Jenks Reunion - 21st Birthday Anniversary - July 2012

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Staff member
Jun 2, 2004
Still Here
I'll start with this, the previous one I didn't enjoy at all, probably something to do with starting getting smashed too early. So this time started a bit later ......

We set off at a nice reasonable time 17:30 towards Barrie's house, unlucky for us I started to come up and ended up missing the turnin and then headed back towards preston :fekked: ended up getting to Barries @ 8pm.

Blah, Blah, Yadda Yadda . . . . .

Got to the club just before 10 and there was already a queue, it was bad enough the Barrie had made us pay to gt in but fooking queing!!! lol

Straight to the bar and spent up with 2 drinks, £4 fooking 20 for a Kopperberg :cry: anyways no point in wavering over that, staright to the dancefloor to start the night off. On the decks was Andy Dean who was warming the crowd up very nicely, it didn't take me long to start the downwards spiral of constant sweating!!! One tune that stood out from his set was DJ Goofy - Champaigne & Ice had a reet stomp to that.

Now we were all settled in nicely, buzzing, off it and ready for the constant barrage of awesome tunage. Up after Andy was Chris Baker, he carried on just as Andy had left off, working the crowd and doing what he does best. I was proper off mi tits at this point. Could it get any better???


On next was Matt Bell who proceeded to have the crowd rocking, I wish to god I could remember any of the tunes he played but they must have been good as I looked like I had just been out in the rain.

Anyways it dont matter, I were having a reeet royal time and was waiting for what was to come, Now the last reunion I waitied all night for Barries set and then when he came on I was too smashed to even care.

However ................

This time I was fooking flying, now all the tunes had been great all night but for me Barrie's set to me into orbit, loads of big big tuna mixed in with a bag of wouldn't you like to know's. Beast after beast after beast, I told Barrie I was gonna be busy when we got back to his going thru the tunes and i.d'ng, but thats a story for later.

The crowd at this point was just amazing, everybody were enjoying themselves and proper havin it. So, what better way to finish em off?? John J smashing out the big dirty powerful bastids. Game set and match to the dj's phones::love:

Was a reet good turn out of folks too, seen some folks I've not seen in a while. I dont think that you could of gone anywhere better on saturday night, if you think you did then i'm sorry but...


Time for the shout outs. I'll start with the party bus crew, and whilst i'm at it, happy birthday again to Carl Ode. I'll try name all who was there with him but if I miss anyone then soz.

Carl, Suddy, Ashpan, stellaman & missis, Diane.

Huge shouts and respect to my convoy crew - Antz, Kelly, Gaz, Aymeelee, Tigger, Crowther, Petra and my ever so gorgeous wife Dom (lol, I meant you Vee, honestly :))

A seperate shout to Dom & Ness, always a bloody pleasure seeing you guys, top notch fuck wits :thumbsup:

I dont think there is owt else I can say, apart from this night was one of the best nights i'd had out in a long time. Hats off to all involved.

Barrie, Andy, Chris, Matt & John - please keep doing what you are doing, god knows the scene needs nights like this one where its about more than money and VIP's

I couldn't have any more respect for the lot of you!!!


Mash Up:-

Absolutely blinding performances from everyone involved, I proper love buzzing with you bunch of fook tards. Can't describe the states of some, lol but i'm still fookin sat up chewing mi face, had a reet good skyping sesh with dom and ness earlier too.

Reet, tickets booked for the next one.

Out x

Barrie Jay

Active member
Jul 20, 2003
Fleetwood - twinned with Royston Vasey
Well folks

It did not sell out beforehand but we were full on the night so this is now the fourth event we have done to capacity.

On behalf of all the DJs a huge big massive thanks for your support. It is an absolute privilege and a pleasure to entertain such a top crowd – and many new faces this time including some of the original Jenks crew that I have not seen for some 19 years – ace catching up with you all.

Our preparations went without a hitch this time so I was in a stress-free state and I enjoyed it all from beginning to end which, I recall, was around 4.45 am!!

Extra thanks to all those people who do their little bit by pushing the event on Facebook, getting posters out and about, organising minibuses and generally spreading the word.

To my partners in vinyl – John, Matt, Chris and Andy – who would have thought that some 21 years after it all started we would back reliving it all again. It is a pleasure working with such a great group of guys.

The next one ??? Already ???

We have a date in mind and we are just waiting for the club owners to agree it. As soon as it is confirmed we will announce it on here.

The Jenks legacy – long may it continue.


Active member
Dec 18, 2007
Kiss me brown eye
Must.... turn on.... air con.....

Otherwise, fuckin ace, the time spent settin' up the sound system paid dividends this time, abso-fuckinlutely top notch :cool:
Andy Dean..played a FUCKIN' BLINDING warm up set, despite the odd vinyl jumping on him, stand out sets (choon choice only, mind, everyone played a blinder) of the night for us went to Chris and Matt, but John and Bazzoh reached further in to the hat to end the night by pulling out some corkin' choona!

Getting better every time, the venue has the right feel, me only real moan was on soft drinks prices- Its Blackpool, not Paris after all!

Barrie Jay

Active member
Jul 20, 2003
Fleetwood - twinned with Royston Vasey
Must.... turn on.... air con.....

I can assure you the aircon was on ALL night - unfortunately, as we discovered that night it was only half working.

So, a combination of a very close, warm and still night with so many people going for it turned it into a sweat pit.

We even opened the font doors and the fire exits to try and get some air in there but it had little effect.

It will be fixed and fully functional should it be required for the next event on 27 October.


Barrie Jay

Active member
Jul 20, 2003
Fleetwood - twinned with Royston Vasey
I dont think there is owt else I can say, apart from this night was one of the best nights i'd had out in a long time. Hats off to all involved.

Barrie, Andy, Chris, Matt & John - please keep doing what you are doing, god knows the scene needs nights like this one where its about more than money and VIP's

I couldn't have any more respect for the lot of you!!!

Nice review mate - but the bit above means the most.