Sushi-is it a yay or a ney??

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  • farkin LOVE IT!

    Votes: 17 60.7%
  • get that raw fish bal bla bla bla bla...ive not even tried it you know(probably)

    Votes: 11 39.3%

  • Total voters
I LOVE SUSHI! And contrary to popular belief...the stuff u get in the UK eg from Yo!sushi not weird raw fish. (it's not like a slab of raw Cod just dropped on ur plate)

You can get vegi sushi, meat sushi (beef, duck etc)...and it's only usually Salmon and Tuna (who doesn't eat tuna ffs?)...anyhoo...

Who likes it?:love: :king: If you don't have you tried it???(probably not):condom:


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
never tried it so i cant comment but i love the look of it and the smell etc.....but its the fact that its raw fish/meat that turns me stomach

im the type of person that loves me steak cremated....not still breathing

but i like the idea of the veg option, i presume its like rice n cabbage rolls etc??


New member
Jul 27, 2007
mmmmmmmm sushi!!!!!! :p :p :p :p

what's not to like.. super healthy (well unless you get the junk food type with the mayo etc.. in it.. super tasty! ticks all the boxes!!!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Only ever tried it once and that was on a plane so I probably haven't got a fair idea of what good sushi can be like. I thought it was OK though, I really enjoy trying new foods and I'm quite adventurous with stuff like that so would love to go to a decent Sushi restaurant :love: . However I can't even get Tom to try Tuna so there's no chance he would take me :( Could be a good idea for a girls night out though, it's something different anyway and good for you :thumbsup:
Know any good places in and around Manchester or Altrincham way? I can't see there being any in Warrington some how :p


VIP Silver Member
Jul 3, 2003
garden of eden
never tried it so i cant comment but i love the look of it and the smell etc.....but its the fact that its raw fish/meat that turns me stomach

im the type of person that loves me steak cremated....not still breathing

but i like the idea of the veg option, i presume its like rice n cabbage rolls etc??

got to agree with you on this, i've never tried it coz dont think my stomach would keep it down... but you never know i might live dangerously one day and try the veg option :wave:

Dj M Jaxx

New member
Oct 12, 2001
I love it, not the shite you buy in M&S like, got to be made realy fresh, to me they just give it a realy bad name.

Not sure bout good places in Manchester way, but if you re ever over in Leeds, then check out the Teppanyaki Google Image Result for

Fantastic place for SiSushi, very pricey but a great eating experiance. When you enter the restaurant, you get a masive Wow factor as you pass over a bridge, that goes over an indoor stream with Koi Carp and lillypads....totaly mind blowing, and you get your own chef that cooks infront of you, with all the jugling and chopping shit.....The warm Saki is realy good too.

Your looking about £50 - £60 a head, but it is a real night of fantastic entertainment, and not just a sit down meal at a table :thumbsup:
Fantastic place for SiSushi, very pricey but a great eating experiance. When you enter the restaurant, you get a masive Wow factor as you pass over a bridge, that goes over an indoor stream with Koi Carp and lillypads....totaly mind blowing, and you get your own chef that cooks infront of you, with all the jugling and chopping shit.....The warm Saki is realy good too.

Your looking about £50 - £60 a head, but it is a real night of fantastic entertainment, and not just a sit down meal at a table :thumbsup:

I went to Sisushi in was tiny!!! They must have moved it?! I wasn't that impressed with the veriety to be honest, although they prepare your sushi in front of you...I won't be going back.

Places to try...

Manchester - Yo!Sushi (in Selfridges)'s really authentc, and very fresh...all the food comes round on a conveyer belt, so you can pick what you want, when u want it...also, the miso soup is £2 for all you can eat (BONUS!)

There is a place my Dad took me, but I can't remember what it's called? lol

In leeds, try little Tokyo, or Yo! again...I wouldn't recomend sounds completely different than how u explain it Jaxx...

Anyone fancy an OSA sushi sesh?????:p :p :p :p :p

Oh, and Teec, I think ur weird hahahaha;)

JAXXY! Ive just realised you were talking about the teppinyaki...not typo!


New member
Apr 2, 2004
upgraded to Didsbury!
Yo!s pretty wank in comparison to Tappanyaki and the New Samsi..but they're highly expensive. The best sushi place i've ever been to is in Brighton...Moso Moso...It's the freshest and most adventurous, without steering away from authentic japanese dishes. It's also not too costly...:thumbsup:

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
I'd say yey to some things but a stern nay on others.... I'll gve it a go, although I'm pretty picky with seafood (textures of stuff) coz I think you've gota keep trying new foods!! :D

:thumbsup: from me.

oh, and it was the new samsi in town!!:D deeeeeeeeee-lish!!
