Recommendations for next phone???

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Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
if we were basing this soley on appearence, i'd get that new flat motorola flip fone, its beautiful :thumbsup: it looks so smart. i cant remember its proper name tho and i couldnt tell u what the settings r like. but its gawgeous


Active member
Apr 10, 2002
Just got meself the Sony Ericsson D750i. It's an absolute beauty, more of a digital camera than phone. Picture quality is superb. :thumbsup:


Active member
Jun 24, 2005
Dr Huxtables

Spec wise id prolly hang on for the 6680 mate. :)

The d500 is still a cracking handset. ive had mine since xmas an the only faults ive found is the memory cant be improved upon. its got 96mb on board which sounds alot but with so many features id used all my memory up in 4months. Also ya cant use mp3's as a msg alert which is rubbish, coz ive loadza voice clips an cant use em :eyebrow:

The Sony K750i was set to be huge but o2 recalled them all with the 1st month due to a software fault. There due back at any time but personally wouldnt trust them due to the earlier troubles with the k700i an watchdog. Having said that i find the customers who have sony erricson's love em. The layouts still the same as a few years back which will put you off. (there a blag!) but the camera & games are gobsmacking :p

The really slim moto V3 does look the lick! but it quite basic to be fair. is got video play back but no video capture.. an its got bluetooth but if you recive a file ya cant send it on ..

The xda lli is lil a bit over my head im afraid, its a real toy as it sings and dances, full internet an pda, video , built in WI-FI, 3g an bluetooth.I took it home and it took hours to set up with all the programs. There quite slow when ya think of a pc. but then again it is a pc so it depends on what your after. the menus were really confusing an the battery life sucked! :dummy:

So id say the nokia to be boring :)

You know where you are with nokia and they have improved so much in the last 12months, the 6230 was... an still is the most popular phone we sell even tho there are better phones on the market simply because nokia have the menus an battery lifes sussed.

The 6680 is the 1st big 3g launch. An 3g's gonna be massive :fekked: its a good size screen 1.3mega pixel camera with video, and 4 times faster downloads with it. Plus bluetooth, triband an 32mb onboard an a 64mb media card. :love:

(btw- what am i doing sat here at 1.30am on a saturday evenin chattin shop :ba2: .....and all i can say is roll on pay day :mad: )

Hope ya get somthing smart anyway, make sure its mp3 phones: an your laughing.. :D