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Active member
Jul 9, 2002
I used to get really bad cramp after being out clubbing. Used to wake up after a couple of hours in absolute agony with it in one of my calfs. Could never do anything about it other than wait for it to go. It was always so stiff and painful that it wasn't even possible to bend my foot back to try and relieve it.

Can't offer any help or advice, but can certainly sympahtise! :thumbsup:


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
found this on wiki...

Nocturnal leg cramps

Nocturnal leg cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that occur in the calves, soles of the feet, or other muscles in the body during the night or (less commonly) while resting. Only a few fibers of a muscle may be activated.[12] The duration of nocturnal leg cramps is highly variable with cramps sometimes only lasting a few seconds and other times several minutes. Soreness in the muscles may remain for some time after the cramp ends. These cramps are more common in older people but may happen to anyone. They can happen quite frequently in teenagers and in some people while they are exercising at night. Nocturnal leg cramps can be very painful, especially if the person is dehydrated. Usually, putting some pressure on the affected leg by walking some distance will make the cramp go away.[13]

The precise cause of these cramps is unclear. Potential contributing factors are believed to include dehydration, low levels of certain minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium), and the reduced blood flow through the muscles attendant in prolonged sitting or lying down. Less common causes include more serious conditions or the use of drugs.

Nocturnal leg cramps may be relieved by stretching the affected leg straight out and pointing the toes upward. Quickly standing up and walking a few steps may also shorten the duration of a cramp.[13]

Nocturnal leg cramps (almost exclusively calf cramps) are considered to be 'normal' during the late stages of pregnancy. They can, however, vary in intensity from mild to incredibly painful.


Apr 19, 2003
I get calf cramp quite often. The pain makes me jump out of bed with a jolt. Standing on the affected area helps, as does shouting a loud 'f***ing hell', so that everybody else in the house is woken up & can experience your pain


New member
Apr 24, 2006
where ever i lay my hat ( straw one )
found this on wiki...

Nocturnal leg cramps

Nocturnal leg cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that occur in the calves, soles of the feet, or other muscles in the body during the night or (less commonly) while resting. Only a few fibers of a muscle may be activated.[12] The duration of nocturnal leg cramps is highly variable with cramps sometimes only lasting a few seconds and other times several minutes. Soreness in the muscles may remain for some time after the cramp ends. These cramps are more common in older people but may happen to anyone. They can happen quite frequently in teenagers and in some people while they are exercising at night. Nocturnal leg cramps can be very painful, especially if the person is dehydrated. Usually, putting some pressure on the affected leg by walking some distance will make the cramp go away.[13]

The precise cause of these cramps is unclear. Potential contributing factors are believed to include dehydration, low levels of certain minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium), and the reduced blood flow through the muscles attendant in prolonged sitting or lying down. Less common causes include more serious conditions or the use of drugs.

Nocturnal leg cramps may be relieved by stretching the affected leg straight out and pointing the toes upward. Quickly standing up and walking a few steps may also shorten the duration of a cramp.[13]

Nocturnal leg cramps (almost exclusively calf cramps) are considered to be 'normal' during the late stages of pregnancy. They can, however, vary in intensity from mild to incredibly painful.

ahh nice one tim appreciate that :thumbsup: dont fancy trying standing up , lol ouch

I get calf cramp quite often. The pain makes me jump out of bed with a jolt. Standing on the affected area helps, as does shouting a loud 'f***ing hell', so that everybody else in the house is woken up & can experience your pain

pain goes worse if i move it well seems to ? not a couple of seconds either :S lololol @ shouting effing hell , i did plus another few choice words :thumbsup:


Active member
Oct 27, 2005
Have to get out of bed and stretch that mofo out straight away else it will last longer than needs be


I used to get em all the time as a young clubber. In my latter years, and still daft for dancing to till daybreak. I always take multivitamins+minerals before I go out(no chance of remembering to afterwards). And I rarely get cramps.

Cramps are your bodies way of telling you, you need to give it some salts and minerals. So isotonics, mutivits+minerals and sea salt all help :)

Gutted to hear they get worse with age :(


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Cramps are your bodies way of telling you, you need to give it some salts and minerals. So isotonics, mutivits+minerals and sea salt all help :)

^^^ what he said

you can buy tablets from Chemist for them , eg) Crampex.. well you used to be able to anyway

docs can also prescribe tablets for it but theyre pretty minging

cramp is hideous, dont get it very often but sometimes you just stretch your leg out and there it is... arrgh! makes you leap out of bed like a shot :| :crazy:


New member
Apr 24, 2006
where ever i lay my hat ( straw one )
Have to get out of bed and stretch that mofo out straight away else it will last longer than needs be


I used to get em all the time as a young clubber. In my latter years, and still daft for dancing to till daybreak. I always take multivitamins+minerals before I go out(no chance of remembering to afterwards). And I rarely get cramps.

Cramps are your bodies way of telling you, you need to give it some salts and minerals. So isotonics, mutivits+minerals and sea salt all help :)

Gutted to hear they get worse with age :(

cheers pepe , dont take any vitamins and dont have salt on anything either , maybe thats whats lacking ?

^^^ what he said

you can buy tablets from Chemist for them , eg) Crampex.. well you used to be able to anyway

docs can also prescribe tablets for it but theyre pretty minging

cramp is hideous, dont get it very often but sometimes you just stretch your leg out and there it is... arrgh! makes you leap out of bed like a shot :| :crazy:

thanxs TC i will look out for them cant be anymore minging than cramp :S left calf must of felt left out because got it there aswell and its effing sore today , didnt jump out of bed but did shout ' o you can fuck right off ' bet my neighbour was impressed :$


New member
Apr 24, 2006
where ever i lay my hat ( straw one )
i used to get really bad calf cramps after the gym, one of the trainers reckoned it was dehydration.

if it happens again try putting deep heat on your calf muscle to ease the pain - it makes you stink a bit :S but well worth it if it means you can limp without swearing!! :)

cheers :D i smell anyway so no worries there :thumbsup:

Cramps is usually caused by lack of salt, hence people get them after a nights clubbing, (sweating reduces salt in your body), eat a pack of ready salted crisps or a few bananas

will try that lip , ta muchly :thumbsup:

You need to up your salt intake. I'm not making any suggestions like... ;)

proper tequila shots ? :p

i get it a lot aparently its to do with circulation! :| bugs me to fek cus its always when im trying to relax :$

shite that doesnt sound good :S do you get it alot ?

chop it hoff!

..... :moonie:


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