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Active member
Oct 27, 2005
BBC News - Auschwitz sign theft 'ordered from abroad'

I've been generally sickened by this story.
And wonder how well planned the theft was. Whether there will be a well orchestrated series of contacts around the world that would only know 2 people in the chain. Identifiable only by a goose step limp.
And I've been wondering who would want it? Holocaust deniers; ex-Nazi party members, Neo-Nazis, Al Qaeda, Iranians, Ultra-conservatives or maybe even Jews wanting to repulse people in to remembering the chapter that should never be forgotten.

I think of all the evils of the world where man has killed man. I can fathom reasons for nearly all of them.
Murder: one on one or mass murderers. Sometimes there's a bad apple.
Arms proliferation: kill some people with your bigger weapon and you have peace on your terms for a while.
War: once your leaders have declared it, you're in it for the duration.
Genocide: war gone a bit too far, but basically one race wins for a while. (I'm thinking Rwanda and Bosnia here)
Colonialisation: view the inhabitants of your newly conquered land as sub human, kill the warriors, and enslave the rest to make you rich.

But concentration camps, really escape my rationale.
I can see factors that lead up to it that draws parallels with Genocide. E.g RACE B are bad and blame them for all the ills of the world. And you would expect RACE A to annihilate RACE B. But this was annihilation of RACE B behind closed doors. Is it because even by 1930s Western Europe was too gentrified to deal with hassle of murdering another race for themselves, that they rather it be shoved under the carpet; out of sight, out of mind?

Although we live in a digital age and I'ld find it hard to believe an atrocity like this could happen again (for an extended period of time). I do believe it could happen again (sexuality in Uganda, religion in any country). And of all the senseless war stories the world has ever known the holocaust is the one that should never be forgotten.

I know it's not music - but just wanted to post some thoughts anyway (and there was no 'BBC comment on this story - link on the report') :S

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Who in their right mind would want to steal such a thing :|

Its a fucking disgrace! Dont get me wrong im opposed to a lot of things that could essentially be considered as rasist although i dont consider mysely to be, i have friends from all walks of life because they chose to be my friend and i them! colour or creed it dont matter to me if u wanna get on! It bothers me when people dont want to interact with me or my society just cus the way we are (works both ways) which pitys me really cus i have no grudge to bear, but this whole holocaust shit just pisses me off! What did they ever do wrong, what harm did they ever do???? ! Nothing that i can think of :naughty: Sadenning isnt it when a world we in live people cant get on! :(

When i grow up i want world peace :thumbsup:


New member
Dec 8, 2006
You would be surprised at the utter scum who still today deny the Holocaust took place. Shitloads of them in the USA.

Nick Griffin was a holocaust denier for a long time. Remember that when you go to vote on the General Election and you feel the BNP sound like OK guys..............


Apr 19, 2003
BBC News - Auschwitz sign theft 'ordered from abroad'

But concentration camps, really escape my rationale.
I can see factors that lead up to it that draws parallels with Genocide. E.g RACE B are bad and blame them for all the ills of the world. And you would expect RACE A to annihilate RACE B. But this was annihilation of RACE B behind closed doors. Is it because even by 1930s Western Europe was too gentrified to deal with hassle of murdering another race for themselves, that they rather it be shoved under the carpet; out of sight, out of mind?

Well, yes, it's interesting that the main 'extermination/ gas furnace' camps were situated outside of Germany (with a few exceptions to the rule). Was that an attempt to diminsh responsibility, keep a clear conscience or just keep the general German population unaware of the whole situation ?

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
I guess he hated Jews and wanted them dead.

A bit like a guy who hates prostitutes, may kill them.

Only Hitler had the infrastructure of a nation to help him and that is the bit that is really scary. . . .all these thousands of people went along with it and nobody stopped it.

Mankinds evil knows no bounds at times.
I heard that they're replacing it with a new one...

"Hard work never killed anyone"

Sorry :$

As for concentration camps totally agree with ya Kev... murder does not get much more predetermined, premeditated & above all... organised :| Most most chilling...

Bear in mind that we Brits have some shame in our recent past n all

British Hid Horror Conditions At Boer Concentration Camps

10% of total Boer population made extinct by British policy...


Apr 19, 2003
I guess he hated Jews and wanted them dead.

A bit like a guy who hates prostitutes, may kill them.

