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New member
Jul 27, 2007
just got a quote back.. 1100 quid! :cops: :cops: :cops: :(

all I want to ship is a 5 high set of drawers, a small retro chair, a 60's light fixture, a small antique table, 3 pictures, a mirror and 2 plastic tubs of clothes and nic-nacs!!!!!! FFS!!!!!

by sea as well Toronto to Mani and it's only 8x8 ft tops..

anyone know any good shipping companies.. ?!?!

the stuff's only worth about half that in the first place.. might have to abandon it all... :| :(


New member
Jul 27, 2007
p.s. sorry about the post title.. in my frustration with the whole situation pressed enter to soon.. should read 'international shipping'.. :rofls:


Active member
Mar 10, 2006
The posh bit of Liverpool
Yikes bit steep, shipping from one country to the other has gone a bit mad over the last few months, im importing stuff from the states for the business and im getting stung royaly at the moment.

Ill have a poke about for ya and let you know if i come up with anything :thumbsup:

If I was in your position, I'd buy a nice American car and ship that over - with all your stuff inside it! Sell the car when you get here and the profit pays for the shipping. People import cars from the States all the time, I presume it would be easy enough from Canada too. Anything with a V8 engine sells well here - get a pick up truck (old Chevy Blazer or similar) and you'll have no probs getting all your belongings in. They sell for loads over here in comparison to where you are, have a look on the UK eBay (classic American car section) to get an idea of prices they'll fetch.

Just a thought...


New member
Jul 27, 2007
If I was in your position, I'd buy a nice American car and ship that over - with all your stuff inside it! Sell the car when you get here and the profit pays for the shipping. People import cars from the States all the time, I presume it would be easy enough from Canada too. Anything with a V8 engine sells well here - get a pick up truck (old Chevy Blazer or similar) and you'll have no probs getting all your belongings in. They sell for loads over here in comparison to where you are, have a look on the UK eBay (classic American car section) to get an idea of prices they'll fetch.

Just a thought...

bloody hell that's a great idea.. only i've only got 3 weeks before I have to move out of my apartment.. bit of a tight time-frame.. could always put stuff in storage I guess.. i'm gonna look into it though.. :cool:
bloody hell that's a great idea.. only i've only got 3 weeks before I have to move out of my apartment.. bit of a tight time-frame.. could always put stuff in storage I guess.. i'm gonna look into it though.. :cool:

:thumbsup: If it looks like the one from 'The Fall Guy' (remember the cheesy 80's show with Lee Majors?) I may well buy it when it gets here! Take someone with you who knows about cars, and remember it doesn't matter about having an Mot (or whatever the Canadian equivalent is) because it'll need a UK one when it gets here anyway. If it's over a certain age (10 years?) there's little or no import duty to the UK. It's easy to register them here too, I've done it a few times from Europe and can help/talk you through it when you get back to Blighty.