Yankee Nutter Burning the Koran?

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Nov 7, 2005
Not far from Tesco's
So what is your view on the mad yank planning to burn the Koran in defiance of all the shit that the fanatical Mulsims have been doing over the years, mainly 7/11?

I personally think he is a dick for doing this because the Muslim fanatics are f*cking mental as we all know from 7/11 and the London bombings and no doubt they will show thier true colours and mental ways again with some sort of revenge :crazy:

I also like the idea of it because of the London bombings....Why the hell should they be aloud to burn our flags, kidnap our people and behead them but then moan because some stupid mad book is barbecued?

Going back to the yankee nutter, it's probably not a good idea but it is funny.

I know this might bring out some strong comments, if against me I really don't give a toss.

So what do we all think people? :roll:


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
if the prick goes ahead with it i rekon its gonna open a huge can o worms!!

does he not realise that our troops are still over in afghanistan etc along with the yanky troops and what jeopardy their lives could be in??

does he not realise the past few years will of been a waste of time fighting wars is going to go right back to square 1 and start allover again?

does he not realise that should this fuel another bowt of war and killings that more innocent people will get killed?


New member
Nov 2, 2007
if the prick goes ahead with it i rekon its gonna open a huge can o worms!!

does he not realise that our troops are still over in afghanistan etc along with the yanky troops and what jeopardy their lives could be in??

does he not realise the past few years will of been a waste of time fighting wars is going to go right back to square 1 and start allover again?

does he not realise that should this fuel another bowt of war and killings that more innocent people will get killed?

spot on nics, the guy's a tit, if he goes ahead with this it will achieve nothing apart from more violence and bloodshed :(

I also like the idea of it because of the London bombings....Why the hell should they be aloud to burn our flags, kidnap our people and behead them

sorry mate, but somehow i doubt that setting fire to some bits of paper will put an end to that, given the paper we're talking about i'd say there will be a lot more of it.

i think this is a publicity stunt by a prick from a church that he know's is dying, apparently he has only 50 members. it seems to me he's willing to risk the lives of all our troops, let alone all of us, just to get a bit of extra attendance at his weekly moronathon :naughty:
This guys a fucking knobend!!! I don't agree with what he's doing one fucking bit. Tbh Its just going to stir up more racial hatred for Muslims from white empty headed fuckwitts from the e.d.l and they are trying to gain member as are the bnp from kids not even in their teens. I also hate the way some people tar Muslims/Asian with the same brush I.e fanatics.
I also hate the way some people tar Muslims/Asian with the same brush I.e fanatics.

That's why I love this as sported by Sikhs on the underground :rofl:


As for the Pastor... he's a knob... I can't extremist Christians as much I can't stand extremist Muslims...

A man's religion/spirituality is his own personal affair.. people that push doctrine, fear, bigotry, intolerance & oppression in the name of religion are fascists in all but name.

Barrie Jay

Active member
Jul 20, 2003
Fleetwood - twinned with Royston Vasey
I can't extremist Christians as much I can't stand extremist Muslims...

A man's religion/spirituality is his own personal affair.. people that push doctrine, fear, bigotry, intolerance & oppression in the name of religion are fascists in all but name.


And a bunch of cunts.

Religion has killed far more lives than souls saved.

The religious nutters in the USA scare me shitless just as much as any other religious extremists.


Active member
Dec 18, 2007
Kiss me brown eye
That's why I love this as sported by Sikhs on the underground :rofl:


As for the Pastor... he's a knob... I can't extremist Christians as much I can't stand extremist Muslims...

A man's religion/spirituality is his own personal affair.. people that push doctrine, fear, bigotry, intolerance & oppression in the name of religion are fascists in all but name.

That Tee Shirt is feeerhoooooookin GEEEEENYARSE!!!!! :thumbsup:


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Why don't the Yanks just lock him up due to him being a threat to national security??

cos of some stoopid amendment to the constitution regarding freedom of speech. apparently it's ok for them to lock u up forever for possession of an once of an indiginous herb, but they can't do anything when u put the whole western world in danger. nice 1 obama cheers for that lol

Barrie Jay

Active member
Jul 20, 2003
Fleetwood - twinned with Royston Vasey
According to a 2002 poll, 59% of Americans believe that the prophecies in the Book of Revelation are destined to happen. These End-Timers have powerful political friends in the White House and their opponents believe that they're actively trying to make sure that these events actually happen.

In this revealing film, Robinson meets the people who believe that Israel will fight a nuclear war with the armies of Islam; that millions of believers around the world will be spirited up to heaven in the blink of an eye; that the Secretary General of the UN will turn out to be the Anti-Christ; and that the world will end after the Battle of Armageddon.

Scary shit:

The Doomsday Code - 4oD - Channel 4


New member
Nov 2, 2007
According to a 2002 poll, 59% of Americans believe that the prophecies in the Book of Revelation are destined to happen. These End-Timers have powerful political friends in the White House and their opponents believe that they're actively trying to make sure that these events actually happen.

In this revealing film, Robinson meets the people who believe that Israel will fight a nuclear war with the armies of Islam; that millions of believers around the world will be spirited up to heaven in the blink of an eye; that the Secretary General of the UN will turn out to be the Anti-Christ; and that the world will end after the Battle of Armageddon.

Scary shit:

The Doomsday Code - 4oD - Channel 4

1 word springs to mind: bellends lol ;)


Registered Member
Sep 12, 2010
Well we clearly live in dangerous times and the threat from the fanatical side of islam is more dangerous than the Ira threat was. Isalm is the only religion I know that can be interpreted as wiping out all other faiths.

Clearly this yank's actions are unwise but its time the west stood up to th east and got some charlie ollockx. I read a very worrying report in the times about turkey a few weeks ago.

Plus ask anyone who lives in bolton, rochdale, oldham, bury eteetc the tension is bad.

The problem is that many people feel muslims are protected at the expense of white people of christian or no faith and Im afraid in soem areas the anecdotal evidence supports this. If this is allowed to continue more nuts will spring up and it allows nutters to get support from otherwise reasonable live let live people.

It seems there is a definate double standard why build a mosques next to ground zero -why? They planned a march for wooton basset and spit on our soldiers and no one bats an eye lid. So moderate people in some ares support extremist white groups out of desperation.

Its time for the west to stand up for white people's rights in a fair live let live way if this doesnt happen I am very frightend for where this country is going.:|