Party games?!!!

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VIP Gold Member
Sep 15, 2004
drinking games -

Well I like my booze so heres 1 we have played down the years.

The 2p game.

Equipment - plenty of booze & 2 x 2p (although any coin will do :) )


Sit in some kinda order.

toss the two coins - you only toss them once and pass them on once you have thrown - what you do depends on the below outcomes:

If it lands on 2 heads you drink two fingers worth of the alcoholic drink.

If it lands on 2 tails you nominate someone to drink twofingers worth.

If its a head & a tail you dont drink out and nowt happens.

Standard Forfits (although you can change as appropriate ;) ) :

No one is allowed to drink unless its there go - if they do they have to down the entire drink.

You are not allowed to wipe your mouth or spill any drink - if you do you have to down the whole drink.

What tends to happen is someone might get picked on by everyone and ends up smashed but soon enuff you'll all be hammered :thumbsup: