Has anyone got a Moth???

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VIP Gold Member
Record cleaning machine that is!!

I've been thinking of buying one for years and only recently have I really realised just how dirty and horrible some of my vinyl is..........I am ashamed :$

Just wondered if anyone had one and whether they'd recommend them? All reports I've read have stuff like "amazing", "fantastic", "the best ever", etc, etc......I want an honest opinion from someone who has one........not a marketing quote.



VIP Gold Member
Right......I'll buy one and then you can all send me your treasured vinyls and I'll clean them for you!!

Cheap and I'll rip any that I don't have while they are at my house eh?? lol

By all accounts you cannot beat a vacuum type cleaner for getting the muck out of the grooves on vinyls. Fluid and a brush does a decent job, but the crap right in the bottom just stays there.

I tried running my Dyson over my copy of "This Is Eclipse" , but it didn't come out any cleaner.....I think it's scratched it. :mad:


New member
Jul 15, 2001
I've got one, I've been using it today an all.

It's deffo worth getting one if you clean a lot of vinyl or if you have some seriously mucky records. A cloth and spray is OK but it doesn't get the stuff out sometimes and cleaning your records in solution can be a real ball ache. With one of these it takes all the hassle out of it and they're cleaner than any other method.

A few things worth noting though, first you still have to apply solution by hand and also brush by hand (the record is rotating in place though) - all vacuum cleaning machines are like this though (even the 2 grand+ one's). Second the "Super Brush - The most effective pure bristle brush we have found for use with these machines" supposedly worth £12 that comes with the one's sold on ebay is in fact a nail brush! Third they are loud mofos though. I don't know what size motor they have in them, the cleaning power is in the vacuum, but they make a serious noise and a half.

One last thing is I also use an extra plastic disc that fits over the label which protects it when you're cleaning. I bought it as an addition accessory pack which also had a 7" protector and 7" inch conversion bits. These were £30 which is steep for what they are. It could be worth messaging the bloke and seeing if he'll throw these in if you buy one.


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Get to the next Legends reunion Jonno, you'll have a cracking time and you'll hear great records that even you haven't heard before :thumbsup: :D


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Get to the next Legends reunion Jonno, you'll have a cracking time and you'll hear great records that even you haven't heard before :thumbsup: :D

Prffft! You will be lucky! I have to prac shoe-horn him out of the gaff on a Monday night to get him to go to the pub to play pool for his team. Since he hit 35 he shakes like a shitting dog if he is not in his pj's and slips and in front of the goggle box by 9pm!

Another downside to the Moth, i feel i should add (for all those who give a rats ass about what thier home looks like) is that it resembles summat from Space 1999. It looks stupid, plus its frikkin huge. The Moth juice also smells all wierd like a combo of dried cat, dog, and granny piss.


New member
Jul 15, 2001
Prffft! You will be lucky! I have to prac shoe-horn him out of the gaff on a Monday night to get him to go to the pub to play pool for his team. Since he hit 35 he shakes like a shitting dog if he is not in his pj's and slips and in front of the goggle box by 9pm!
Lol, the truth always comes out in the end eh :condom:

As for the solution - it's just iso-propylalcohol.


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
Jonno......some questions for you about the Moth.

Does the machine have a CE mark label on it?
Is there a specification manual?
How fast does it spin compared to the regular playing speed? Is it like 50 times as fast or the same speed, or ridiculously silly fast and sprays everywhere if there was no vacuum.




New member
Jul 15, 2001
Jonno......some questions for you about the Moth.

Does the machine have a CE mark label on it?
Is there a specification manual?
How fast does it spin compared to the regular playing speed? Is it like 50 times as fast or the same speed, or ridiculously silly fast and sprays everywhere if there was no vacuum.
Not too sure if it has a CE mark, I'll have to check on that one. There isn't really a specification manual I seem to recall, more just like a couple of pages of instructions. As for the speed it spins at - it's much slower than a normal playing speed, it's less than 10 rpm (maybe around 7).


VIP Gold Member
Cheers Jonno.....exactly the kind of info I wanted.

I think I may buy one.........I have also seen the Clearaudio ones and they are supposed to be good too......and quieter than the Moth.

I'm not talking about the £1500 one by the way!!! :p

Just spotted this too........a bit pricey compared to a stack of heavy books!!https://www.choicebits.co.uk/prodet.asp?pcode=CL-AUD-DOC&0=More+Info