Only Hitler had the infrastructure of a nation to help him and that is the bit that is really scary. . . .all these thousands of people went along with it and nobody stopped it.

Mankinds evil knows no bounds at times.

There was a lot more anti-Nazi operatives going on than we give credit for. Dunno, if available in English, but this is a great book about resistance...Let's hope you can all understand German.

Widerstand im Dritten Reich. Probleme, Ereignisse, Gestalten. Geschichte .: Hermann Graml: Bücher

& this is a great book about the concentration camps, told in amazing detail and non-fiction. Don't get me wrong, I have read loads of fiction on them, but this book, covers every detail & helps the reader to understand the (il)logic behind it all. The author was held in Buchenwald, so could have gone down the fictional route, but chose not to...

Heyne Sachbuch, Nr.9, Der SS-Staat - das System der deutschen Konzentrationslager: Eugen Kogon: Bücher


New member
Dec 8, 2006
I heard that they're replacing it with a new one...

"Hard work never killed anyone"

Sorry :$

As for concentration camps totally agree with ya Kev... murder does not get much more predetermined, premeditated & above all... organised :| Most most chilling...

Bear in mind that we Brits have some shame in our recent past n all

British Hid Horror Conditions At Boer Concentration Camps

10% of total Boer population made extinct by British policy...

Sorry mate, but rense is not a credible source. It's anti semitic. Have you got any better sources I could have a look at?

There is a slight difference between poor and shoddy conditions in camps leading to deaths of prisoners, and camps specifically designed to murder thousands in gas chambers as efficiently as possible IMO. Most countries in the modern world have skeletons in their closet, "The British Empire" being one of the worst. But horrendous as some may have been, it is another playing field in comparison to the Final Solution.

Sheikh Yerbouti

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Some**** Somewhere in Summertime
Spot on Shooms.
Here's another source for ya...
Second Boer War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If concentration camps are the issue here then we can blame one of our own.
A certain Horatio Kitchener.

It was his "scorched earth" policy during the second Boer war that led to them being used not as places to hold refugees, but instead for rounding up & holding whole communities en-masse.

In and of themselves, concentration camps aren't a bad thing. They were originally intended as a place to keep prisoners of war away from fighting & stop innocent people getting killed. The problem (as is so often the case) is they were never resourced or run properly & couldn't possibly cope with the numbers. The stories about the Boer war & the numbers who died in concentration camps there (and how they died) are truly shocking.

At least the original idea behind them was a good one. Kitchener twisted the idea to suit his own purposes, but that pales into insignificance compared to what Hitler & his buddies did, the deliberate starvation, "research" and medical experiments, & basically using them as holding pens for mechanised mass murder & genocide, is not what concentration camps were intended for.

The idea behind them is a good one fundamentally. Before them prisoners of war were often just killed after battles.

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
You would be surprised at the utter scum who still today deny the Holocaust took place. Shitloads of them in the USA.

Nick Griffin was a holocaust denier for a long time. Remember that when you go to vote on the General Election and you feel the BNP sound like OK guys..............
People don't see that the leader of this party for what he really is and get taken in by his propaganda. He just tells people what he knows they want to hear. Obviously a lot of people are getting twitchy about things such as immigration and they don't realise who this guy really is etc... Did you see on question time when everyone was probing him about being a holocaust denier and he was like "I've never been CONVICTED of it".... What a tool!!!

Talking of fields... let's not forget this either

The Killing Fields - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
:| :S
That's what I always think of.... When people say "there wouldn't ever be another holocaust" I point this out... If people aren't aware of things then there are always people who will rise up with evil plans and start taking over... In a nutshell of course. See above...



New member
Dec 8, 2006
People don't see that the leader of this party for what he really is and get taken in by his propaganda. He just tells people what he knows they want to hear. Obviously a lot of people are getting twitchy about things such as immigration and they don't realise who this guy really is etc... Did you see on question time when everyone was probing him about being a holocaust denier and he was like "I've never been CONVICTED of it".... What a tool!!!

This is all anyone ever needs to know about Griffin


Capt Rare

People should be free to deny the holocaust without punishment, plain and simple.

Once something is made illegal the very status of being "illegal" gives it power and attracts many more people through curiosity ext.

Now if holocaust denial was laughed at and made fun of as it ought to be..... ;)