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  1. O

    Best news Ever!!!

    I know some of you havent met me (you lucky things you :D ) BUT I just wanted to share this news and I am SO Happy. My dad has had cancer and had an operation 2 weeks ago to remove it. Anyway he went back for a check up and his results and he HAS GOT THE ALL CLEARV :heart: :heart: I am so...
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    Work Again

    anyone work with someone who, no matter what you have done or gonna do they have already done it!!!! how IRRITATING!
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    What conversations are going on at your work

    at the minutes the saddos in y office are talking about smellies.... YAWN:P In a minute they will start talking about finding me a man you watch ..... LOL
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    What is it with people who think all single people want to settle down and have kids!!!! All I get at work is "ooohh 2006 may be a good year for you, you may find a nice man". Despite me telling them I am ok as I am for the time being the penny doesnt drop and its pissing me off. Whats so bad...
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    Am still at work :'( finish tomorrow for 2 weeks :D When does everyone else finish?
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    Dont know how many of you like doggies but here is a pic of Lyla now 20 weeks :heart: :heart: She is nearly as cute at those kittens!!
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    What is 'actually' on NYE. No Hazy (glad I went even if it was only once :D ), that Illusion and Flashback night at Stoke that is on the events diary is no linger on at Creation as that has closed down - is on on elsewhere? Really not looking forward to NYE now :'(
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    I am rather pissed and just wanted to share the next 20 word that poped into my nead...... here goes..... piss shit twat fucker paper pen bugger green, yellow shit poo bolloks glass (excuse me while i count) mouse whateva twat piss poo (sorry) reindeer (counting again) cat food off to bed night!
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    1 hour to go - wooo hooo

    Sorry - at work bored stiff, feeling ill and cant concentrate and ONLY 1 MORE HOUR TO GO!!! BEEN HERE SINCE 08.30..... :( anyone else skivving whilst at work?
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    coldy flu thing

    has anyone got it or had it? its doing the rounds here (lincs), i started with it yesterday and feel like shite today..... maybe have to haver tomorrow off sick as my throat is getting worse by the minute :(
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    New Car

    HELP!!! Do I buy myself a new car?????? My current car had a service last week that cost me £221.75 (to be precise), anyway the chap said it is basically fooked and may last another 5 years or it may last another 5 months. It is a Vitara long wheel base thingy and only cost me £900 a few...
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    Hey All Does anyone feel that sometimes life it shite? I am not getting all depressed yet but just feel pissed off. My boss is a complete bitch (aged 50+) and i am sure she is one of those who got picked on as a nipper and she is trying to get her own Her and my brown-nose colleague...
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    Hello peeps, Know its a long long way off but anything planned up north - no doubt there will be. Trying to persuade some bod from Lincs to travel up for a night out (some of them are so stuck in their ways they need a prod in the right direction) ;) Not been on here for a long time, hope...
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    8 new lives..........

    Awwww I have just got in after being up since 2am and have delivered 3 German Shepard Puppies (2 girlies and 1 boy)...... the other 5 (not sure what sex they are) had to be delivered by c-section so I was at the vets at 6.30am with the owners..... talk about stressful but mummy doggy and 8 cute...
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    Sky Plus

    Hi All, Any t.v addicts on here? Does anyone have Sky Plus??? Just thinking about getting it but is it worth it, I quite like the idea of being able to watch stuff when I like not when the TV companies say I have to...... any comments if anyone already has it???? :confused: :confused: Fi
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    Have just seen the strangest thing..

    I have just let dobes out for the loo and had to get house keys out of car. I am in a culdesac and looked out onto the close and saw..... what looks like a body on the path wrapped in bin liners...?????? Honestly it is the same shape.... and looks really odd...... I am off to take a pic...
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    Embarrasing Moments.......

    What is your moast embarrasing moment....? I have had one today. I had an Osteopath appointment this evening and forgot about it this morning when getting dressed. Anyway I tuned up to see the osteo man and he said "strip to your undies " so to speak.... well I only had sexy black french...
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    Anyone on here got a Seimens MC 60 and if so are they any good? What is the quality of the pics like on various camera phones..... I have a new phone but dont think much of the yes i know it is a phone not a camera but what do you think? Fi
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    my friend has a dilema..... she is single and has been chatting inocently (by email) with a married chappy who she knows.... anyway the emails they have been sending have got a bit saucy and he has asked her if she wants to meet up for a bit of fun... she only wants some no strings attached fun...
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    I am just arrived back from planet zog and appear to have acquired a jumper on my travels...... oh dear :$ not qute sure how this happened :confused: but it did... anyway if anyone is missing a jumper or knows anyone who is please pm me and I will pop it in the post after I give it a...