Shitting it

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New member
Mar 11, 2010
Just go for it, Buzz and enjoy it!!! People will be too busy dancing, boozin', etc to notice any little errors. Have a practice at home and try not to do anything too clever or tricky. You'll be fine mate, just keep the faith!! :D


New member
Feb 6, 2004
yeah going with everyone else, stop thinking that people are standing around waiting to hear your mixing ability, believe you me, they're not, its a party and as long as there is a wall of sound nobody much cares. Just enjoy yourself and let it show, people respond a lot better if it looks like you're enjoying yourself up there. Good luck mate, it'll be a doddle! :thumbsup:


Dec 28, 2002
Go for it.....try and have a say in how things are set up, my biggest issue was the height the decks were set up at, sound silly but I hate hunching over and mixing.

Once comfortable with the set up the rest comes naturally. Dont beat yourself if you miss a few mixes and just have a laugh, dont take it seriously and others will laugh along.

Best of luck



Nov 7, 2005
Not far from Tesco's
Thanks for the advice you lot :)

I had a call today that went along the lines of problems getting the equipment sorted :|

So now ive got involved with helping with sorting decks, mixer etc etc out LOL

Now I know that, I feel more confident that it will be a case of not so much pressure for it to be a dazzling performance, will still be ace but pressure off i reckon :D

Cheers though to all for your advice, i will give it my best go and totally enjoy it also.

Loads of gear to be had also i hear :thumbsup:


New member
Feb 13, 2007
Disco Outcast
Some good advice from the peeps here....

Remember, it's a Birthday Party, no-one will remember the mixing, unless it's absolutely awful, it's the tunes that count. Don't try and be too clever either, you're not there to educate you're there to entertain so "lowest common denominator" is always good to get people dancing. "Shine On" wins over that obscure Victor Simonelli remix every time!

Watch the crowd too - if you've cleared the floor, get the record off and get something everyone knows on - and make sure you've got a few "if all else fails" records at the back of the box to fall back on!

And lastly two things, DON'T STRESS and ENJOY IT.

I'm sure you'll be fine... let us know how you get on... :D


Staff member
Jun 2, 2004
Still Here
By accident I have been roped into doing my first live set at the weekend.

Basically one of my my old mates from Newbury who I used to go raving and stuff with contacted me on facebook to tell me its someones 40th surprise birthday party, they said it would be a right laugh and loads of old faces I will know, bearing in mind I emigrated from Newbury to Woking back in 95 and not seen loads of since, they mentioned that they have a couple of DJ's from Reading and Swindon spinning some stuff.

Anway, I replied that I would love to go and mentioned that they should of let me know as ive got loads of tunes, this was sort of tongue and cheekish. (thinking that they were all slotted up anyway)

Next reply was, "Ah wicked Don will absolutely love it that your playing" :eek:

What the fuck have i done! OMG no way out, really excited but well nervous at the same time as never played out before.

I have so far selected more tunes than will fit in my record case and not got a planned set whatsoever :S

So, Newbury Football Club here we come!

Any advice would be ace guys. :D


Dude, its more nerve racking playing on the radio, honestly when you've done a couple of mixes you'll be buzzin ya nuts off

Whilst ya dj'in out ppl are drinkin chatting dancing, any mistakes (if any) will just got straight over folks head anyways, you'll be reet dude

Good Luck n all that jazz


Active member
Apr 21, 2005
Nearer Than You Think .....
don't worry m8 no need to panic the first time i played out i was only supposed to play for a hour i ended up playing for over 3 hours as the next dj was a bit too pissed to play and was n-joing my set so he told me to carry on and the other 2 dj's were stuck in traffic ,:| then i looked at the mixer and it was a xone 92 and i had never used one in my life b4 :|

i was bricking it too when i got their so i had a few beers and loosened up i think the first 20 mins does you getting the first couple of mixes right and the first lot of tunes , the warm up dj is the hardest set to play setting the mood and the tempo i think and especially when its your first time playing out,:| i got told by a good dj friend not to plan my set as it sometimes don't work out if you plan it just take yer records wot your gonna play and just play it by ear i did and it worked the promoter was happy and so were the crowd ,:)

Tony Ross

Jan 9, 2007
best thing to do in my opinion mate is bring a load of tunes that you like, forget about mixing till you feel you want to and if you dont feel up to it then no harm done
anyway fook it, play what y want


Active member
Apr 8, 2006
Drink 3 pints of beer before you go on & when you go on! go on as if you are on the dance floor yourself mess with the faders dance around a bit & it will get you in the mood,before you know it you will be having a good time & even forget you was worried in the first place.

Good luck Buzz & have fun! your a good DJ you have nothing to worry about! :cool:

Make sure you have a beer with you at all times! which i know you will! :D

PS:I would not plan a mix if i was you i use to do this a lot it causes DJ stress & pressure mix freely! :D

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
if you are shitting it then buy a big nappy you great big spastic :D


hope it goes well mate, you'll be just in time on the night i'm sure of that - arf arf :condom: