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Active member
Oct 27, 2005
Whilst it sounds great.
It is just impossible to conceive, assuming they avoid prison. Once punished if they had a job, they would probably lose it. If they go for a job, they would probably never get one because of their record. So take away benefits, they would literally starve to death; or do more looting to get themselves in to jail.

Off track, but wanted to write my thoughts somewhere
I believe there was a lot of opportunistic thieving/violence by people who were swept up in the gangmentalityheatofthemomentredmist as we now see estate agents, social workers, finance students getting punished along with the regular wronguns.
And just because we have been used to peace for aeons, doesn’t mean it is a natural state of affairs. All throughout the history of this fair isle we’ve been subject to marauding and/or opportunistic and/or violent types... Romans, Saxons, Normans, Vikings, right down to present day people trying to hop the channel to suck off our benefits. And equally we’ve been super efficient at exporting that marauding and/or opportunistic and/or violent types. Empire building(pillage of continents) / War “winners” / poking our nose in affairs that probably didn’t need us(oil security, sod the huminatarian crisis where there’s no chance of some rewards).
I’m sure everyone can defend all of those issues as not being the real picture, and they are what make us “Great” Britain.
However I just see “Great Britain” as a n other country with an ever shifting population, that has certain flash points, that focus attention and define the country at that point in time. Moreover I’m just saying that violence, with or without clearly defined reasons, is just another part of the human condition, that is not unique to this country.
But this spate of mass disorder will require a certain amount of effort on everyone’s part to get a solution that will stop this type of event happening again.
I think what surprised me most about this event. Is that the culprits are probably my age groups children. So whilst we were celebrating summer of love and peace, and I am assuming parents passed on those values, the kids have stuck two fingers up to it. I guess each generations rebellion has to take place; whether it’s in a way we expect or not. And reinforces that peace is not a natural state of affairs.
Anyway collectively the nation will have to find a solution, that is not going to have drastic negative consequences e.g. costs wise or depriving those lower down from opportunities to get engaged with finding a solution to get themselves out of this mess for themselves... battle royale ;)


Active member
Oct 27, 2005
They can remove their benefits in prison though;)

Gov't has already responded within the petition

In the meantime, we would like to update you on the Government’s current position on the substance of this e-petition. Prisoners convicted of a criminal offence and detained in prison are not entitled to social security benefits. That means that anyone who is eligible for social security benefits and who is caught, convicted and imprisoned for any offence committed during the recent disorder that has disrupted London and other UK cities will be disqualified from receiving social security payments. The Department for Work and Pensions is also looking at whether further sanctions can be imposed on the benefit entitlements of individuals who receive non custodial sentences.


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
To be honest Kev, I don't think you can really compare people wanting to party, to people burning down buildings and looting. The rave scene would have had it's fair share of dodgy people trying to spoil the party, but that wasn't the spirit.

I think the rave scene got a bum deal from the media and the police, but I wanna see the scum of the cities caught rebelling, getting taught a lesson they deserve.

I was watching Newsnight the other night, and the 2 panelists representing the voice of the people responsible for the rioting were so far off the mark with their perception of reality, (or at least the reality that they were portraying) that it made me angry. They seem to have taken hip hop's negative messages at face value as if it's the truth of the streets, when hip hop started off with more positive messages. These wanna be gangstas are trying to live the gangsters paradise of easy money, labels, bling, and see getting shot at, stabbed and mugging people as normal. They're probably waiting for ''The Revolution'' too that'll free them from their struggles, when all they need to do is knuckle down at school, get an education then maybe a good job at the end of it.

Fuck trying to justify some state of injustice that the country as a whole needs to solve and should feel empathy towards. I'm sick of the liberals making excuses for them that these people then use as ammunition to justify their actions. These thick cunts got themselves into this mess, they tried to bite the hand that feeds them. It's their own doing, not the governments who gave them schooling, shelter, money and options to better themselves. What they really need is a reality check and wake up to fact that they could have got these things with a clean conscience. Man the fuck up instead of acting like kids.

