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Sheikh Yerbouti

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Some**** Somewhere in Summertime
Just seen this in me ogs inbox...

"'king mental
sent by kingmental to Elev8 on 06-Jan-09 11:25 PM
I have just stumbled on this site. I think i'm getting the jist of it. Basically it seem's you're into my tune's to some degree. I just thought I'd let you know i have a mix cd of 16 odd of my track's, some I have released and some i haven't. And also some back Cat. If you let me know you're interested i'll put some on discogs to buy. They are without any artwork, but have a track listing.
I've put a sort of review to "Dark side of the spoon" that someone is selling with a bit of history if you're interested.

Many thanks

'king mental

aka warren "

'King Mental - Dark Side Of The Spoon (12") at Discogs

Reeks of spam I gotta say, but I'm curious...

Anyone else had the same message?


Jul 31, 2005
Nope, not had the message, but had a read through it and I think he's got a good story etc which he's just a bit too keen to let anyone know etc :D . Not sure its spam, more just a genuine person trying to cash in a bit maybe?

Call me gullible though. :axe: