Kids say the greatest things...

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Jan 15, 2007
GT Yarmouth
My other half just asked me if i wanted a coffee, my 3 year old replied for me and shouted "I want £100!!!" LMFAO!!! ...don't we all :D

Reminds me of the other day when she asked where all the rain water went and i explained that the sun dries it all up.... she said "With a towel dad?" LOL

What funny things have your little ones come out with? :D


Active member
Apr 20, 2006
Pink makes the boys wink....
My other half just asked me if i wanted a coffee, my 3 year old replied for me and shouted "I want £100!!!" LMFAO!!! ...don't we all :D

Reminds me of the other day when she asked where all the rain water went and i explained that the sun dries it all up.... she said "With a towel dad?" LOL

What funny things have your little ones come out with? :D

My Amys niece comes out with some corkers.. We were doing a bit of a loft conversion and she popped her head thru the hatch.. Do you like it i said? She said yeah i love it... So i said , Well why dont you marry it then? dont be stupid she said it hasnt got any lips.. Hahahahahaaaaaa :D :cool:


VIP Silver Member
Nov 30, 2007
bootle liverpool
lolol my lil girl was about 3 and I was askin her to spell d o g
cat? c a t...then I said "and whats fog?" ..she said " its like a mist and you cant see through it" !!

and another one....she used to say the end of sentences in nursery rhymes...
I said ""jack n jill went up the"..she said "hill"....went on and when I said "mended his head with vinegar and brown.." she said " sauce "!!! class!


Jan 15, 2007
GT Yarmouth
lolol my lil girl was about 3 and I was askin her to spell d o g
cat? c a t...then I said "and whats fog?" ..she said " its like a mist and you cant see through it" !!

and another one....she used to say the end of sentences in nursery rhymes...
I said ""jack n jill went up the"..she said "hill"....went on and when I said "mended his head with vinegar and brown.." she said " sauce "!!! class!

LOL thats ace :D


Active member
Apr 11, 2006
ohh yes they talk some nonsense, :D my 3yr old comes out with some crackers at times.

night befor last i got woken up by him rocking me, and saying "dad is it a little bit morning yet" :D it was 3.50 :mad:

a few week back he was in the middle of getting a good bollocking and he just looked up at me and said "ribbit" and did a little hop like a frog, i couldn't help but crack up laughing, :D

and every so often he gets me his mum and sisters to all gather round on our bed so he can tell us all a (made up) story. yet every story begins with "once apon a time there was a big monster, with big hairy claws" then it drifts of into some harry hill style randomness :crazy:


New member
VIP Silver Member
May 6, 2006
lol this post has had me in stiches!!
My little bro used to sleepwalk& sleeptalk...He used to come out wiht the most random things..."can i have some tape, i need t shut the vent" ???? WTF?? LOL indeedy!

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
My Amys niece comes out with some corkers.. We were doing a bit of a loft conversion and she popped her head thru the hatch.. Do you like it i said? She said yeah i love it... So i said , Well why dont you marry it then? dont be stupid she said it hasnt got any lips.. Hahahahahaaaaaa :D :cool:

Hahaa that is fucking top :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
there used to be a tape knocking around in our family from when we were kids, a cassette tape i mean, not a video so you had no idea what was going on by sight when you played it. It was of me, my mum, my auntie, my brother and my nan, just chitter chatting away, just general bollox like asking what i'd had for tea etc... and there I am, answering away, proper surly edge to my voice, then you hear a big 'clunk' and I suddenly go schitz (evidently my little bro who was probably only about 2 at the time must've bopped me one..) and I go 'AAAAAAAARGH!! MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AIN'T GOT WOODEN HAIR YOU KNOW!!!!" :mad:
:confused: :$ :axe:

yeah, great. makes loads of sense.:S :$ lol

later I can be heard babbling to anyone who'd listen "Wouldn't you rather be Emelyn?"
for no apparent reason whatsoever, I can only imagine it had something to do with Emelyn Hughes. :confused:

Bendy / Leaky ~ loving the 'lips' and 'ribbit' ones :D

teh one about the sun and the towel is pretty cute too :cool:


Active member
Apr 20, 2006
Pink makes the boys wink....
there used to be a tape knocking around in our family from when we were kids, a cassette tape i mean, not a video so you had no idea what was going on by sight when you played it. It was of me, my mum, my auntie, my brother and my nan, just chitter chatting away, just general bollox like asking what i'd had for tea etc... and there I am, answering away, proper surly edge to my voice, then you hear a big 'clunk' and I suddenly go schitz (evidently my little bro who was probably only about 2 at the time must've bopped me one..) and I go 'AAAAAAAARGH!! MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AIN'T GOT WOODEN HAIR YOU KNOW!!!!" :mad:

We used to have tapes n all pmsl, Remember the one where were singing some song about a kid trapped down a well, "And who pulled him out" my nan says? Little johnny fart comes my reply, My nan says "Well thats not very nice is it Benjamin that wont go down in posperity will it" and i shout "Look i'm scribbling" Hahahahaa classic! :D
We used to have tapes n all pmsl, Remember the one where were singing some song about a kid trapped down a well, "And who pulled him out" my nan says? Little johnny fart comes my reply, My nan says "Well thats not very nice is it Benjamin that wont go down in posperity will it" and i shout "Look i'm scribbling" Hahahahaa classic! :D

pmsl, I just imagined you as this guy then Benny


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Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
We used to have tapes n all pmsl, Remember the one where were singing some song about a kid trapped down a well, "And who pulled him out" my nan says? Little johnny fart comes my reply, My nan says "Well thats not very nice is it Benjamin that wont go down in posperity will it" and i shout "Look i'm scribbling" Hahahahaa classic! :D

:axe: bird brain 2 second attention spans hey? ;)
anyway, where was I.... :p

yeah taping voices... the 70's version of camcordering...sort of :D