The only way I can see of pulling them out of their shitty lives is national service because it will teach them discipline, that there's a hierarchy that holds the army and the country as a whole together. Maybe the parents of the pre teen kids let out until the early hours should be put through it too.


Active member
Oct 27, 2005
To be honest Kev, I don't think you can really compare people wanting to party, to people burning down buildings and looting. The rave scene would have had it's fair share of dodgy people trying to spoil the party, but that wasn't the spirit.

No not I'm not making a direct comparison to ravers Jim. I could have made the comparison to a n other "event" thing that has happened recently. I could have drawn a comparison from mods v rockers to brixton riots to football casuals. Or to the nicer things like Woodstock or ravers in disused warehouses, which we think were wonderful positive life changing moments of clarity for the world, to the moral majority(which we are part of now) we were just another bunch of c*nts f*cking up our lives and everything around them

The only parallel I draw is that there were lots of individual sheep that felt a buzz to be part of what was happening, because the previously perceived peace was not working for them.

Underneath there are individual gang "leaders" or promoters or muso's that will have really started things.
This time around it will be the ultra violent / arsonists / window smashers; that changed the game and drew the sheep in. Whilst there will be hundreds of people in prisons, and plenty of pain for those involved. One thing I am convinced of is that we will not have seen the last of these type of flash lootings; the idea could easily spread to other countries too.

Whilst I would definitely like to see National Service,. I'm not sure without a grand plan such as National Service, the nation can expect to get any positive results out of kicking an already demonised chav class. We simply don't have any continents we can ship them off to, continents to conquer, or even legally able to use them as cannon fodder any more.

The biggest thing I hope for is that people stop being politically apathetic and wake up to the need to solve issues like this collectively. And not look for a quick win like throwing the key away. :)


New member
Nov 2, 2007
the authorities thought the world was falling apart in our time too (although for different reasons obviously). maybe if they had just left us to it instead of trying to ban everything things would be ok now ;) :thumbsup:


Active member
Dec 18, 2007
Kiss me brown eye
Society needs to create a bogey man for the apparatus of state to instil fear, through fear, control.
Tony Benn said it far more eloquently, the salient points are at 3.10 onwards, but watch it all

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LnY-jy_cE0]Sicko (Michael Moore) - Tony Benn - YouTube[/ame]


Aug 11, 2005
I have too feel for these kids today ( being sarcastic by the way ) There is no movement or following for them to join , Mods , Rokkers , Ravers , Punks etc the only movement these short sighted bastards is too dress in bad sports wear put there hoods up and drink stella on the street corner. The music is bleak and there lifestyle is bleak .
It seems there movement is the streets ,, id hate to be a kid in these times , I often wondered watching these lot stand on the street corner getting wasted in all weathers some of em 21 + thinking god what the fuk r u doin expand ur life some of u have jobs u have money go too town go abroad do fukkin somthing.. but no still they stand there week after week ..
Fukkin Twats!!!!...
Rant over .Shoot the fukkin lot of em. usless bastards..


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Society needs to create a bogey man for the apparatus of state to instil fear, through fear, control.
Tony Benn said it far more eloquently, the salient points are at 3.10 onwards, but watch it all

Sicko (Michael Moore) - Tony Benn - YouTube

deffo, always gotta have an enemy to fight or what's the point of them being there? the sad thing is that so many people believe in their fake little wars :(
Lots of good points made guys, you have to laugh at the hypocrisy of the government tho, hammering these looters with excessive sentences, i dont deny they deserve the jail but was it not David Cameron who said Andy Coulson deserved another chance, did all these MPs swindle the expenses, they are a bunch of 2 faced bastards, MPs, RIOTERS THE LOT......ps, am not making a case for the looters just pointing out how unbalanced the judicial system is, MPs steal thousands and a handful go to jail, riots in the streets and the MPs take the high moral ground....