Matrix reloaded

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Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
I have 2 agree the ending was absoloute cack. i reckon in the next one we'll find out that the 'real world' is part of the matrix aswell.Just my theory though.


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Just been to see this at the bolton reebok cinema.......It is a good film, but has been very cheeseyfied - love intrests, supermanesque moments etc... The whole city of Zion was the ultimate piss take that spoilt it for me (mad max anyone? lol).

However, the film picks up along the way to a great few twists which peck your head, which is good. The fight scenes were superb, even though they were that long it was funny lol.

Personally, the first one was groundbreaking. Simply the best film and concept ever made. rating 100%. The second was a 85%'er - which is still good going. :)

Go and see it! You'll enjoy it :).

Thanks for the trailer tip off! 90% or more of folks left before it came on lol. Was rather amusing being in the know! Cheers.

See ya
