Eating Disorder

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Aug 25, 2004
I know this is a music forum but I'm seriously worried about my friend that has joined a lot of ED groups on facebook.

check this shit out!!!! :mad:

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she is friends with these girls lexi, kat and coley and chats to them all the time on her wall. she put all these thin pics on her page and some of her friends and me commented and tried to talk to her but she went mental that we even challenged her about this

has anyone had experience with this that can help???
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Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Ive had two friends both suffered badly with bulemia :( one was a claimed vegetarian and stated thats why she was so thin, until i caught her one night raiding her mums fridge of anything imaginable to ram down her throat in order to make herself sick :( meat chicken chocolate all sorts and a lot of it all in one go :naughty: when i confronted her she denied it stating she was pissed and was hungry and didnt even realise she was eating meat :| im not daft ive seen it before so i stayed with her that night and the amount of excuses she gave to go the loo every 2 mns for piss was ridiculous, i kept going with her so she couldnt stick her fingers down her throat but it went on for ages!!! she is ok now mind but it wasnt easy for us being her friends watching her do this, i ended up having a word with her mum and she eventually after monitoring the situ dragged her off the docs to get help!

she was a fuckin nurse as well go figure :|

id have a word with ur friends nearest n dearest if i was you if that concerned cus this can be life threatening if you dont nip in the bud :( i mean they are talking about puking blood n shit on that link that cant be healthy :naughty: silly girls, dont they know that big is beautiful! women should be shapely not stick thin, god gave us curves for a reason, i blame the media really tbh portraying a faulse impression of what a female should look like but its all wrong, im a size 12 not a size 0 and proud! any less and id look a disgrace!


Aug 25, 2004
yeah i was considering talking to her mum but she never had the best upbringing. She was kicked out of home at 16 for nothing really her mum just wanted to bring her new man into the house. I really didn't know about this and dont know how long its been going on for ive been looking at these groups she joined and they talk about month long fasts ffs and freaking out cause they have eaten a bowl of cereal :fekked: from her posts she sounds depressed but wont accept help

I really dont know what to do

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
yeah i was considering talking to her mum but she never had the best upbringing. She was kicked out of home at 16 for nothing really her mum just wanted to bring her new man into the house. I really didn't know about this and dont know how long its been going on for ive been looking at these groups she joined and they talk about month long fasts ffs and freaking out cause they have eaten a bowl of cereal :fekked: from her posts she sounds depressed but wont accept help

I really dont know what to do

How well do you know this girl hun?


Aug 25, 2004
this is her page from 2 mins ago


this is the girl Kat that thinks she's soooooo fat


Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
she is a close friend of my girlfriend

right id seriously ask your girlfriend to maybe get her round one night, just for a chat, not to give her a lecture mind just to say how upset you are both feeling and hpw all this is making you worry about her, try and find a route cause, and work on it, its an illness if this is she what she has and she isnt mearly following the leader for want of a better phrase, she may well be in need of a little tlc who knows but you wont find out unless you speak to her, she may clam up beleive me my friends did you have to tread carefully and be clever with your approach its a tough call hun, some people just wont be helped until they have a real shock, get some info, leave it lying around, i dont know the answer as every one is different, but if u try at least u can say u have tried when it all goes tits up! :thumbsup:


Aug 25, 2004
Thanks x

its really sad what some of these girls post on these groups some of them really young living at home with mum and dad. the media have a lot to answer for with all these airbrushed images and promoting skinny is cool sexy etc

tricky nicky

New member
Sep 18, 2006
in heaven of course!!
a very close friend of mine was sectioned last year and spent 6 months on an eating disorders ward in manchester, it is an extermely complex disease that is best left to the experts to sort out!!!
initially you should get her to a gp who will discuss options, its difficult to get someone sectioned with this and can take months .
my friend ended up eating a cabbage a day and drinking fizzy pop to bloat her up.
it can be a control issue or as in my friends case a deep routed denial of her mum and brother passing away and her grieving process not working out
good luck and if you need any more info feel free to ask, i might not know all the answers but have been there and know how hard it is to get someone to face up to something

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
One of my clients sisters has been sectioned but fought it and is back at home now. She was worse when she'd been sectioned but her family do not know what do to. I suppose it's only her that can sort out her issues and until she wants to you have to support her and do what you can. Try not to push her too much (although I know this is hard as it's sad to see someone hurting themselves that much) but gently nudge her in the right direction. I don't know what else to say other than hope she gets the help she needs and you manage to help her through to the other side! :king: :thumbsup: :)


tricky nicky

New member
Sep 18, 2006
in heaven of course!!
the initial reaction when a person is put in a mental health ward with this illness is too fight it all the way!!!
you would not believe the lengths some people would go to to keep the weight off.
my friend was made to sit in a wheelchair as when she was walking she kept doing sneaky exercises, also hold ing meds in her mouth and spitting them out when staff went it got to the point where she was on 1-1 obs within touching distance.
shes knows im writing this stuff as ive asked if its ok, she wants people to know that hospital is worth sticking with, very hard and can seem cruel sometimes but its the only way someone with such a deep routed illness

Sheikh Yerbouti

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Some**** Somewhere in Summertime
I dated a girl who was quite bad with bulimia for a while. This is going back a few years before there was all of the awareness that there is now (not saying there was no awareness at all, but it wasn't all over the media the way it is these days)... it would have been about 95 or so.

She was honest enough to admit it to me before there were any telltale signs in her behaviour. That must have really taken some doing. I was completely ignorant about eating disorders at the time, and it prompted me to do loads of reading. It also in a stupid way brought us closer together. She felt she could share her innermost thoughts and feelings with me, and I felt I could ask her questions... that sort of thing.

One thing you should not underestimate though (just as a word of advice) is how good sufferers are at hiding it. Not saying it's done to be nasty or dceitful or anything like that, more often than not these girls are hiding things from themselves, as much as from the outside world. Convincing themselves they are OK because of xyz reason is a big part of the problem with this stuff.

I'm ashamed to say ultimately it did end my relationship with this girl for exactly that reason. Despite the openness and the talking and the support, I'm sorry to say the outward indications were drastically different to what was really going on with her. To my shame, I found I just couldn't cope. This thing is an iceberg. The bit you see is just the 10% tip poking out above the water.

You are obviously concerned enough to think there's a problem, and from my own experience, that makes it a dead cert. I can't help as to what is the best thing for you to do, but please don't do nothing because you think you're being over cautious, or seeing things which aren't there.

One question though, does she take food supplements and nutrient/vitamin pills and stuff? My ex had a kitchen cupboard like an apothecary's shop and was banging all manner of herbal this and supplement that from these massive bulk-buy jars of pills. At the time, I remember idiotically thinking it was a good thing... that she obviously had a handle on it... I used to badger her to take her pills & make a joke out of it. Little did I know...

I can't promise to be any help at all, but gladly will help in any way if I can. Good luck. This girl is lucky to have people like you around her.