please help

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very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
i really need help you guys . my iguanas not well is there anyone who knows anything about them ...
she was bought 2 weeks ago , and she started to sleep alot.
ive just got her out of tank and shes threw up on me [green slime] ..
shes really floppy but still alive , i think shes dying and im devastated .. so if theres anyone that knows about them ill be on line all nite looking after her ..

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
:( we just lost grouch , i know she is only an iguana but she was my baby and im devastated , she just died sat in my hand , and i feel like shite at the moe . thanks sy69 for trying to help it was appreciated mate


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Not Here
:( we just lost grouch , i know she is only an iguana but she was my baby and im devastated , she just died sat in my hand , and i feel like shite at the moe . thanks sy69 for trying to help it was appreciated mate

awww gutted for you:( ,im dreading anything happening to my pets.Maybe you should go back to the shop you bought it from and let them know what has happened.theres a good chance she wasnt well when you bought her.

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
thanks sy . im going back to the shop in the morning cause she has not been right since i bought her .
we have a one year old green iguana called meg and shes fine . so my hubby thinks grouch was just ill from the start .
feel so sad though and cant stop crying i am a mard ass .
me and step daughter sat here devoed . but its all fate i suppose , she wasnt destined to be part if our family .
if i am like this over a lizard im dreaded if any thing happens to my dog [ god forbid]

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
thanks sy . im going back to the shop in the morning cause she has not been right since i bought her .
we have a one year old green iguana called meg and shes fine . so my hubby thinks grouch was just ill from the start .
feel so sad though and cant stop crying i am a mard ass .
me and step daughter sat here devoed . but its all fate i suppose , she wasnt destined to be part if our family .
if i am like this over a lizard im dreaded if any thing happens to my dog [ god forbid]

Really sorry to hear about your grouch. I dread anything happening to Teco, would be beside myself.

Chin up mate.


VIP Gold Member
Sorry to hear about your iguana..........I had a similar problem with a Savannah Monitor a few years ago and it turned out to be (apparently) a parasitic infection.

No shame in being upset over the loss of a pet, not matter what type of creature it is....they become "part of the family".


New member
Jan 12, 2007
Aw hun, sorry to hear the news, like the others said, go back to the shop where you got it from.

I am dreading the day elmo (my hamster :$ ) dies.


Active member
Apr 20, 2006
Pink makes the boys wink....
Fuk V.P thats bad news, Man i am gutted 4 u...I havnt got a clue why i'm not exepting e-mails like as my p.c's on 24/7 :| If its what we think it is tho no1 would have been able 2 help, A parasite called cryptosporidium totaly destroys the stomach wall, Did he have trouble digesting food? We had a Leopard Gekco and whatever it eat it shite out whole then died a few weeks later, Its really contagious but hopefully were wrong.. Please let me kno tho .. Real sorry again.. Benny.

very puddled

New member
Oct 16, 2006
with my family.......
we have been to the shop we bought her from and when we got her the fooking stupid assistant dropped her :mad: , the poor little might had damaged her head and was in pain . at least shes not in pain anymore , which is a good thing i suppose....

I am so annoyed as i kept thinking i did something wrong :( .

He has given me a replacement but its just not the same . cant believe the poor thing was in pain how sad is that, i love my animals too theyre part of my family

we now are proud owners of a bosc monitor .[ cute little bugger it is ] im going to call him zilla[ ie godzilla] he is buzzing in his tank and already has eaten 10 crickets [ greedy sod]

So now we have our own little zoo at my house , I want a gecko next but hubs said no , but i think ill get my own way soon ;) ill let you all know....