So how have you all been....

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Active member
Feb 21, 2002
Hello Peeps,
Sorry I havent been around for a while. Havent had a chance. I apologise aswell for not getting back to people who have tried to get me on msn, mine just signs me in when computer turns on :S :S and i have checked my settings and everything but still does it, so I am not ignoring you :love: . Well with a bit of time on my hands I am off for a wander and see what you lot have been up to. Lots of mischief i hope ;) .

Just wanted to say hello and hope your all doing well :love: :love: :love:

Pw xxxxxxxxx

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Hey Jo babes......awwwww ya been one missed little chicken :love:

hope u are well and the family too :wave:

im ok, not doin badly at the mo, feeling pretty positive, which is a big step considering the state o my head over the past few wks :| but on the up :thumbsup:

hope yer playing out soon hunny be nice to see u :luv: :wave:


Active member
Feb 21, 2002
Northern Star said:
Hey Jo babes......awwwww ya been one missed little chicken :love:

hope u are well and the family too :wave:

im ok, not doin badly at the mo, feeling pretty positive, which is a big step considering the state o my head over the past few wks :| but on the up :thumbsup:

hope yer playing out soon hunny be nice to see u :luv: :wave:

Awww babe sorry to hear that, but pleased things are on the up and stay there, we are all fine ta, Molly is sitting up and just starting to crawl bless her. Thats why I havent had chance to come on. I am up north this weekend but its for the racing, will be out with my dancing shoes soon :D :D

Pw xx


Active member
Feb 21, 2002
sweet sensation said:
Hello gorgeous darling, how are you and your family? :love:

Did you get my text?

Incase you dont realise Ive been to Ibiza and am going again in Sept! :thumbsup: I think Ive almost managed to get it into every post Ive posted since I got back lol :rolleyes: :p :$ ;) :cool: :moonie:

Oh yeah when you playing out next? :)

Lol babe, I no you text me when you and paul were at the airport u jammy bugger, you didnt invite me did you ;) ;) . I would love to go to Ibiza but gordon doesnt fancy it :( :( .

:love: :love:
Pw xx

Joker Jen

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
princesswarrior said:
Hello Peeps,
Sorry I havent been around for a while. Havent had a chance. I apologise aswell for not getting back to people who have tried to get me on msn, mine just signs me in when computer turns on :S :S and i have checked my settings and everything but still does it, so I am not ignoring you :love: . Well with a bit of time on my hands I am off for a wander and see what you lot have been up to. Lots of mischief i hope ;) .

Just wanted to say hello and hope your all doing well :love: :love: :love:

Pw xxxxxxxxx


Good to see u posting :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Can't wait to catch up with u this w/e & can't wait for sunday as well it's gonna be ace :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: