please tell me dance music finder scum finally got irradicated

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New member
Mar 23, 2006
Yes I have noticed that they seem to have vanished.... I too have issues with this scum of a company, its good to see that they have got what they deserved as they were terrible to deal with, sold me wrong mixes of a tune (on three seperate occasions!!!) then failed to give me any credit or money back...
Good ridance to bad rubbish I hope their all now signing on in their local dole office :thumbsup:


New member
Jun 16, 2003
One of my mates used to work for them and he said they were just a bunch of conning barstewards.

According to him they used to list big tunes, tunes that were being played by the likes of Tong & Jules on radio one at the time, on there website as being in stock, and they would charge people 6 or 7 quid promo prices for them. People would then order them, DMF would take payment and then fob the customers off until the tunes they'd ordered got released.
On the day of release they would send a member of staff to either Virgin or HMV, who at the time were selling a large percentage of new releases for £1.99 on the first week of release.
£1.99 was cheaper than they could buy them in at cost price. Then they'd mail them to whoever had ordered them. Making £4 or £5 on every copy sold.

king coe

Aug 8, 2002
somewhere in an area near you
one day i will walk into that horrible little twat michael who hung around in there pretending he was some sort of night club bouncer ,im happy to say i ripped them for 20 quid once but it was only a fraction of what they took me for, he was a monkey fuker


Mar 11, 2004
Byzantine period
there are on about (dance music fraudsters) i think thats what there called?

they used to send me tunes that i hadnt even asked for then debit my card.when i questioned it reply was 'it was on your wants list'....bollox

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Jul 9, 2002
I alwasys thoutht that Hard To Find, Dance Music Finder, and Birmingham Record Agency were one and the same???

I've been jipped off two of the above, so the chances of me ever ordering from the others are practically none. Even if they had my last want for 10p.
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Sep 6, 2001
north west london

ilovepiano said:
I alwasys thoutht that Hard To Find, Dance Music Finder, and Birmingham Record Agency were one and the same???

I've been jipped off two of the above, so the chances of me ever ordering from the others are practically none. Even if they had my last want for 10p.

htfr and bra were the same I thought
nathan said:
htfr and bra were the same I thought

There was a Dance Music Finder in Birmingham, but it closed quite a few years ago. It was started by a guy who worked for HTFR in the really early days, Mickey Rose. Don't know what he's doing now, or if he moved the business, but I think the one you're referring to is an unrelated DMF.

Say what you like about HTFR (and believe me, I've called them robbing bleeders plenty of times in the past, both from selling to them and buying from them) but there's no denying that Jason has made a real success story out of nothing. I've watched it grow from when I first went there in the early 90's - it was in a Portacabin out by Birmingham Airport - to the massive Superstore they have now. Jason has a collection of supercars (Lamborghini, Porsche, Bentley etc) to make your eyes water. I often think as I drive past in my not-so-super car that I have probably paid (in undervalued vinyl as well as cash) for a sizeable chunk of one of those cars...

Loads have tried to imitate it, but no-one seems to have pulled it off in such grand style. I'm not sticking up for them as such, I just wish it had been me that thought of it!


New member
May 7, 2014
Hi, bit of a dredge this, but I used to work for Dance Music Finder, shortly before it went tits up.

Basically the owner was a crook. I got the impression he used to have a partner who wasn't, and that's how they did well for a while, but then he buggered off, leaving Mike Rose to flounder.

He was an angry little man. He would come in, open up, then sod off all day doing god knows what. He'd pop in a couple of times a day to throw his weight around and bully the longest standing member of staff, a nerdy ginger bloke called Tom. At best I've seen him verbally abused pretty much daily, at worst I've seen him smacked about, for literally no reason.

Me and a couple of the other guys kept ourselves to ourselves, doing our bit and taking our money at the end of the week (in cash, natch). I remember once we lost a member of staff and his reaction was to make us all work an extra hour a day for no extra money. When I even hinted at questioning this he bolted through the room right up to me as if to knock me out.

One day one of my colleagues was late back from lunch as he'd witnessed someone being run over in the middle of Birmingham and stuck around to help. When he got back he got a load of shit for being late. He was a copper on injury leave so was probably used to cunts like Mike shouting at him.

There was no system beyond taking peoples money. Orders, some that would total hundreds of pounds, would be processed, then their order sheet would be put into a tray until the items they'd bought had been sourced. There was no time limit on fulfilling orders so many people would be without their records for months or never at all.

Once I found a letter from a Welsh TV production company who were making a consumer advice/complaints programme and wanted a comment from DMF as we'd been featured. The gaffer's attitude to complaints was either aggression or simply not giving a fuck.

While I was there he was obviously in financial trouble, he sold his car, sold his house, and eventually the business went under. My last day was a nice one, it was sunny, a Friday I think, and some heavies turned up to take some of the stock (the hardware rather than records). I don't know if they were bailiffs or from the hire purchase company, but me and a couple of staff helped to move the stuff from the shop floor to their van. They had obviously had dealings with him before as while we were in the service lift, out of Mike's earshot, the heavies asked us why we bother sticking around working for this dick. Nervous laugher all round!

Mike became increasingly agitated, rolling his shoulders and stalking around. When the heavies (our guardian angels!) were gone, he flew off the handle, shouting me down for absolutely no reason, making us (there were 4 other staffers by this point) write accounts of everything that had happened. Typical, taking no responsibility for his own failings, always someone else's fault. I gave an honest and dispassionate account of the afternoon on my side of white A4 printer paper, which was obviously not blindly loyal enough, and within 10 mins I was on my way out the door for the last time.

I don't think the company lasted for much longer after that. What a fucking mess! But the biggest question I have about the whole place is Tom, the timid, kindly dogsbody, who could have doubled his wage and gone to work without the worry of being hit in any number of Birmingham shops, he looked like he'd fit right in at PC World or Gamestation. It's not as if he was working there for the tunes, he had absolutely no interest in dance music, DJ'ing, record collecting. Would love to know what he's up to now.
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New member
May 7, 2014
It was just by chance I came across this post today after I was asked in work about rare vinyl shops. I was racking my brains trying to think of the DMF's name. It was a great place in the mid 90s, but looks like it all went down hill after that. I rememeber going there to look for some Banco de Gaia tracks and they had multiples of rare tracks in boxes, I'd never seen a place like it.

It's a bit mad that you answered such an old thread the same day I was searching for the info. I had to register just to say thanks :)



New member
May 7, 2014
Update: Found the aforementioned Tom on Linkedin today, works in IT now, can't believe he stuck that shithole out for over 3 years!
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New member
May 7, 2014
It was just by chance I came across this post today after I was asked in work about rare vinyl shops. I was racking my brains trying to think of the DMF's name. It was a great place in the mid 90s, but looks like it all went down hill after that. I rememeber going there to look for some Banco de Gaia tracks and they had multiples of rare tracks in boxes, I'd never seen a place like it.

It's a bit mad that you answered such an old thread the same day I was searching for the info. I had to register just to say thanks :)


Cool, I've bookmarked this thread incase anyone else replies.