To Much To Young

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very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
ive just watched this "too much too young" on itv and coudnt believe what i was watching ....:S

i think im actually in shock did any watch this ....

firstly was a ten year old girl who thinks if your fat you cant be her friend , also she has spray tan and nails done to stay pretty . thats nothing i hear some of you say , well she only bloody hits the bike exercise so she stays the same weight. :cry: shes ten , duh , is it me or is this okay , her mum thinks its great and i just wanted to slap her mum :mad: ..

personally i would like my children to stay children as long as they can , as they have plenty of time for pruning them selfs when there older , in my opinion kids should be kids and enjoy it , so am i wrong for screaming abuse at the tv or is it right to let your kids grow up too quick

i would be interested in all your opinions as im fuming :mad:


New member
Apr 28, 2006
i so am i wrong for screaming abuse at the tv or is it right to let your kids grow up too quick

i would be interested in all your opinions as im fuming :mad:

well, I totally agree with you being angry. I got my hair pulled and anti perspirent sprayed in my eyes in my primary school changing rooms for wearing an 'Aladdin' vest at the age of 10. Who the fuck has tits at 10? Who the fuck is bothered at 10???????? I liked Aladdin and I wasnt old enough to be wearing a crop top or bra.

It was starting when I was a child....and its just getting worse and worse. Its a disgrace. Makes me sick. Why are children not children anymore? :mad: :mad: :mad:


New member
Jul 19, 2007
gutted i missd that really wantd 2 watch it

it makes me so mad wen i c things like that, its kids like that, that end up fukd up in later life

on the flip side of takin it 2 the xtreme that way, theres also the parents that giv the kids a v poor diet n no xercise that make me mad as wel
why did her mum like the fact she is 10 and obsessed with things a 20 yearolds maybe should (if anyone):confused: ?

Also, where the hell has she learned it from then too???? (Someone can't be her mate if they're fat)???

I'm sorry, but the little runt needs a smacked arse and to be put to bed with no tea...

Her mother (the grim hag) needs a smaked face and possibly force feeding till she's fatter than a christmas goose-ha-that'd teach her silly cow!

hahahaha...fucking wish i would have watched

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
To Be Honest The Poor Child Was Like A Mini Version Of The Mother [ Using The Child To Have The Life She Wanted Springs To Mind]
The Father Didnt Seem To Happy About It But Easy Life An All That Keep Stum [ The Wimp]

Still Pretty Peeved About It , That Programme Touched A Nerve ...:mad:

It Got Me Thinking That My Babys Will Have A "childhood " And Hopefully Enjoy It And The Opinion Of My Child Will Be Everyone Is Your Friend In School It Doesnt Matter If There Fat , Thin Or Whatever Race Too , I Will Teach Them That We Are All Equal As We All Bleed The Same ...

Its Just Really Frigging Peeved Me Off .. :mad: :mad: :mad:


New member
Jul 19, 2007
thats how i bring my kids up evry 1 is the same and evry 1 equal

its not the childs fault in that programme, probably only says it 2 make the mum appy, shame on the child, the mum is the 1 wiv the big problem, children only behave how ther brought up

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
I watched this last night :|

I havnt any children of my own but ill be honest in saying id be very worried if my children were showing some of the behaivioural problems these kids were :eek:

Not the way id chose to bring my kids up at all!

the other lass tht turned annorexic cus she was bullied in school was a tear jerker what a shame :naughty:


New member
Jul 19, 2007
all ths emphsis on appearance so yung is just goin 2 lead 2 huge problems 4 the kids wen ther olda

the worlds goin mad

kids shud just left 2 b kids, n parents not dress them as mini me's, i find sum of the clothes in shops realy bad atm


VIP Silver Member
Jul 5, 2007
i want my 2 kids to stay "Kids" until they want to grow up. Youre old for too long!! (God i sound like my mum:) )

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
Oh Yes Northern S .

That Made Me Cry :cry: The Poor Girl

And The Girl Who Hammers The Sun Bed , Even Though Her Mum Has Had Skin Cancer Scare :cry: :cry:

The Mind Still Boggles Though.....

It Just Shows You Without The Added Pressure Of Being A Kid For Some Children Some Parents Make It Worse:mad:
fkd up

ive just watched this "too much too young" on itv and coudnt believe what i was watching ....:S

i think im actually in shock did any watch this ....

firstly was a ten year old girl who thinks if your fat you cant be her friend , also she has spray tan and nails done to stay pretty . thats nothing i hear some of you say , well she only bloody hits the bike exercise so she stays the same weight. :cry: shes ten , duh , is it me or is this okay , her mum thinks its great and i just wanted to slap her mum :mad: ..

personally i would like my children to stay children as long as they can , as they have plenty of time for pruning them selfs when there older , in my opinion kids should be kids and enjoy it , so am i wrong for screaming abuse at the tv or is it right to let your kids grow up too quick

i would be interested in all your opinions as im fuming :mad:

me n lisa saw that last nite , made very disturbing watching :S jesus that poor young schoolgirl with the eating disorder who was less than 5 stone only snapped out if when they told her any pains in yer chest phone an ambulance as its probably heart failure , :eek:

and that unfit mother + spineless dad who let thier 10yr old daughter get spray tans :naughty: :naughty: and make her get on the excercise bike :| jesus she was thin enough had almost bandy legs , also shes bullied and teased at school cause of her pushy mum , and her chavy "simpleton" mum's lame excuse for condoning all this madness was "oh well its the 21st century innit" :mad:

aye IT IS the 21st century you ugly tw*t , sort yer self out be a proper mum and let your kid be a kid n STOP trying to live the life you never had through your daughter ,beauty contests and stuff , shaming her + making her diet :mad: :mad: ffs if she wants a sweet let her have personally get onto social services meself as thats bad parenting:naughty: :naughty:


New member
there fucked up ! and very disturbing see a kid with more slap on than nics on a fri night ! did anyone see that programme yonks ago about that body building kid , that was madder than a snake with tits !
i did see that the kid daint have a 6 pac it was like a 8 pac , he must of had pills to do that 2 he's bod , how can ya let your own flesh an blood b like that , he must of been brain washed:naughty: :naughty: