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New member
Sep 14, 2007
I had an interview this morning and I really hate them (don't think anyone actually likes them) it's the not knowing what you're going to be asked that gets me. At the time I thought it went well, I answered all the questions pretty confidently. Though I can't help going over it now and thinking I could have given some better answers which is always the way I know and it's no good thinking about it now, but sometimes you just can't help it. I guess though there's no right or wrong answer as such it's just about how you respond to them under pressure and in that respect I think I did well. One that got me slightly though was...

"are you a big picture person or more attention to detail?" I said attention to detail and gave a couple of education and work based replies but think I waffled on a bit with that one. Never been asked that before though.

What interview questions have you been asked in the past that you've not expected? Any weird and wonderful ones?


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
I've only had one real one. It went fantastically well. I was told a couple of weeks later that my interview technique was perfect, I scored full marks in the maths and computer literacy test, and I already knew the job and staff as I'd been working there on the agency for about 4 years.

The fat cow gave it to a total outsider who knew fuck all, fucked everything up, and left 6 months later. Go figure.... lol :axe:


New member
Sep 14, 2007
I've only had one real one. It went fantastically well. I was told a couple of weeks later that my interview technique was perfect, I scored full marks in the maths and computer literacy test, and I already knew the job and staff as I'd been working there on the agency for about 4 years.

The fat cow gave it to a total outsider who knew fuck all, fucked everything up, and left 6 months later. Go figure.... lol :axe:

Wtf :confused: that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Jesus you do have to wonder how some people manage to land certain jobs at times :S


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london

I had an interview this morning and I really hate them (don't think anyone actually likes them) it's the not knowing what you're going to be asked that gets me. At the time I thought it went well, I answered all the questions pretty confidently. Though I can't help going over it now and thinking I could have given some better answers which is always the way I know and it's no good thinking about it now, but sometimes you just can't help it. I guess though there's no right or wrong answer as such it's just about how you respond to them under pressure and in that respect I think I did well. One that got me slightly though was...

"are you a big picture person or more attention to detail?" I said attention to detail and gave a couple of education and work based replies but think I waffled on a bit with that one. Never been asked that before though.

What interview questions have you been asked in the past that you've not expected? Any weird and wonderful ones?

My dear kate is my biggest phobia in the world. You described it very well


New member
Sep 14, 2007
My dear kate is my biggest phobia in the world. You described it very well

They're just horrible. Plus most of the time the interviewers face is inscrutable so you just have no idea what to think. I find out mid- end of next week, which I think is quite a long time to wait.

A friend was once asked "whether it is ok for men to drink rose" (accent on the e)

ha ha! What??!! :rofl: Is that a joke that's just gone completely over my head or are you being serious?


New member
VIP Silver Member
May 6, 2006
Aww cure ul b fine Kate! And don't worry too much about your answer's, it is bad to go over them in ur head!!
I'm ok really in interviews- i relax& just be myself, it seems to work- i've got ever job i applied for! ha Altho i have seen some nervous wrecks coming for interviews! Bad when u work urself up like mad!! It is pretty nerve racking tho!!:|
Good Luck with it tho Kate- sure ul do well:thumbsup:

Sheikh Yerbouti

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Some**** Somewhere in Summertime
The interview for the job I'm doing now, I walked in there, and question 1 was "So... what research have you done about the company? What do you know about us?"
I'd done fuck all, obviously, and didn't have a clue. Was on the back foot right from the word go. Waffling like a goodun & trying to cover meself.
The rest of it musta been alright though cos I got the job.

Bastard's trick though... trying to throw you as soon as you walk in there.

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
The interview for the job I'm doing now, I walked in there, and question 1 was "So... what research have you done about the company? What do you know about us?"
I'd done fuck all, obviously, and didn't have a clue. Was on the back foot right from the word go. Waffling like a goodun & trying to cover meself.
The rest of it musta been alright though cos I got the job.

Bastard's trick though... trying to throw you as soon as you walk in there.

Always know some facts about the company you are wanting to join. It goes down very well that you have bothered to find out.:thumbsup:

I actually like interviews and quite buzz off them. . .I think it's the pressure of having to deal with the unexpected, improvise from one minute to the next and the adrenalin it produces.

Let's face it . .. I'm a fecking weirdo sadomasochist.:|

Hope you get the job Kate.


New member
Feb 11, 2007
I had an interview this morning and I really hate them (don't think anyone actually likes them) it's the not knowing what you're going to be asked that gets me. At the time I thought it went well, I answered all the questions pretty confidently. Though I can't help going over it now and thinking I could have given some better answers which is always the way I know and it's no good thinking about it now, but sometimes you just can't help it. I guess though there's no right or wrong answer as such it's just about how you respond to them under pressure and in that respect I think I did well. One that got me slightly though was...

"are you a big picture person or more attention to detail?" I said attention to detail and gave a couple of education and work based replies but think I waffled on a bit with that one. Never been asked that before though.

What interview questions have you been asked in the past that you've not expected? Any weird and wonderful ones?

If you read the job description the questions will be based on that, the best tip I have is to get some form of an example for everything on the job description and then work that into your answer when the question arises i.e. if there is something on the job description about motivation, think of a number of things regarding motivation; how you are motivated, how you would motivate someone who is demotivated and some examples of past situations, then when the question comes up you already have your answers.

Piece of piss really;)


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Aww cure ul b fine Kate! And don't worry too much about your answer's, it is bad to go over them in ur head!!
I'm ok really in interviews- i relax& just be myself, it seems to work- i've got ever job i applied for! ha Altho i have seen some nervous wrecks coming for interviews! Bad when u work urself up like mad!! It is pretty nerve racking tho!!:|
Good Luck with it tho Kate- sure ul do well:thumbsup:

Cheers matey :D Once I'd actually started talking I wasn't too bad and i think some of my true personality did come across. I'll let you know how I get on.

ive got one on monday:| only found out yesterday:S
its a managerial post aswell which ive never interviewed for before, but i can only do my best:D

Good luck :thumbsup: I'm sure you'll do well, will have my fingers crossed for you :D

The interview for the job I'm doing now, I walked in there, and question 1 was "So... what research have you done about the company? What do you know about us?"

Luckily having worked there before I didn't really have to do too much research I was able to reel off a couple of facts about the company and talk a little bit more about it in general. It seemed to go down well but obviously they know I've worked there before.

I actually like interviews and quite buzz off them

Weirdo :confused: :p

Hope you get the job Kate.

Cheers mucker :thumbsup:

If you read the job description the questions will be based on that, the best tip I have is to get some form of an example for everything on the job description and then work that into your answer when the question arises i.e. if there is something on the job description about motivation, think of a number of things regarding motivation; how you are motivated, how you would motivate someone who is demotivated and some examples of past situations, then when the question comes up you already have your answers.

Piece of piss really;)

Unfortunately the job description was only four lines about the job in general so didn't have much to work with :(


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Well I must have done something...

RIGHT because I got the job!!!! :D :D :D

I'm so chuffed!! They left me a voicemail saying 'please ring urgently' so I thought oh no I've not got it or they would have said 'we've got good news' or something but it turns out I got it :king: :thumbsup: A few celebratory drinks tonight me thinks ;)

Not looking forward to handing my notice in on Monday though :(


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Congratulations Kate:thumbsup: :D

Only ever had 2 proper interviews in my life, but they were shortly after leaving school and I'm pleased I didn't succeed on my first, because it was for the army;) I was a bit cheeky with the officer though because I didn't respect his questioning technique :p

Worst question he asked was ''How many pressups can you do?'' I said ''Hundreds'' (which was true at the time) so he said ''Go on then'' I started to do them then questioned myself why I would want to be doing pressups every time an officer tells me too. I knew then that the army wasn't for me:D

Guess I did better on my second interview as I got the job:thumbsup:

Sheikh Yerbouti

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Some**** Somewhere in Summertime
RIGHT because I got the job!!!! :D :D :D

I'm so chuffed!! They left me a voicemail saying 'please ring urgently' so I thought oh no I've not got it or they would have said 'we've got good news' or something but it turns out I got it :king: :thumbsup: A few celebratory drinks tonight me thinks ;)

Not looking forward to handing my notice in on Monday though :(

Get in!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice one Kate!
Why are you not looking forward to giving your notice in?
Quitting a job is ace :D I'll do it for you if you like!


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Nice one Kate, chuffed for ya! :thumbsup:

Congratulations Kate:thumbsup: :D

Only ever had 2 proper interviews in my life, but they were shortly after leaving school and I'm pleased I didn't succeed on my first, because it was for the army;) I was a bit cheeky with the officer though because I didn't respect his questioning technique :p

Worst question he asked was ''How many pressups can you do?'' I said ''Hundreds'' (which was true at the time) so he said ''Go on then'' I started to do them then questioned myself why I would want to be doing pressups every time an officer tells me too. I knew then that the army wasn't for me:D

Guess I did better on my second interview as I got the job:thumbsup:

Thank you! :D I'm really pleased as tbh I was starting to think I hadn't got it, my heart was thumping like mad when I called them back to get the news!