Ipod Beaters

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New member
Nov 15, 2005
just been testing this amazing mp3 player

iAUDIO M3 by Cowon Systems
20g £199 or 40g £231

It has many more options than the ipod and sounds much better, although its not as easy to use as the ipod, but after an hour it owns the ipod overall

do you know of anymore players that stand out?


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
sunshine on Leith, via Watford
the creative zen touch - just got one from the wife for xmas (£147 for a 20gb one) - this is one of the easiest for modding as soon as enough pennies are stored up the 20gbs being ripped out and a 100gb put in (this is the largest the firmware will support at mo). Topped off with a nice pair of sennhieser px200 headphones in matching white should be the dogs danglees;)



New member
Jul 17, 2001
I bought the Iaudio X5L the otherday which is a newer version of that Cowan one you said about but with 20gb, Colour screen, 35 hour battery version, cost me £205 off the net (think it was a pricing error as it's normally around £250).
It's wicked, plays video as well as allmost every audio format like ogg wma flac etc.
Used to have a Creative player but it just failed after 10 months so I got my money back, this Iaudio is loads better though.
It's not plastic (fully aluminum shell & amazing build quality) has much better sound quality compared to my old Zen Micro, it's very loud, looks really cool & you dont need any rubbish software that doesnt work half the time to add or remove music or files off it & it has tons of features like radio & line in, USB to go, etc.
I was going to get that Creative Zen Touch but it looked really big compared to the one I got even though it was just a little bit wider & taller, but tbh because my last Zen just conked out without any warning as well as I few other probs I had with it (like the battery still runs out when its turned off, could hear swishhh noises in the background behind tracks, software was bit iffy sometimes) I took a gamble on the Iaudio & I'm glad I did.