This may seem....

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
LMAO - very true that....

It comes to something when you get into Nathans head & make sense of the random quoting :)

Besides I was speaking the truth... I do love ya both ;)

Straight back at you rude boy:love:

I would like to point out though that we never seem to mega keen on you at the same time. Its bizarre. You often post somthing that will piss me off, and i will moan about you lol and Jonno will stick up for you- then a week later we swap lol.
Straight back at you rude boy:love:

I would like to point out though that we never seem to mega keen on you at the same time. Its bizarre. You often post somthing that will piss me off, and i will moan about you lol and Jonno will stick up for you- then a week later we swap lol.

hahahahaha :D That's proper made I laff :D

It would be boring to be loved equally & all the time ;) Gotta have at least one person thinking that I am an utter twunt :$ (It's normally Easty to be fair)


New member
Sep 6, 2003
I do get that impression :) You always sound like you have loads of fun together n that's what it's all about :)

Nah, its just that our our freinds who are couples can't fucking stand each other- we just don't mind one another:p

Obviously i jest (ha ha ha ha). We are very lucky- to many its odd but we actaully like to spend all our time together- pretty much always. We never really spend more than 3 hours without seeing each other, never really more than an hour without talking.

Of course we row sometimes (knife in fork drawer etc), but i would think its pretty spazzy if we didn't!


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
without a doubt

I do get that impression :) You always sound like you have loads of fun together n that's what it's all about :)

the ability to make each other laugh I think is more important than anything. If I wouldn't get jeolous I'd post a video of charlotte dancing in the shower and you would piss yourself laughing. Also she gets the words wrong to songs etc and it kills me.

john lennon - jeolous guy "i'm just a yellow sky"
venus - "i'm your venus I'm the finest" etc

All these little things are very important. So good for you two !!!! :love: :love: :love:
Love i love Ben (the last) post on this thread. Does anyone have a pic of LNADJ? It would be great to put a face to a name.

Ben nipping down the one-stop for a pack of Bensons & a pint of semi skimmed...



New member
Sep 6, 2003
at the time or do you seriously believe you have been wronged until you wake up in the morning and go "oh sorry I think it must have been pmt" and believe that makes it ok like the rest of the female population :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ;)

At the time i think he has been sent by the devil to make my life hell! And he is enjoying doing it! The next day i never ever asmit i was wrong- just laugh in a crazy (mental bitch) fashion and declare how bonkers 'we' were to row over silly things.

I always sing 'farmer wants a new wife, farmer wants a new wife' whenever i know i have done something slightly wrong or daft.