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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. F

    I’m in ❤️

    I’m back it’s been a long time how the ruddy hell are you lot? All good I hope! I’m buzzin not been on here for a while ( life and all that shizle ) I’m all tuned in and ready for tonight! Just about working the forum out again so bare with me ? love and peace ❤️
  2. F

    Happy Birthday !!

    Happy Birthday Ang :thumbsup: Have a belter babes :thumbsup: :D :D :heart:
  3. F

    Please welcome Kate x

    :wave: :wave: hi everyone please could you welcome mine and plebs lovely friend to the board essence ( Kate ) :thumbsup: Thnx everyone :heart: :heart:
  4. F

    wishing you all the best.

    havent been on for a while :wave: but just want to say hope you all had a wonderful christmas :thumbsup: and wishing you all the very best for the new year coming in hope it brings much rewards and happy times for everyone :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  5. F

    59 years!!!

    awwwwww yesterday was my nana and grandads 59th wedding aniversary, so i took them round their fav cake ( vannila freash cream sponge ) and a bottle of champers. What an insperation they both are they've survived the war ,brought up all there seven kids together and adore all of there 28 gran...
  6. F

    Why do people behave like this!!!

    :wave: Hi everyone well just a post to see peoples thoughts on the following!!! Whilst out having a super night with my plebs and everyone who was at dry for 808 this sat,,, was casually on my way to the loo like you do,, minding my own little buisness when a lad out with all his mates...