Having the Snip...

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Active member
Feb 21, 2002
Dont mean to make your eyes water gentlemen, but there must come a time when a man has done enough to increase the human race lol!!.

I think alot of you are to young to have had the snip but do any off you know someone whos has. I have been trying to talk my hubby round, but he doesnt like the idea (cant blame him) he collected a friend years ago from hospital who had just had it done and he saw the look on his face and that put him off for life. I am going back a good few years. So things will have changed wont they, it wouldnt be as bad.

Can anyone comment on this....

Thanks Pw


Active member
Feb 21, 2002
easty said:
my dad had it done pw and to this day he regrets it. There are other ways

I know darlin, I could of been done when i was in having molly but they refused me, cant see why after having 3 sections.

Do you mind me asking why he regreted hun, sorry dont mean to pry. I will understand if you dont.


Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Hi Jo......my friends fella had this done a couple o yrs back........!!! He is/was fine..............:thumbsup:

He was a little sore for a while after but all fine and dandy now!!! dont think he regrets it either cus he always jokes saying he now enjoys a life of care free sex life lol:rofl: Got to admire his style hahha :p


Active member
Apr 20, 2004
Dancin the night away
Andy has been booked in twice to have it done but chickened out both times the little shit. Its nothing compared to child birth they want to try parting with a 8lb 1oz and a 9lb 8.5oz baby lol


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
In my opinion its a bit too severe. I wouldnt recommend it myself to anyone.

Ive had a operation on both the nads when I was in my late teens after a sporting injury, and fuck me, I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. Aside from that though, things change in life, like getting a massive tatoo when your 17 and later in your mid thirties wishing you hadnt have done. What can be a good sensible idea now you can live to regret taking such drastic action.

Those who say its nothing to childbirth are wrong in my opinion, its equal to it atleast if what I had done is any indication.:eek: . And surely having the snip is no exuse for casual sex without a :condom: . lol. :naughty:

Besides, we need more babies from natives, not less!!! :cops: . lol.

I dont envy the fella for being propositioned with this prospect :| . lol. Thats for sure!.


northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
sirius said:
Those who say its nothing to childbirth are wrong in my opinion, .

uuummmmm, so uve endured 27 hours of labour have you? followed by a baby coming out of you with a head circumference of 29cm ?

well, until you have i suggest you dont even try to compare it to having the snip:thumbsup:
just as i never having had the snip would not attempt to compare it to being like giving birth!

anyhows jo - best of luck darling, hope you both work something out that is good for you both and the family you already have :D :love:


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
northern minx said:
uuummmmm, so uve endured 27 hours of labour have you? followed by a baby coming out of you with a head circumference of 29cm ?

well, until you have i suggest you dont even try to compare it to having the snip:thumbsup:
just as i never having had the snip would not attempt to compare it to being like giving birth!

Yeah, women bleet on about it more thats all. lol. Okay, it may be like 100% pain for childbirth, but seeing as Id never experience childbirth Id rate what I had done at a close 85%. Having the 'snip' proceedure may be more straightforward for all I know, and less painfull. I may aswell come out with it now, so I had both my ballsacks cut open and the testicular tubes sewn to the sacks to prevent what was called "Twisting Testi".

The testicle suddenly becomes severely painful and swells; often the scrotum reddens: the pain is enough to cause nausea and vomiting. Because the cabling is shortened the affected testicle hangs high in the scrotum. Torsion can affect men of all ages; the diagnosis is easily missed unless the scrotum is carefully examined - something that should be done in any male who is distressed and in severe pain.

It is essential to deal with the torsion within about twelve hours otherwise the testicle will die through lack of blood flow, affecting future fertility.
Surgery involves openening the scrotum and the surgeon then untwists the testicle and stitches it to the walls of the scrotum in order to prevent it twisting in future. If the testicle is clearly beyond redemption the surgeon will usually remove it. Torsion of the testicle is not rare; anyone with pain in his testicles should be regarded as having torsion until proven otherwise. Above the age of 16 and certainly in adult life, other infectious causes are more likely but each case deserves the most careful evaluation.

Now, a few hours of pain to about a month of being unable to walk properly, having bollocks swollen to the size of tennis balls, which are all black, purple and yellowey green and your penis oozing smelly puss, being painfull to take a piss and it being a half an hour just to walk 5 meters to get there and another 15 minutes to pull yer keks down.
Not to mention no sleep properly, nausia etc. Plus, three or four weeks of being stuck in watching Trisha is comparable to childbirth any day of the week!

Im no pussy, Ive had my teeth knocked out and dangling on a thread of gum with a cricket bat twice, my head split open, collar bone broken, but in comparison, no doctor is going near my nads unecessarily without a damn good fight!. lol.


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blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
:eek: :eek: :eek: Holy fuck, I wish I hadn't read that sirius :cry:

I was gonna go have me tea, but think I'll leave it until I get the sensation back in me toes and I don't feel sick anymore.



New member
Feb 15, 2004
I thought child birth wa a piece ov piss but then again i chickind out and had an epidural (how ever u spell it:confused: ) was the bestest thing ever:thumbsup: .

But the after pain was the worst bit ever i was in pain for about 3-4 weeks as i was all cut grazed and bruised i cryed every time i went for a wee for about 3 weeks :cry: :cry: Because it stung like hell, but i wouldnt changed it for the world:love: :love:

So i suppose every one is different and suffers differntly:)