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New member
Apr 24, 2006
where ever i lay my hat ( straw one )
Is anyone a sleepwalker ? reason i ask is my daughter was sleep walking at fookwitt o clock this morning , wandering about mumbling to herself , lol , is it true your not supposed to wake them up? and is it likely that it will happen again? :)


Active member
Jun 24, 2005
Dr Huxtables
I went through a phase of it when i was about 21 ish.. I used get up and wander round looking for chocolate and get back in bed with it :S
My mum used to hide the chocolate in different places every night which had me mooching all over the house. I had no recollection of it, just woke up covered in melted chocolate. It stopped after about a year tho and i dont think iv'e done it since..

Its mad how ya do somat once though and your body keeps doing it.. I went through a phase of waking up and having a fag when i smoked too.. For a few weeks and i remember waking up one night and telling meself NO then going back to sleep and it not happening again.

No advice for ya tho Lottie coz i was erm asleep .. i think:condom:


Active member
I used to do it loads as a kid. In fact it was the reason my grandad went back on his word and wouldnt build me a proper tree house :( boooo lol

I used to do it pretty often and one night fell down the stairs at their house in Ireland. I just remember the shock of waking up sat on one of them spikey carpet strips with my nose pissing in blood:| looking like I'd gone 12 rounds with Ricky:$

You're defo not sposed to wake peeps up tho :thumbsup:

Presuming Ed

Active member
Ive sorta had a spell of sleepwalking in as much as oing my job in my sleep. In 2001 i used to sit up and be doing the wages in my sleep. At the same time the lad i shared a room with in the digs used to be setting pipes up in his sleep. whenever i questioned what yhe was doing he used to say 'don't be having a go at me when the foreman kicks off cos the pipes not ready'. my bro used to do it years ago as well, serving customers in his sleep and scribbling bits of stuff on scraps on paper while fast asleep. Ed


Active member
are you sure that wasn't just the worst excuse ever? ;) :p

haha :D it was all ready to go, designed and got most of the wood for it and they pulled the plug on the idea when I fell down the stairs sleepwalking. It would have been massive and the idea was that me and my mates could sleep out in it over summer, but it fell on deaf ears after that. :| booo :(

DJ Bin-Bag

Apr 7, 2003
i doo

everytime i have a coke binge, yunno, when u end up suppin 20 + cans i end up pissinin on our tele.

over te years ive wrote off circa 5 dvd players. a PS!, 2 360's, a Wii, 8 digi boxes to name but a few.

its a terrible disease..

tricky nicky

New member
Sep 18, 2006
in heaven of course!!
i used to sleepwalk as a kid, i often woke up half way down the stairs shit scared!!!!!:cry:
also used to try reading my mum and dad had hours of fun watching me!!
i wouldnt reccomend waking someone up just usher them in the direction of bed and they usually settle back down;)