minimal hun if you have a whopper it will be something else hun.

Youll know about it though if they do bite cause your whole arm aches


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Northern Ireland
glazzy said:
are they the spiders that jump?? ...light brown?? also r they quite small...ish??
if they are then we get sh*t loads of them in our house all the time...i'll stay clear of them from now on:|

jayne x



Zebra spider
Salticus scenicus
Zebra spiders belong to the family Salticidae (also known as jumping spiders) who are believed to have the best eyesight of any arthropod. If you take a close look at one of these spiders it will often turn its head to look straight back at you.

Physical Description
Female zebra spiders are 5-7mm long and males are 5-6mm. The most distinctive feature of these spiders is their two very large eyes. Although they have eight eyes, the two at the front are the largest and give them excellent binocular vision. These tiny spiders are black with white hairs that form stripes.

Zebra spiders are widespread across Britain and are found throughout the world.

They can be found on walls, plants and fences on sunny days.

Zebra spiders tend to hunt any insect or spider roughly the same size or smaller than itself. They have been observed feeding on mosquitoes, which are almost twice their length.

These spiders use their large front eyes to locate and stalk their prey. They move slowly towards their prey until they are close enough to pounce on top of their victim, and their hunting behaviour has been described as cat-like. Using their acute eyesight, they are able to accurately judge the distances they need to jump. Before jumping they glue a silk thread to the surface that they are jumping from so that if miss the target they can climb up the thread and try again. They ignore unappetising insects such as ants.

When these spiders meet, the male carries out a courtship dance involving waving his front legs and moving his abdomen up and down. The better the dance the more likely the female will want to mate, although arachnologists have yet to discover what it is the female looks for in a mating dance. Despite their good eyesight, males will sometimes accidentally perform a mating dance in front of another male. When this happens the two males usually fight. Males will also perform courtship dances in front of their own reflection in a mirror.

Females will stay with their egg sacs and will guard the young after they hatch. After the spiderlings have had their second moult they will leave the mother to fend for themselves.

Conservation status
Zebra spiders are not protected by law in the UK.
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New member
Jan 4, 2002
ZENZEN said:


Conservation status
Zebra spiders are not protected by law in the UK.
good job they aren't protected :$

the spiders that get in our house do look a bit like that but i haven't had a close enough look at it's eyes to make sure :|

jayne x


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
ZENZEN said:
When these spiders meet, the male carries out a courtship dance involving waving his front legs and moving his abdomen up and down. The better the dance the more likely the female will want to mate, although arachnologists have yet to discover what it is the female looks for in a mating dance. Despite their good eyesight, males will sometimes accidentally perform a mating dance in front of another male. When this happens the two males usually fight. Males will also perform courtship dances in front of their own reflection in a mirror.

Thats fab!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: