Rippin tip
Here's a good one,fellow DJ's would probably understand this more..right here goes:
Anyone out there got a cd deck wired up to their amp ,well check this ...
you may know then already that you can play your cd's thru your mixer as
tho you were playin the decks....its simple ..the leads that go from your cd player into your amp...unplug them from the amp & plug em into your mixer
(Channel 1,2,3 etc) whatever floats ya boat,make sure they go into the (line-in) fittings at the back) ok b4 you turn all your gear on make sure you switched the swich on ya mixer from (Phono -/- Line).
so now you switch on everything ,and usually you just play the cds thru your mixer.......
but hold on a minute,your sayin to yourself 'Why's this guy goin on about rippin cd's ?'
Oh did i say cd player oops sorry......... i ment tape deck ...
i explained it this way to make it a bit more easier to take in,just play your tapes thru your mixer ..into Nero or Soundforge ,as if you were doin a mix or somethin on ya decks ..
my head is pickled trying to understand what ive written,so let me know what you think ...
also dont can also eq the sound a bit while ripping via the mixer
i dont know if anyone has put up anything simlar to this but if so ,maybe they could word it better for me