good times - saturday 5th april

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New member
May 13, 2002
Over the hill in St Helens
Re: ahhhhh!!!

pianoman said:

I have experimented with diffo formats too, I had at one time pro dancers ect, but they were only popular with the men women got there back up, and to be honest i saw better girls dancing wise ect on the gigs we were going and doing. EVEN when I changed the dancers to all men, that didnt help as guys would call out queers! wankers Fags ect between tracks LOL!!!!

So I just say well the guy who wrote em was there, maybe not playing as he feels too old at 32, but I was there.

Take Care
It wouldnt have made a blind bit of difference who the feck you DID have on stage cause with the lack of lighting the only thing that i could see was four legs and two keyboards, couldnt see nothing above waist height.
and as for the age thing, im 33 and proud of it. I dont feel old at all in fact i feel better now than i ever did.


New member
Jul 15, 2001
Aww - you've shattered my illusions there Pianoman.

I hope this hasn't been happening with alot of the pa's I've seen in the past. I've half a mind to sell my ticket to Glastonbury now.
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the lighting was the club!!! LOL!! not me!!

tell me whos on at glastonbury and i'll tell u who plays what and when!!

k klass are like dream frequency they play the lot, as they charge a lot and bring full gear with em so they look good doing it!!!

good jon you never saw top of the pops in july 96 u lot as pianoman was black!!!!


Sep 29, 2001
Manchester UK
DeeDee said:
i seen mix factory use a black girl one week and a white one the next time i seen em(in my hazy memory i think it was mix factory)!!

Mix Factory did actually have two vocalists during their time , one was black and the other white (the same one who sang on the terrorise stuff) ..

The chances in the dance industry of seeing the actual writer / producer on stage is slim to none.

Having said that the chances of seeing the writer / producer on the dancefloor is even slimmer !!


There u go!!

dee dee has it sussed mix factory a good example there.

RJ is right too, that girl from terrorize sang the re vocals on that pa We did I hate Her voice!! LOL!!

I bet jonno, and dee dee and Bunny girl will really love the Pianoman PA from next month, as its just MC Maddox and two pro dancers from then on!!!!.

Next leg of tour.............................




oh yeah and RJ's front room!

(The latter dates are Banging Pier tune style) (not RJ's!)

northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
Jonno said:

Although the same couldn't be said for your pa Pianoman - the dancefloor had a few more peeps on then - although this did include Ben and the GT crew and also, correct me if I'm wrong here, but weren't you also on the dancefloor during your own pa there Pianoman :confused: Was that just to make up the numbers;) How does that work exactly in pa terms - did you have some sort of remote device in your pocket (or were you just pleased to see that chick who was "playing" the keyboards :eyebrow:)

mite b none of my business but hang on ere jus a second...
step back from where u is standing and re-read wot u just wrote..

where james is in relation to his act is entirely up to him and so is how he runs his business..

the numbers in gt didnt matter jack shit, nor wot the pa looked like.. the whole point of going there is to be with like minded top top peeps and b able to dance, skip and stomp about to the feeling of real tunes.. made by the talented ones..

we shud all b giving huge respect to whoever makes and delivers our music :luv: not tearing em to bits....

we aint asking u wot yr day job is so that everyone on ere can have a go at ya r we....

anyhow..... thanks to all of u at gt for a top nite!!! :) :luv: ;)


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
northern minx said:
All i can say is thank god for Ben Fisher for sorting out such a top night in the first place, all the dj's did a fantastic job, thanx for giving the majority of us a really bouncin' night.

all i can say minxy is i never heard such a truer word said as your posts on ere 2nite r bang on!!!!

proper good nite was had, and alot of hard graft put in by all the peeps at gt.... thanks for making it a gud an :drum:

the majority of us f***ing loved it! :)


New member
Mar 3, 2003
Sniffing glue........again!
northern minx said:
alreeet shabbs darling! aye gud an had eh!!!!

so u fancy a brew then pet!???? maybe maddox will want one! is it yr turn to make it love?


Completely misread that by the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought you were saying it was my turn to make love, i was trying to work out what the hell you were goin on about.............
read it properly now though.

I'm sure i made them last time, gotta be u'r turn now.

northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
'Shabba' said:

I'm sure i made them last time, gotta be u'r turn now.

lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the mis-read! no doubt maddox wuda bin rushing in wid his bunny suit on and camera in hand for that one!!! ;) ;)

so wot u up to chic???
i cant get the pics to email, bummer
hope tall paul hurries wid his! hes on the case now!

il have a hot honey and lemon please ;)


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
the policy on this board has and always will be is - yes its fine to have an opinion on something. but people shudnt b dissed for having a different opinion than u

if we all liked the same thing this world wud b a real shit place wudnt it?

and at the end of the day its a fact that if u do something like a public performance u aint gonna please everyone that is there. so what do we do tell people to keep shut if they dont like something? ya gotta take the rough with the smooth. theres people on here that have said they loved it.

can we pls keep that in mind from every post that is made from now on as i dont wanna be closing another post coz im bored of it now......... thank god i wont have this job for much longer lol


New member
Nov 10, 2002
Re: There u go!!

pianoman said:
dee dee has it sussed mix factory a good example there.

RJ is right too, that girl from terrorize sang the re vocals on that pa We did I hate Her voice!! LOL!!

I bet jonno, and dee dee and Bunny girl will really love the Pianoman PA from next month, as its just MC Maddox and two pro dancers from then on!!!!.

Next leg of tour.............................




oh yeah and RJ's front room!

(The latter dates are Banging Pier tune style) (not RJ's!)

Well this is a massive step 4 me as its tottaly different from what i normally do, its gunna be mainly vocals on new tunes an a whole new way to get the crowd rockin, we all now that James has produced some exellent tunes in the past and is a musical genius so together we r going to be putting together some new an never heard before vocal piano style tunes, so i would very much appreciate all ur support for the future and see u all avin it on the dance floor,

cheers Maddox


New member
Jul 15, 2001
northern minx said:
mite b none of my business but hang on ere jus a second...
step back from where u is standing and re-read wot u just wrote..

where james is in relation to his act is entirely up to him and so is how he runs his business..

the numbers in gt didnt matter jack shit, nor wot the pa looked like.. the whole point of going there is to be with like minded top top peeps and b able to dance, skip and stomp about to the feeling of real tunes.. made by the talented ones..

we shud all b giving huge respect to whoever makes and delivers our music :luv: not tearing em to bits....

we aint asking u wot yr day job is so that everyone on ere can have a go at ya r we....
Whoa there....

Picture the scene - I've gone to see Moby at Manchester Apollo - I've paid £20 and I'm having a great time. The music's excellent and the crowd are buzzing. But hang on, what's this? I turn around and who's standing right next to me, but Moby himself. So I say to him "Hey, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be on stage? Loads of people have come here to see you" and he answers; "What the f*ck has it got to do with you? I don't ask you what you do for a living". Erm.

Now call me a traditionalist but I generally kinda expect to see the act up on the stage. Perhaps that's just a crazy and old fashioned concept, and I just need to get up with the times, who knows.
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