1992 Style Hardcore Tune I Have Done!

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Jan 15, 2007
GT Yarmouth
Thanks Wayne...

Yo Candyman Candyman Candyman Candyman Candyman! it's to late you have just red this he is coming tonight to get you!

Hey mate that sounds awsome 4 hours eh! lucky devil i am sure you will rok the place big time!

I am not into DJ's in general as mixing is easy but a DJ i do respect is a DJ that takes time to practice his set which means he cares about the people he is playing to so i know your set will be sweet....

So ya you be poping you Discogs cherry soon nice one mate really happy for you there....

Ok! what am i up to?well as you know i am starting a label and is a very hard thing to do as i am starting a label that covers diff music,we was getting are site built but the guy who was doing it is a let down so i have to get someone else and start again pisses me of tbh,but i am strong and will stay strong and do this what i am destin to do ;) It's way i am here :$

I am gona do you a very good favour to help you with your tunes i have a nice collection of Hardcore stabs {264} i will send them to you send it for you if you want them that is and a lot of them i sample of Vinyl which took me ages!

Right ok mate take it easy i am off to this Rave in a Barn i got to help set everything up and my mate will be playing about 10 of are tunes there what a fukin night i will have tonight can't wait see you around mate let me know if you want them stabs!

O! Yeah! you can type as much as you want it shows how much love for music you have!

Sorry mate, only just catching up with this section >< had alot on... More tunes you say ;) hmmmm :D Sounds like we both got our hands full atm lol, Good luck with that site mate, stick with it ;) be sure to PM me a linky when it's up'n running :thumbsup: